-------------------------- START OF DISPLAYED PAGE -------------------------- align="left" valign="top">Information for: cpaycbsqlactions_database1 : Database name (e.g. joomla15). Required. Database Charset: Information for: cpaycbsqlactions_charset1 : Leave blank if not utf8 or leave as is if unsure. Optional. Database Prefix: Information for: cpaycbsqlactions_prefix1 : Exclude suffix (e.g. database_users enter only database_). Optional. Activation: Information for: cpaycbsqlactions_activation1 : Leave empty or insert SQL statement (CB user fields can be substituted (e.g. [user_id] or '[username]' ). Seperate multiple queries with a ; followed by a linebreak (return/enter). Renewal: Information for: cpaycbsqlactions_renew1 : Leave empty or insert SQL statement (CB user fields can be substituted (e.g. [user_id] or '[username]' ). Seperate multiple queries with a ; followed by a linebreak (return/enter). . . . . . ---------------------------- END OF DISPLAYED PAGE ----------------------------  
  WHERE c.published = 1
  AND s.published = 1
  AND s.scope='content'
  ORDER BY s.title, c.title
  • SELECT a.id AS value, CONCAT_WS( '/',s.title, c.title, a.title ) AS text
      FROM jos_content AS a
      LEFT JOIN jos_categories AS c
      ON c.id=a.catid
      LEFT JOIN jos_sections AS s
      ON s.id=a.sectionid
      WHERE c.published = 1
      AND s.published = 1
      AND s.scope='content'
      ORDER BY s.title, c.title, a.title
  • SELECT `id` AS value, CONCAT_WS( '/',m.menutype, m.name ) AS text
      FROM jos_menu AS m
      WHERE m.published != -2
      ORDER BY m.menutype, m.parent, m.ordering
  • SELECT *
      FROM jos_plugins
      WHERE element='cbpaidsubsbot'
      LIMIT 0, 1
  • SELECT `option` AS value, `name` AS text
      FROM jos_components
      WHERE `parent` = 0
      ORDER BY `name`
  • SELECT `id` AS value, CONCAT_WS( '', `title`, ' (', `position`, ')' ) AS text
      FROM jos_modules
      WHERE `client_id` = 0
      ORDER BY `position`, `ordering`
  • SELECT id, folder, element, published, type, params, CONCAT_WS('/',folder,element) AS lookup, name
      FROM jos_comprofiler_plugin
      WHERE published >= 0
      AND access <= 2
      AND type = 'user/plug_cbpaidsubscriptions/processors'
      ORDER BY ordering
  • SELECT m.*
      FROM jos_modules AS m
      LEFT JOIN jos_modules_menu AS mm
      ON mm.moduleid = m.id
      WHERE m.published = 1
      AND m.access <= 2
      AND m.client_id = 1
      ORDER BY m.position, m.ordering
  • SELECT a.name, a.admin_menu_link, a.admin_menu_img
      FROM jos_components AS a
      INNER JOIN jos_components AS b
      ON b.id = a.parent
      WHERE b.OPTION = 'com_comprofiler'
      AND b.parent = 0
      ORDER BY a.ordering ASC
  • SELECT a.*, SUM(b.home) AS home
      FROM jos_menu_types AS a
      LEFT JOIN jos_menu AS b
      ON b.menutype = a.menutype
      GROUP BY a.id
  • SELECT *
      FROM jos_components
      WHERE `option` <> "com_frontpage"
      AND `option` <> "com_media"
      AND enabled = 1
      ORDER BY ordering, name
      FROM jos_messages
      WHERE state = 0
      AND user_id_to = 62
  • SELECT COUNT( session_id )
      FROM jos_session
      WHERE guest <> 1
  • Language Files Loaded

    Untranslated Strings Diagnostic


    Untranslated Strings Designer
