more control over profile layout

16 years 6 months ago #46304 by ffaabbss
Replied by ffaabbss on topic Re:more control over profile layout
Beat recoded the system a little so that all third party plugins that are not just CB fields are not nested any more even though nesting is enabled. So now all the profile data tabs get nested and additional stuff like gustbook, gallery etc gets its own tab. the only problem remainning is the Fb-Tab which is only CB fields and thus still gets nested.

With your fix this could be solved too, right?

Maybe you can put that code in Fireboard- tab so that all the party tabs behave the same?

Thanks a lot

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16 years 6 months ago #46305 by mikko
Replied by mikko on topic Re:more control over profile layout
If you put the $tabs->fields=false to getEditTab function, then the tab is not nested anymore.


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16 years 6 months ago #46307 by royce
Replied by royce on topic Re:more control over profile layout
mikko wrote:

I answered this in my forum


Hi there, I've responded in your forum. I hope we can find a resolution to this issue as it seems several folks are asking for the same thing.

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16 years 6 months ago #46312 by ffaabbss
Replied by ffaabbss on topic Re:more control over profile layout
mikko wrote:

If you put the $tabs->fields=false to getEditTab function, then the tab is not nested anymore.


there is not getEditTab function in cb.simpleboardtab.php

??? could you check that?

code of file is this:
* Forum Tab Class for handling the CB tab api
* @version $Id: cb.simpleboardtab.php 415 2006-09-08 16:59:59Z beat $
* @package Community Builder
* @subpackage plug_cbsimpleboardtab.php
* @author JoomlaJoe and Beat
* @copyright (C) JoomlaJoe and Beat,
* @license GNU/GPL version 2
* Thanks to LucaZone, for Fireboard adaptation suggestions

// ensure this file is being included by a parent file
defined( '_VALID_MOS' ) or die( 'Direct Access to this location is not allowed.' );

class getForumTab extends cbTabHandler {
var $com_name = null;
var $config_filename = null;
* Constructor
function getForumTab() {
* Private method of CB: don't expect it to work after CB 1.1...couldn't do it in the constructor, since params are loaded after...
function _loadParams( $pluginid, &$extraParams ) {
global $mainframe;

parent::_loadParams( $pluginid, $extraParams );

$params = $this->params;
$forumType = $params->get( 'forumType', 0 );

if ( in_array( $forumType, array( 0, 2 ) ) && file_exists( $mainframe->getCfg('absolute_path').'/administrator/components/com_joomlaboard/joomlaboard_config.php' )) {
$this->com_name = 'com_joomlaboard';
$this->sql_prefix = 'sb';
$this->config_filename = $mainframe->getCfg('absolute_path') . '/administrator/components/com_joomlaboard/joomlaboard_config.php';
} else if ( in_array( $forumType, array( 0, 3 ) ) && file_exists( $mainframe->getCfg('absolute_path') . '/administrator/components/com_simpleboard/simpleboard_config.php' )) {
$this->com_name = 'com_simpleboard';
$this->sql_prefix = 'sb';
$this->config_filename = $mainframe->getCfg('absolute_path') . '/administrator/components/com_simpleboard/simpleboard_config.php';
} elseif ( in_array( $forumType, array( 0, 1 ) ) && file_exists( $mainframe->getCfg('absolute_path').'/administrator/components/com_fireboard/fireboard_config.php' )) {
$this->com_name = 'com_fireboard';
$this->sql_prefix = 'fb';
$this->config_filename = $mainframe->getCfg('absolute_path') . '/administrator/components/com_fireboard/fireboard_config.php';
* ForumTab Internal method: returns an unescaped string if magic_quotes_gpc is on, correcting a SB 1.1.0 double-escaping bug!
* @access private
* @param string to unescape
* @return string unescaped if needed
function _sbUnEscape($string) {
return ((get_magic_quotes_gpc()==1) ? stripslashes($string) : $string); // correcting a SB 1.1.0 double-escaping bug!
* ForumTab Internal method: returns an escaped string if magic_quotes_gpc is on, correcting a SB 1.1.0 double-escaping bug!
* @access private
* @param string to escape
* @return string escaped if needed
function _sbEscape($string) {
return ((get_magic_quotes_gpc()==1) ? addslashes($string) : $string); // correcting a SB 1.1.0 double-escaping bug!
* ForumTab Internal method: returns $sbUserDetails for the $user
* @access private
* @param array sbConfig
* @param object user being displayed
* @return object sbUserDetails
function _getSBstats($sbConfig, $user) {
global $database,$mosConfig_live_site,$acl,$my;
if($sbConfig || (!$sbConfig && !$sbConfig && !$sbConfig)) {
$database->setQuery("SELECT posts,karma,moderator,gid FROM #__" . $this->sql_prefix . "_users sb, #__users u where AND sb.userid=" . (int) $user->id);
if(count($sbUserDetails)>0) $sbUserDetails=$sbUserDetails[0];
if( (isset($sbUserDetails->posts)) and $sbUserDetails->posts != 0) {
if($sbConfig) {
if ( $sbUserDetails->gid > 0 ) { //only get the groupname from the ACL if we're sure there is one
$agrp=strtolower( $acl->get_group_name( $sbUserDetails->gid, 'ARO' ) );
if(strtolower($agrp)=="administrator" || strtolower($agrp)=="superadministrator"|| strtolower($agrp)=="super administrator"«») $uIsAdm=1;
if ( $this->com_name == 'com_fireboard' ) {
$params = $this->params;
$pathTemplate = $params->get('TemplateRank', '/template/default/images/english');
$sbs = $mosConfig_live_site.'/components/'.$this->com_name.$pathTemplate;
} else {
$sbs = $mosConfig_live_site.'/components/'.$this->com_name;
if ($numPosts>=0 && $numPosts<(int)$sbConfig) { $rText=$sbConfig; $rImg=$sbs.'/ranks/rank1.gif'; }
if ($numPosts>=(int)$sbConfig && $numPosts<(int)$sbConfig){$rText=$sbConfig; $rImg=$sbs.'/ranks/rank2.gif';}
if ($numPosts>=(int)$sbConfig && $numPosts<(int)$sbConfig){$rText=$sbConfig; $rImg=$sbs.'/ranks/rank3.gif';}
if ($numPosts>=(int)$sbConfig && $numPosts<(int)$sbConfig){$rText=$sbConfig; $rImg=$sbs.'/ranks/rank4.gif';}
if ($numPosts>=(int)$sbConfig && $numPosts<(int)$sbConfig){$rText=$sbConfig; $rImg=$sbs.'/ranks/rank5.gif';}
if ($numPosts>=(int)$sbConfig){$rText=$sbConfig; $rImg=$sbs.'/ranks/rank6.gif';}
if ($uIsMod){$rText=_RANK_MODERATOR; $rImg=$sbs.'/ranks/rankmod.gif';}
if ($uIsAdm){$rText=_RANK_ADMINISTRATOR; $rImg=$sbs.'/ranks/rankadmin.gif';}
if($sbConfig){$sbUserDetails->msg_userrankimg = '<br /><img src="'.$rImg.'" alt="" />';}
$sbUserDetails->msg_userrank = $rText;
} else $sbUserDetails = false;
} else $sbUserDetails = false;
return $sbUserDetails;
* ForumTab Internal method: returns html output of $sbUserDetails for the $user
* @access private
* @param array sbConfig
* @param object user being displayed
* @param object sbUserDetails
* @return html code for tab
function _getDisplaySBstats($sbConfig, $user, $params, $sbUserDetails) {
$return .= "<div class=\"sectiontableheader\" style=\"text-align:left;padding-left:0px;padding-right:0px;width:50%;\">"._UE_FORUM_STATS."</div>";
if ($sbUserDetails !== false) {
$return .= "<table cellpadding=\"5\" cellspacing=\"0\" style=\"border:0;margin:0;padding:0;\" width=\"50%\">";
if($sbConfig && ($params->get('statRanking', '1') == 1)) $return .= "<tr class=\"sectiontableentry1\"><td style=\"font-weight:bold;width:50%;\">".getLangDefinition($params->get('statRankingText', "_UE_FORUM_FORUMRANKING"«»))."</td><td>".$sbUserDetails->msg_userrank.($params->get('statRankingImg', '1')==1 ? $sbUserDetails->msg_userrankimg : ""«»)."</td></tr>";
if ($sbConfig && (($params->get('statPosts', '1')==2) || (($params->get('statPosts', '1')==1)&&($sbUserDetails !== false)))) {
$return .= "<tr class=\"sectiontableentry2\"><td style=\"font-weight:bold;width:50%;\">"
.getLangDefinition($params->get('statPostsText', "_UE_FORUM_TOTALPOSTS"«»))."</td><td>".$sbUserDetails->posts."</td></tr>";
if ($sbConfig && ($sbUserDetails !== false) && (($params->get('statKarma', '1')==2)||(($params->get('statKarma', '1')==1)&&($sbUserDetails->karma!=0)))) {
$return .= "<tr class=\"sectiontableentry1\"><td style=\"font-weight:bold;width:50%;\">"
.getLangDefinition($params->get('statKarmaText', "_UE_FORUM_KARMA"«»))."</td><td>".$sbUserDetails->karma."</td></tr>";
$return .= "</table>";
} else {
$return = "";
return $return;
* ForumTab Internal method: sets User Status display according to $sbUserDetails for the $user
* @access private
* @param array sbConfig
* @param object user being displayed
* @param object sbUserDetails
function _setStatusMenuSBstats($sbConfig, $user, &$params, $sbUserDetails) {
if ($sbConfig && ($params->get('statRanking', '1') == 1) && ($sbUserDetails !== false)) {
$mi = array(); $mi["_UE_MENU_STATUS"][$params->get('statRankingText', "_UE_FORUM_FORUMRANKING"«»)]["_UE_FORUM_FORUMRANKING"]=null;
$this->addMenu( array( "position" => "menuList" , // "menuBar", "menuList"
"arrayPos" => $mi ,
"caption" => $sbUserDetails->msg_userrank.($params->get('statRankingImg', '1')==1 ? $sbUserDetails->msg_userrankimg : ""«») ,
"url" => "" , // can also be "<a ....>" or "javascript:void(0)" or ""
"target" => "" , // e.g. "_blank"
"img" => null , // e.g. "<img src='plugins/user/myplugin/images/icon.gif' width='16' height='16' alt='' />"
"alt" => null , // e.g. "text"
"tooltip" => ""«») );
if ($sbConfig && (($params->get('statPosts', '1')==2) || (($params->get('statPosts', '1')==1)&&($sbUserDetails !== false)))) {
$mi = array(); $mi["_UE_MENU_STATUS"][$params->get('statPostsText', "_UE_FORUM_TOTALPOSTS"«»)]["_UE_FORUM_TOTALPOSTS"]=null;
$this->addMenu( array( "position" => "menuList" ,
"arrayPos" => $mi ,
"caption" => (($sbUserDetails !== false) ? $sbUserDetails->posts : "0"«») ,
"url" => "" ,
"target" => "" ,
"img" => null ,
"alt" => null ,
"tooltip" => ""«») );
if ($sbConfig && ($sbUserDetails !== false) && (($params->get('statKarma', '1')==2)||(($params->get('statKarma', '1')==1)&&($sbUserDetails->karma!=0)))) {
$mi = array(); $mi["_UE_MENU_STATUS"][$params->get('statKarmaText', "_UE_FORUM_KARMA"«»)]["_UE_FORUM_KARMA"]=null;
$this->addMenu( array( "position" => "menuList" ,
"arrayPos" => $mi ,
"caption" => $sbUserDetails->karma ,
"url" => "" ,
"target" => "" ,
"img" => null ,
"alt" => null ,
"tooltip" => ""«») );
* Generates the menu and user status to display on the user profile by calling back $this->addMenu
* @param object tab reflecting the tab database entry
* @param object mosUser reflecting the user being displayed
* @param int 1 for front-end, 2 for back-end
* @returns boolean : either true, or false if ErrorMSG generated
function getMenuAndStatus($tab,$user,$ui) {

if ( $this->com_name == 'com_fireboard' ) {
global $fbConfig;
} else {
global $sbConfig;
$fbConfig =& $sbConfig;
$newslettersRegList=$params->get('statDisplay', '1');
if ($newslettersRegList==1) {
if($this->config_filename) {
include_once ( $this->config_filename );
} else {
return false;
$sbUserDetails = $this->_getSBstats($fbConfig, $user);
$this->_setStatusMenuSBstats($fbConfig, $user, $params, $sbUserDetails);
return true;
* Generates the HTML to display the user profile tab
* @param object tab reflecting the tab database entry
* @param object mosUser reflecting the user being displayed
* @param int 1 for front-end, 2 for back-end
* @returns mixed : either string HTML for tab content, or false if ErrorMSG generated
function getDisplayTab($tab,$user,$ui) {
global $database,$mosConfig_live_site,$acl,$my;
if ( $this->com_name == 'com_fireboard' ) {
global $fbConfig;
} else {
global $sbConfig;
$fbConfig =& $sbConfig;

if ($this->config_filename) {
include_once ( $this->config_filename );
} else {
return $return;
$database->setQuery("SELECT id FROM #__menu WHERE link='index.php?option=".$this->com_name."' AND published=1"«»);

$return .= $this->_writeTabDescription( $tab, $user );


$newslettersRegList=$params->get('statDisplay', '1');
$sbUserDetails = $this->_getSBstats($fbConfig, $user);
if ($newslettersRegList==2) $return .= $this->_getDisplaySBstats($fbConfig, $user, $params, $sbUserDetails);

if($my->id == $user->id && $fbConfig) {
$database->setQuery("SELECT thread FROM #__" . $this->sql_prefix . "_subscriptions WHERE userid=" . (int) $my->id);
$return .= "<br /><div class=\"sectiontableheader\" style=\"text-align:left;padding-left:0px;padding-right:0px;margin:0px 0px 10px 0px;height:auto;width:100%;\">"
. ( defined('_UE_USER_SUBSCRIPTIONS') ? getLangDefinition( "_UE_USER_SUBSCRIPTIONS" ) :
( ( defined('_UE_fb_CONFIRMUNSUBSCRIBEALL') ) ? getLangDefinition( "_UE_fb_CONFIRMUNSUBSCRIBEALL" ) : "" ) )
. "<br />";
$return .= "\n<table cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" border=\"0\" style=\"margin:0px;padding:0px;width:100%;\">";
$enum=1;//reset value
$tabclass = array("sectiontableentry1", "sectiontableentry2"«»);//alternating row CSS classes
$k=1; //value for alternating rows
if($csubslist >0){
foreach($subslist as $subs) { //get all message details for each subscription
$database->setQuery("SELECT * FROM #__" . $this->sql_prefix . "_messages WHERE id=$subs->thread"«»);
foreach($subdet as $sub){
$return .= "\n\t<tr class=\"".$tabclass[$k]."\">";
$return .= "\n\t\t<td>".$enum.": <a href=\""
.sefRelToAbs('index.php?option='.$this->com_name.($Itemid ? '&amp;Itemid='.$Itemid : '').'&amp;func=view&amp;catid='.$sub->catid.'&amp;id='.$sub->id)
.'">'.$this->_sbUnescape($sub->subject).'</a> - ' ._UE_GEN_BY. ' ' .$sub->name."</td>";
$return .= "\n\t\t<td><a href=\""
.sefRelToAbs('index.php?option='.$this->com_name.($Itemid ? '&amp;Itemid='.$Itemid : '').'&amp;func=userprofile&amp;do=unsubscribe&amp;thread='.$subs->thread)
.'">' ._UE_THREAD_UNSUBSCRIBE. "</a></td>";
$return .= "\n\t</tr>";
$return .= "\n\t<tr>\n\t\t<td colspan=\"2\"><form action=\""
.sefRelToAbs('index.php?option='.$this->com_name.($Itemid ? '&amp;Itemid='.$Itemid : '').'&amp;func=userprofile&amp;do=update')
.'" method="post" name="postform" id="postform">'
.'<input type="hidden" name="do" value="update" />'
.'<input type="checkbox" onclick="if (document.forms[\'postform\'].elements[\'unsubscribeAll\'].checked=true && confirm(\''._UE_SB_CONFIRMUNSUBSCRIBEALL.'\')) { document.forms[\'postform\'].submit(\'Submit\')} else {document.forms[\'postform\'].elements[\'unsubscribeAll\'].checked=false};" name="unsubscribeAll" value="1" />'
$return .= "\n\t<tr><td>"._UE_USER_NOSUBSCRIPTIONS."</td>\n\t</tr>";

$return .= "\n</table></div><br />";
$postsNumber = $params->get('postsNumber', '10');
$pagingEnabled = $params->get('pagingEnabled', 0);
$searchEnabled = $params->get('searchEnabled', 0);
$pagingParams = $this->_getPaging(array(),array("fposts_"«»));

//determine visitors allowable threads based on session
$sql = "SELECT allowed FROM #__" . $this->sql_prefix . "_sessions WHERE userid=" . (int) $my->id . " LIMIT 1";
//print $database->getQuery();
if($allowedCats==null) {
//get only the publicly accessible forums..
$database->setQuery( "SELECT id FROM #__" . $this->sql_prefix . "_categories WHERE published=1 AND pub_access=0"«»);
$allow_forum = array();
foreach ($allowed_forums as $af){
if (count ($allow_forum) == 0 ){
else {
if(strtolower($allowedCats)=='na') $allowedCats=null;

if ($pagingEnabled) {
if (!$searchEnabled) $pagingParams["fposts_search"]=null;
//Count for paging
// $query = "SELECT count(*) FROM #__" . $this->sql_prefix . "_messages WHERE userid=".$user->id
// .($pagingParams["fposts_search"] ? " AND subject LIKE '%".cbEscapeSQLsearch($this->_sbEscape($pagingParams["fposts_search"]))."%'"
// : ""«»);
$query="SELECT COUNT(*)"
. "\n FROM #__" . $this->sql_prefix . "_messages AS a, "
. "\n #__" . $this->sql_prefix . "_categories AS b, #__" . $this->sql_prefix . "_messages AS c, #__" . $this->sql_prefix . "_messages_text AS d"
. "\n WHERE a.catid ="
. "\n AND a.thread ="
. "\n AND = d.mesid"
. "\n AND a.hold = 0 AND b.published = 1"
. "\n AND a.userid=" . (int) $user->id
. ($allowedCats!=null ? "\n AND IN ($allowedCats)" :""«»)
. ($pagingParams["fposts_search"] ? "\n AND (a.subject LIKE '%".cbEscapeSQLsearch($this->_sbEscape($pagingParams["fposts_search"]))."%'"
." OR d.message LIKE '%".cbEscapeSQLsearch($pagingParams["fposts_search"])."%')"
: ""«»);
$total = $database->loadResult();
if (!is_numeric($total)) $total = 0;
$userHasPosts = ($total>0 || ($pagingParams["fposts_search"] && ($sbUserDetails !== false) && $sbUserDetails->posts>0));

if ($pagingParams["fposts_limitstart"] === null) $pagingParams["fposts_limitstart"] = "0";
if ($postsNumber > $total) $pagingParams["fposts_limitstart"] = "0";

if ($searchEnabled) {
$searchForm = $this->_writeSearchBox($pagingParams,"fposts_",$divClass="style=\"float:right;\"",$inputClass="class=\"inputbox\""«»);
} else {
$pagingParams["fposts_search"] = "0";

} else {
$pagingParams["fposts_limitstart"] = "0";
$pagingParams["fposts_search"] = "0";
switch ($pagingParams["fposts_sortby"]) {
case "subject":
$order = "a.subject ASC, a.time DESC";
case "category":
$order = " ASC, a.time DESC";
case "hits":
$order = "c.hits DESC, a.time DESC";
case "date":
$order = "a.time DESC";
$query="SELECT a.* , as category, as catname, c.hits AS 'threadhits'"
. "\n FROM #__" . $this->sql_prefix . "_messages AS a, "
. "\n #__" . $this->sql_prefix . "_categories AS b, #__" . $this->sql_prefix . "_messages AS c, #__" . $this->sql_prefix . "_messages_text AS d"
. "\n WHERE a.catid ="
. "\n AND a.thread ="
. "\n AND = d.mesid"
. "\n AND a.hold = 0 AND b.published = 1"
. "\n AND a.userid=" . (int) $user->id
. ($allowedCats!=null ? "\n AND IN ($allowedCats)" :""«»)
. ($pagingParams["fposts_search"] ? "\n AND (a.subject LIKE '%".cbEscapeSQLsearch($this->_sbEscape($pagingParams["fposts_search"]))."%'"
." OR d.message LIKE '%".cbEscapeSQLsearch($pagingParams["fposts_search"])."%')"
: ""«»)
. "\n ORDER BY ".$order
. "\n LIMIT ".($pagingParams["fposts_limitstart"]?$pagingParams["fposts_limitstart"]:"0"«»).",".$postsNumber;
$database->setQuery( $query );
//print $database->getQuery();

$items = $database->loadObjectList();
if(count($items) >0) {
if ($pagingParams["fposts_search"]) $title = sprintf(_UE_FORUM_FOUNDPOSTS,$total);
elseif ($pagingEnabled) $title = sprintf(_UE_FORUM_POSTS,$postsNumber);
else $title = sprintf(_UE_FORUM_LASTPOSTS,$postsNumber);
$return .= "<br /><div class=\"sectiontableheader\" style=\"text-align:left;padding-left:0px;padding-right:0px;margin:0px 0px 10px 0px;height:auto;width:100%;\">";
$return .= $title;
if ($pagingEnabled && $searchEnabled) $return .= $searchForm . "<br /><div style=\"clear:both;\">&nbsp;</div>";
$return .= "\n<table cellpadding=\"3\" cellspacing=\"0\" border=\"0\" style=\"margin:0px;padding:0px;width:100%;\">";
$return .= "\n\t<tr class=\"sectiontableheader\">";
$return .= "<th>".$this->_writeSortByLink($pagingParams,"fposts_","date",_UE_FORUMDATE,true)."</th>";
$return .= "<th>".$this->_writeSortByLink($pagingParams,"fposts_","subject",_UE_FORUMSUBJECT)."</th>";
$return .= "<th>".$this->_writeSortByLink($pagingParams,"fposts_","category",_UE_FORUMCATEGORY)."</th>";
$return .= "<th>".$this->_writeSortByLink($pagingParams,"fposts_","hits",_UE_FORUMHITS)."</th>";
$return .= "</tr>";
foreach($items AS $item) {
$i= ($i==1) ? 2 : 1;
if(!ISSET($item->created)) $item->created="";
$sbURL=sefRelToAbs("index.php?option=".$this->com_name.($Itemid ? '&amp;Itemid='.$Itemid : '')."&amp;func=view&amp;catid=".$item->catid."&amp;id=".$item->id."#".$item->id);
$return .= "\n\t<tr class=\"sectiontableentry$i\"><td>".getFieldValue("date",date("Y-m-d, H:i:«»s",$item->time))."</td><td><a href=\"".$sbURL."\">".$this->_sbUnescape($item->subject)."</a></td><td>".$item->catname."</td><td>".$item->threadhits."</td></tr>\n";
$return .= "\n</table></div>";
if ($pagingEnabled && ($postsNumber < $total)) {
$return .= "<div style='width:95%;text-align:center;'>"
$return .= "";
} else {
if ($pagingEnabled && $userHasPosts && $searchEnabled && $pagingParams["fposts_search"]) {
$return .= "<br /><div class=\"sectiontableheader\" style=\"text-align:left;padding-left:0px;padding-right:0px;margin:0px;height:auto;width:100%;\">";
$return .= $searchForm;
$return .= "<br />"._UE_NOFORUMPOSTSFOUND;
$return .= "</div>";
} else {
$return .= _UE_NOFORUMPOSTS;
return $return;
} // end class getForumTab.

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16 years 6 months ago #46313 by mikko
Replied by mikko on topic Re:more control over profile layout
No, there is not. But you can add that function and put only the fields=false there.

If this breaks the plugin, then you can try to draw the required field in the getEditTab function.


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16 years 1 month ago #58535 by beat
Replied by beat on topic Re:more control over profile layout
Starting in upcoming CB 1.2 all CB tabs have a class or 2 and each has an id, whatever the display type is.

Beat - Community Builder Team Member

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