Welcome to the Georgia Chapter of IEC

Latest News

The 2008 Apprentice of the Year Competitors!

Welcome to IEC Georgia Chapter’s website!

We have worked hard to put together a site that is both informative and helpful to you as a member of the IEC and the electrical community in Georgia. Our home page will deliver the latest news to you and lead you to more detailed information within our site. The Atlanta Chapter has their own website and is undergoing a makeover that will mirror Georgia’s site. And coming this fall, we will launch the “Electrical Careers” site (www.electricalcareers.org) for people wanting to enter the field or develop their careers within the electrical industry. You will find this site helpful if you are trying to recruit individuals to the electrical industry.

For our members, we have provided you with a user ID and password for both the members only section and to register for events and training – you will automatically receive our newsletter and updates. For the rest of the electrical community, you can register with us to stay informed of training, events, receive our newsletter, or to register for training.

As you become familiar with our site you will notice that we have 6 main navigation buttons across the top with fly-out menus to help you easily find information. However, you can always use the search feature within our website to easily find what you need. We think you will particularly find excellent resources on our “Helpful Links” page. Let us know what you think, but come back often, as we will be updating our site frequently. If you want to be notified of updates, just register our site with an RSS, such as Google Reader.


The 2008 Apprentice of the Year Competitors!


Latest News

Welcome to IEC Georgia Chapter’s website! We have worked hard to put together a site that is both informative and helpful to you as a member of the IEC and the electrical community in Georgia. Our home page will deliver the latest news to you and lead you to more detailed information within our site. The Atlanta Chapter has their own website and is undergoing a makeover that will mirror Georgia’s site. And coming this fall, we will launch the “Electrical Careers” site (www.electricalcareers.org) for people wanting to enter the field or develop their careers within the electrical industry. You will find this site helpful if you are trying to recruit individuals to the electrical industry.

For our members, we have provided you with a user ID and password for both the members only section and to register for events and training – you will automatically receive our newsletter and updates. For the rest of the electrical community, you can register with us to stay informed of training, events, receive our newsletter, or to register for training.

As you become familiar with our site you will notice that we have 6 main navigation buttons across the top with fly-out menus to help you easily find information. However, you can always use the search feature within our website to easily find what you need. We think you will particularly find excellent resources on our “Helpful Links” page. Let us know what you think, but come back often, as we will be updating our site frequently. If you want to be notified of updates, just register our site with an RSS, such as Google Reader.


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Last Updated (Saturday, 07 July 2007 09:54)