* * You should have received a copy of the License * along with this program. If not, see . * * For any bug, error please contact * We will try to fix it. * * Extensionsforjoomla.com - All Rights Reserved * */ defined('_JEXEC') OR die('Restricted Area'); error_reporting(VIKRENTCAR_ERROR_REPORTING); $priceid = $this->priceid; $place = $this->place; $returnplace = $this->returnplace; $carid = $this->carid; $days = $this->days; $pickup = $this->pickup; $release = $this->release; $copts = $this->copts; $action = 'index.php?option=com_user&task=login'; $pitemid = JRequest :: getString('Itemid', '', 'request'); if (!empty($carid) && !empty($pickup) && !empty($release)) { $chosenopts = ""; if(is_array($copts) && @count($copts) > 0) { foreach($copts as $idopt => $quanopt) { $chosenopts .= "&optid".$idopt."=".$quanopt; } } $goto = "index.php?option=com_vikrentcar&task=oconfirm&priceid=".$priceid."&place=".$place."&returnplace=".$returnplace."&carid=".$carid."&days=".$days."&pickup=".$pickup."&release=".$release.(!empty($chosenopts) ? $chosenopts : "").(!empty($pitemid) ? "&Itemid=".$pitemid : ""); $goto = JRoute::_($goto, false); } else { // The Joomla! home page // $menu = & JSite :: getMenu(); // $default = $menu->getDefault(); // $uri = JFactory :: getURI($default->link . '&Itemid=' . $default->id); // $goto = $uri->toString(array ( // 'path', // 'query', // 'fragment' // )); //User Reservations page $goto = "index.php?option=com_vikrentcar&view=userorders"; $goto = JRoute::_($goto, false); } $return_url = base64_encode($goto); ?>

0) { foreach($copts as $idopt => $quanopt) { ?>
getShortVersion(); if(version_compare($jv, '1.6.0') < 0) { $validate = JUtility :: getToken(); //Joomla 1.5 ?>