registerFunction( 'onAfterDeleteUser', 'userDeleted', 'getConnectionTab' ); /** * Connections Tab Class for handling the Shortest Connections Path CB tab in head by default (other parts are still in core CB) * @package Community Builder * @subpackage Connections CB core module * @author JoomlaJoe and Beat */ class getConnectionPathsTab extends cbTabHandler { /** * Constructor */ function getConnectionPathsTab( ) { $this->cbTabHandler(); } /** * Generates the HTML to display the user profile tab * @param moscomprofilerTab $tab the tab database entry * @param moscomprofilerUser $user the user being displayed * @param int $ui 1 for front-end, 2 for back-end * @return mixed either string HTML for tab content, or false if ErrorMSG generated */ function getDisplayTab( $tab, $user, $ui ) { global $_CB_framework, $_CB_database, $ueConfig; // Display shortest connection path / Degree of relationship: $return = ""; if ( $_CB_framework->myId() != $user->id && $_CB_framework->myId() > 0 && isset( $ueConfig['connectionPath'] ) && $ueConfig['connectionPath'] && $ueConfig['allowConnections'] ) { $return .= $this->_writeTabDescription( $tab, $user ); $return .= "\t\t
"; $i = 0; $cbCon = new cbConnection( $_CB_framework->myId() ); $congroups = $cbCon->getDegreeOfSepPath( $_CB_framework->myId(), $user->id ); $directConDetails = $cbCon->getConnectionDetails( $_CB_framework->myId(), $user->id ); if ( is_array( $congroups ) && ( count( $congroups ) > 2 ) ) { cbArrayToInts( $congroups ); $query = "SELECT,,u.username,c.avatar,c.avatarapproved, " . "\n FROM #__comprofiler AS c" . "\n LEFT JOIN #__users AS u ON" . "\n WHERE IN (" . implode( ',', $congroups ) . ")" . "\n AND c.approved=1 AND c.confirmed=1 AND c.banned=0 AND u.block=0"; $_CB_database->setQuery( $query ); $connections = $_CB_database->loadObjectList( 'id' ); $prevConID = null; $prevConName = null; if ( isset( $connections[$user->id] ) ) { $live_site = $_CB_framework->getCfg( 'live_site' ); $return .= _UE_CONNECTIONPATH1 . getNameFormat( $connections[$user->id]->name, $connections[$user->id]->username, $ueConfig['name_format'] ) . " ( " . $cbCon->getDegreeOfSep() . _UE_CONNECTIONPATH2; foreach ( $congroups as $congroup ) { if ( $i != 0 ) { $return .= ' '; } $conName = getNameFormat( $connections[$congroup]->name, $connections[$congroup]->username, $ueConfig['name_format'] ); if ( ( $congroup != $_CB_framework->myId() ) && ( isset( $connections[$congroup] ) ) ) { $conDetail = $cbCon->getConnectionDetails( $prevConID, $congroup ); $conAvatar = getFieldValue( 'image', $connections[$congroup]->avatar, $connections[$congroup] ); $tipField = "" . _UE_CONNECTEDSINCE . " : " . dateConverter( $conDetail->membersince, 'Y-m-d', $ueConfig['date_format'] ); if ( getLangDefinition( $conDetail->type ) != null ) { $tipField .= "
" . _UE_CONNECTIONTYPE . " : " . getConnectionTypes( $conDetail->type ); } if ( $conDetail->description != null ) { $tipField .= "
" . _UE_CONNECTEDCOMMENT . " : " . htmlspecialchars( $conDetail->description ); } $tipField .= "
" . htmlspecialchars( preg_replace( '/onclick\s*=\s*".+"/Uis', "", $conAvatar ), ENT_QUOTES ) . "
"; $tipTitle = $prevConName . _UE_DETAILSABOUT . str_replace( "'", "'", $conName ); $htmltext = $conName; $href = 'javascript:void(0)'; if ( $congroup != $user->id ) { $href = cbSef( "index.php?option=com_comprofiler&task=userProfile&user=" . $congroup ); } $width = '250'; $style = ''; $icon = ''; $olparams = ''; $tooltip = cbFieldTip( $ui, $tipField, $tipTitle, $width, $icon, $htmltext, $href, $style, $olparams, false ); $return .= $tooltip; } else { $return .= $conName; } $i++; $prevConID = $congroup; $prevConName = $conName; } if ( $directConDetails !== false && $directConDetails->pending ) { $return .= "
" . sprintf( _UE_DIRECTCONNECTIONPENDINGACCEPTANCE, getNameFormat( $user->name, $user->username, $ueConfig['name_format'] ) ); } } else { $return .= _UE_NOESTABLISHEDCONNECTION . getNameFormat( $user->name, $user->username, $ueConfig['name_format'] ); } } elseif ( is_array( $congroups ) && ( count( $congroups ) == 2 ) ) { $return .= _UE_DIRECTCONNECTION . getNameFormat( $user->name, $user->username, $ueConfig['name_format'] ); } else { if ( $directConDetails !== false && $directConDetails->pending ) { $return .= "
" . sprintf( _UE_DIRECTCONNECTIONPENDINGACCEPTANCE, getNameFormat( $user->name, $user->username, $ueConfig['name_format'] ) ); } else { $return .= _UE_NOESTABLISHEDCONNECTION . getNameFormat( $user->name, $user->username, $ueConfig['name_format'] ); } } $return .= "
"; } return $return; } } // end class getConnectionPathsTab /** * Connections Tab Class for handling the Connections List CB tab (other parts are still in core CB) * @package Community Builder * @subpackage Connections CB core module * @author JoomlaJoe and Beat */ class getConnectionTab extends cbTabHandler { /** * Constructor */ function getConnectionTab( ) { $this->cbTabHandler(); } function _getUserNumberOfConnections( $user ) { global $_CB_framework; $cbCon = new cbConnection( $_CB_framework->myId() ); return $cbCon->getConnectionsCount( $user->id ); } /* /* * Generates the menu and user status to display on the user profile by calling back $this->addMenu * @param moscomprofilerTab $tab the tab database entry * @param moscomprofilerUser $user the user being displayed * @param int $ui 1 for front-end, 2 for back-end * @return boolean either true, or false if ErrorMSG generated * function getMenuAndStatus($tab,$user,$ui) { global $ueConfig; $params = $this->params; $con_StatDisplay = $params->get('con_StatDisplay', '1'); if ( $ueConfig['allowConnections'] && $con_StatDisplay ) { //------------------- User Status items for User Status Window: // Connections: $contotal = $this->_getUserNumberOfConnections( $user ); $mi = array(); $mi["_UE_MENU_STATUS"]["_UE_CONNECTION"]["_UE_CONNECTION"]=null; $dat = cbFormatDate($user->registerDate); if ( ! $dat ) { $dat = "?"; } $this->addMenu( array( "position" => "menuList" , // "menuBar", "menuList" "arrayPos" => $mi , "caption" => $contotal , "url" => "" , // can also be "" or "javascript:void(0)" or "" "target" => "" , // e.g. "_blank" "img" => null , // e.g. "" "alt" => null , // e.g. "text" "tooltip" => null , "keystroke" => null ) ); // e.g. "P" } return true; } */ /** * Generates the HTML to display the user profile tab * @param moscomprofilerTab $tab the tab database entry * @param moscomprofilerUser $user the user being displayed * @param int $ui 1 for front-end, 2 for back-end * @return mixed either string HTML for tab content, or false if ErrorMSG generated */ function getDisplayTab( $tab, $user, $ui ) { global $_CB_framework, $_CB_database, $ueConfig; $return = null; if ( ! $ueConfig['allowConnections'] || ( isset( $ueConfig['connectionDisplay'] ) && $ueConfig['connectionDisplay'] == 1 && $_CB_framework->myId() != $user->id ) ) { return null; } $params = $this->params; $con_ShowTitle = $params->get( 'con_ShowTitle', '1' ); $con_ShowSummary = $params->get( 'con_ShowSummary', '0' ); $con_SummaryEntries = $params->get( 'con_SummaryEntries', '4' ); $con_pagingenabled = $params->get( 'con_PagingEnabled', '1' ); $con_entriesperpage = $params->get( 'con_EntriesPerPage', '10' ); $pagingParams = $this->_getPaging( array(), array( "connshow_" ) ); $showall = $this->_getReqParam( "showall", false ); if ( $con_ShowSummary && ! $showall && ( $pagingParams["connshow_limitstart"] === null ) ) { $summaryMode = true; $showpaging = false; $con_entriesperpage = $con_SummaryEntries; } else { $summaryMode = false; $showpaging = $con_pagingenabled; } $isVisitor = null; if ( $_CB_framework->myId() != $user->id ) { $isVisitor = "\n AND m.pending=0 AND m.accepted=1"; } if ( $showpaging || $summaryMode ) { //select a count of all applicable entries for pagination if ( $isVisitor ) { $contotal = $this->_getUserNumberOfConnections( $user ); } else { $query = "SELECT COUNT(*)" . "\n FROM #__comprofiler_members AS m" . "\n LEFT JOIN #__comprofiler AS c ON" . "\n LEFT JOIN #__users AS u ON" . "\n WHERE m.referenceid=" . (int) $user->id . "\n AND c.approved=1 AND c.confirmed=1 AND c.banned=0 AND u.block=0" . $isVisitor . "\n "; $_CB_database->setQuery( $query ); $contotal = $_CB_database->loadResult(); if ( ! is_numeric( $contotal ) ) $contotal = 0; } } if ( ( ! $showpaging ) || ( $pagingParams["connshow_limitstart"] === null ) || ( $con_entriesperpage > $contotal ) ) { $pagingParams["connshow_limitstart"] = "0"; } $query = "SELECT m.*,,,u.username,c.avatar,c.avatarapproved, " . "\n FROM #__comprofiler_members AS m" . "\n LEFT JOIN #__comprofiler AS c ON" . "\n LEFT JOIN #__users AS u ON" . // removed . "\n LEFT JOIN #__session AS s ON" and in SELECT: IF((s.session_id<=>null) OR (s.guest<=>1),0,1) AS 'isOnline' to avoid blocking site in case members table get locked "\n WHERE m.referenceid=" . (int) $user->id . "" . "\n AND c.approved=1 AND c.confirmed=1 AND c.banned=0 AND u.block=0" . $isVisitor . "\n ORDER BY m.membersince DESC, m.memberid ASC"; $_CB_database->setQuery( $query, (int) ( $pagingParams["connshow_limitstart"] ? $pagingParams["connshow_limitstart"] : 0 ), (int) $con_entriesperpage ); $connections = $_CB_database->loadObjectList(); if ( ! count( $connections ) > 0 ) { $return .= _UE_NOCONNECTIONS; return $return; } if ( $con_ShowTitle ) { if ( $_CB_framework->myId() == $user->id ) { $return .= "
"; } else { $return .= "
" . sprintf( _UE_USERSNCONNECTIONS, getNameFormat( $user->name, $user->username, $ueConfig['name_format'] ) ) . "
"; } } $return .= $this->_writeTabDescription( $tab, $user ); $live_site = $_CB_framework->getCfg( 'live_site' ); $boxHeight = $ueConfig['thumbHeight'] + 0;/*My change*/ $boxWidth = $ueConfig['thumbWidth'] + 0;/*My change*/ foreach ( $connections as $connection ) { $conAvatar = getFieldValue( 'image', $connection->avatar, $connection ); /*My Changes /*$emailIMG = getFieldValue( 'primaryemailaddress', $connection->email, $connection, null, 1 );*/ /*$pmIMG = getFieldValue( 'pm', $connection->username, $connection, null, 1 );*/ /*$onlineIMG = ( $ueConfig['allow_onlinestatus'] == 1 ) ? getFieldValue( 'status', null /* $connection->isOnline */ /*, $connection /* null */ /*,null, 1 ) : ""; end my changes*/ /*My Changes if ( $connection->accepted == 1 && $connection->pending == 1 ) { $actionIMG = '' . _UE_CONNECTIONPENDING .
\"""; } elseif ( $connection->accepted == 1 && $connection->pending == 0 ) { $actionIMG = "memberid ) . "\" onclick=\"return confirmSubmit();\" >\"""; } elseif ( $connection->accepted == 0 ) { $actionIMG = "memberid ) . '">\"" memberid ) . '">\"""; }end my changes*/ /* Connection tool tip - this is where it needs to have the connection name.*/ $tipField = "" . getNameFormat( $connection->name, $connection->username, $ueConfig['name_format'] ) . "\n" . ""/* My Change . "" . _UE_CONNECTEDSINCE . " : " . dateConverter( $connection->membersince, 'Y-m-d', $ueConfig['date_format'] )end my change*/; if ( getLangDefinition( $connection->type ) != null ) { $tipField .= "
" . _UE_CONNECTIONTYPE . " : " . getConnectionTypes( $connection->type ); } if ( $connection->description != null ) { $tipField .= "
" . _UE_CONNECTEDCOMMENT . " : " . htmlspecialchars( $connection->description ); } /*$tipTitle = _UE_CONNECTEDDETAIL;*/ $htmltext = $conAvatar; $style = "style=\"padding:0px;\""; $tooltipAvatar = cbFieldTip( $ui, $tipField, $tipTitle, '250', '', $htmltext, '', $style, '', false ); if ( $_CB_framework->myId() == $user->id ) { $return .= "
" . "
" . $actionIMG . '
' . "
". $tooltipAvatar /* my change . '
' . "
" . $onlineIMG . " " . getNameFormat( $connection->name, $connection->username, $ueConfig['name_format'] ) . "
memberid ) . '">\"" " . $emailIMG . " " . $pmIMG . "\n" end my change*/; } else { $return .= "
" . "
" . $tooltipAvatar . '
' . "
" /* my change . $onlineIMG . " " . getNameFormat( $connection->name, $connection->username, $ueConfig['name_format'] ) . "\n" end my change*/; } $return .= "
\n"; } $return .= "
"; // Add paging control at end of list if paging enabled if ( $showpaging && ( $con_entriesperpage < $contotal ) ) { $return .= "
" . $this->_writePaging( $pagingParams, "connshow_", $con_entriesperpage, $contotal ) . "
"; } if ( $con_ShowSummary && ( $_CB_framework->myId() == $user->id ) || ( $summaryMode && ( $con_entriesperpage < $contotal ) ) ) { $return .= "
"; if ( $_CB_framework->myId() == $user->id ) { // Manage connections link: $return .= ""; } if ( $summaryMode && ( $con_entriesperpage < $contotal ) ) { // See all of user's ## connections $return .= ""; } $return .= " 
" . "
"; } return $return; } /** * UserBot Called when a user is deleted from backend (prepare future unregistration) * @param moscomprofilerUser $user reflecting the user being deleted * @param int $success 1 for successful deleting * @return boolean true if all is ok, or false if ErrorMSG generated */ function userDeleted( $user, $success ) { global $_CB_database, $ueConfig; $sql = "DELETE FROM #__comprofiler_members WHERE referenceid = " . (int) $user->id; $_CB_database->SetQuery( $sql ); if ( ! $_CB_database->query() ) { $this->_setErrorMSG( "SQL error cb.connections:userDelted-1" . $_CB_database->stderr( true ) ); return false; } if ( $ueConfig['autoAddConnections'] ) { $sql = "DELETE FROM #__comprofiler_members WHERE memberid = " . (int) $user->id; $_CB_database->SetQuery( $sql ); if ( ! $_CB_database->query() ) { $this->_setErrorMSG( "SQL error cb.connections:userDelted-2" . $_CB_database->stderr( true ) ); return false; } } return true; } } // end class getConnectionTab. ?>