in Kilobytes'); DEFINE('_UE_AVATARUPLOAD','Allow Image Upload'); DEFINE('_UE_AVATARUPLOAD_DESC','Set to "Yes" if you want registered users to be able to upload an image.'); DEFINE('_UE_AVATARGALLERY','Use Image Gallery'); DEFINE('_UE_AVATARGALLERY_DESC','Set to "Yes" if you want registered users to be able to choose an image from a Gallery.'); DEFINE('_UE_TNWIDTH','Max. Thumbnail Width'); DEFINE('_UE_TNHEIGHT','Max. Thumbnail Height'); //Admin User List Tab Labels DEFINE('_UE_USERLIST_TITLE','User List Title'); DEFINE('_UE_USERLIST_TITLE_DESC','User List Title'); DEFINE('_UE_LISTVIEW','List'); DEFINE('_UE_PICTLIST','Image List'); DEFINE('_UE_PICTDETAIL','Image Detail'); DEFINE('_UE_NUM_PER_PAGE','Users Per Page'); DEFINE('_UE_NUM_PER_PAGE_DESC','Number of Users Per Page'); DEFINE('_UE_VIEW_TYPE','Display Type'); DEFINE('_UE_VIEW_TYPE_DESC','Display Type'); DEFINE('_UE_ALLOW_EMAIL','Email Links'); DEFINE('_UE_ALLOW_EMAIL_DESC','Allow Email Links. NOTE: This setting only applies to custom fields set to the "email" type.'); DEFINE('_UE_ALLOW_WEBSITE','Web site Links'); DEFINE('_UE_ALLOW_WEBSITE_DESC','Allow Web site Links'); DEFINE('_UE_ALLOW_IM','Instant Messenging Links'); DEFINE('_UE_ALLOW_IM_DESC','Allow Instant Messenging Links'); DEFINE('_UE_ALLOW_ONLINESTATUS','Online Status'); DEFINE('_UE_ALLOW_ONLINESTATUS_DESC','Show Online Status'); DEFINE('_UE_ALLOW_EMAIL_DISPLAY_DESC','NOTE: This setting only applies to the user\'s primary email address.'); DEFINE('_UE_ALLOW_EMAIL_REPLYTO','Emails sent "From:"'); DEFINE('_UE_ALLOW_EMAIL_REPLYTO_DESC','Setting for Send-to-User Email forms: Sender formating: Choose between:
    ' .'
  1. "From:" User Email Address (no "Reply-To:" field):
    User receives all replies and error reports, for better privacy)
  2. ' .'
  3. "From:" Admin Email Address, with "Reply-To": User Email Address:
    This is SPF spam-checking compliant, but admin may receive errors/erroneous replies
'); DEFINE('_UE_A_FROM_USER', 'User Address'); DEFINE('_UE_A_FROM_ADMIN', 'Admin, "Reply-To": User'); //Admin Moderate Tab labels DEFINE('_UE_MODERATE','Moderation'); DEFINE('_UE_AVATARUPLOADAPPROVALGROUP','Moderator Groups'); DEFINE('_UE_AVATARUPLOADAPPROVALGROUP_DESC','All users in the group selected and above will be moderators.'); DEFINE('_UE_ALLOWUSERREPORTS','Allow User Reports'); DEFINE ('_UE_ALLOWUSERREPORTS_DESC','Allows users to report inappropriate behavior of other users to moderators.'); DEFINE ('_UE_AVATARUPLOADAPPROVAL','Require Upload Image Approval'); DEFINE ('_UE_AVATARUPLOADAPPROVAL_DESC','Require all images uploaded by users to be approved prior to being displayed.'); DEFINE ('_UE_ALLOWUSERPROFILEBANNING_DESC','Allows moderators to prevent a users profile from being publicly displayed.'); DEFINE ('_UE_ALLOWUSERPROFILEBANNING','Allow Profile Banning'); //Admin Registration tab labels DEFINE('_UE_NAME_FORMAT','Name Format'); DEFINE('_UE_DATE_FORMAT','Date Format'); DEFINE('_UE_NAME_FORMAT_DESC','Choose which format you would like the Name/Username fields to be displayed.'); DEFINE('_UE_DATE_FORMAT_DESC','Choose which date format you would like your date fields to be dispayed in.'); DEFINE ('_UE_REG_CONFIRMATION_DESC','Set "yes" to send an email to users upon registration with a confirmation link.'); DEFINE ('_UE_REG_CONFIRMATION','Require Email Confirmation'); DEFINE ('_UE_REG_ADMIN_APPROVAL','Require Admin Approval'); DEFINE ('_UE_REG_ADMIN_APPROVAL_DESC','Require all user registrations to be approved by an administrator'); DEFINE ('_UE_REG_EMAIL_NAME','Registration Email Name'); DEFINE ('_UE_REG_EMAIL_NAME_DESC','Please enter the name that you want to be displayed when sending email'); DEFINE ('_UE_REG_EMAIL_FROM','Registraton Email Address'); DEFINE ('_UE_REG_EMAIL_FROM_DESC','Email address you want to be used when emailing registrants'); DEFINE ('_UE_REG_EMAIL_REPLYTO','Registration Reply To Email Address'); DEFINE ('_UE_REG_EMAIL_REPLYTO_DESC','Email address you want to be used as the Reply-To address'); DEFINE ('_UE_REG_PEND_APPR_MSG','Pending Approval Email'); DEFINE ('_UE_REG_WELCOME_MSG','Welcome Email'); DEFINE ('_UE_REG_REJECT_MSG','Rejection Email'); DEFINE ('_UE_REG_PEND_APPR_SUB','Pending Approval Subject'); DEFINE ('_UE_REG_WELCOME_SUB','Welcome Subject'); DEFINE ('_UE_REG_PEND_APPR_SUB_DESC','Subject of email sent to user when Pending Approval. You can use language strings or leave subject and email blank to suppress email sending.'); DEFINE ('_UE_REG_WELCOME_SUB_DESC','Subject of welcoming email sent to user once able to log in after registration. You can use language strings or leave subject and email blank to suppress the email sending.'); DEFINE ('_UE_REG_REJECT_SUB_DESC','Rejection Subject'); DEFINE ('_UE_REG_SIGNATURE','Email Signature'); DEFINE ('_UE_REG_ADMIN_PA_SUB','ACTION REQUIRED! New User Registration Pending Approval'); DEFINE ('_UE_REG_ADMIN_PA_MSG','A new user has registered at [SITEURL] and requires approval.\n' .'This email contains their details\n\n' .'Name - [NAME]\n' .'E-mail - [EMAILADDRESS]\n' .'Username - [USERNAME]\n\n\n' .'Please do not respond to this message as it is automatically generated and is for informational purposes only.\n'); DEFINE ('_UE_REG_ADMIN_SUB','New User Registration'); DEFINE ('_UE_REG_ADMIN_MSG','A new user has registered at [SITEURL].\n' .'This email contains their details\n\n' .'Name - [NAME]\n' .'E-mail - [EMAILADDRESS]\n' .'Username - [USERNAME]\n\n\n' .'Please do not respond to this message as it is automatically generated and is for information purposes only\n'); DEFINE('_UE_REG_EMAIL_TAGS','[NAME] - Name of the User
' .'[USERNAME] - Username of the User
' .'[DETAILS] - Account Details of the User such as Email Address and Username
' .'[PASSWORD] - Password choosen by the User (only at the first email sent upon pressing "Register")
' .'[CONFIRM] - Inserts confirmation link if the confirmation functionality is enabled
' .'[FIELDNAME] - This will insert the value relative to the user who the email is addressed to. Just include the database field name of the field you want to include between [].
' ); //Registration form DEFINE('_UE_REG_COMPLETE_NOPASS','
Rejestracja Zakończona!
' .'

Twoje hasło zostało wysłane na podany przez Ciebie Email.

' .'

Proszę o sprawdzenie Emaila (również SPAM-boxa). Jak otrzymasz hasło to będziesz ógł się zalogować.

Rejestracja Zakończona!
' .'

Możesz się zalogować.

Rejestracja Zakończona!
' .'

Your registration requires approval. Once approved your password will be sent to the e-mail address you entered.

' .'

When you receive approval and a password you will then be able to log in.

Registration Complete!
' .'

Your registration requires approval. Once approved, you will be sent an approval notice to the e-mail address you entered.

' .'

When you receive the approval, you will be able to log in.

Registration Complete!
' .'

An email with further instructions on how to complete your registration has been sent to the email address you provided.

' .'

Please check your email (including your spambox) to complete your registration.

' .'

To have the email sent again, simply try logging in with the username and password of your registration.

Registration Complete!
' .'

Your password has been sent to the e-mail address you entered.

' .'

Please check your email (including your spambox). When you receive your password and follow the confirmation instructions you will then be able to log in.

'); // User List Labels DEFINE ('_UE_HAS','ma'); DEFINE ('_UE_USERS','zarejestrowanych użytkowników'); DEFINE ('_UE_SEARCH_ALERT','Wpisz poprawną wartość wyszukiwania!'); DEFINE ('_UE_SEARCH','Znajdź użytkownika'); DEFINE ('_UE_ENTER_EMAIL','Wpisz użytkownika Email, Nazwisko lub Login'); DEFINE ('_UE_SEARCH_BUTTON','Szukaj'); DEFINE ('_UE_SHOW_ALL','Pokaż wszystkich użytkowników'); DEFINE ('_UE_NAME','Nazwisko'); DEFINE ('_UE_UL_USERNAME','Login'); DEFINE ('_UE_USERTYPE','Typ użytkownika'); DEFINE ('_UE_VIEWPROFILE','Zobacz Profil'); DEFINE ('_UE_LIST_ALL','Lista wszystkich'); DEFINE ('_UE_PAGE','Strona'); DEFINE ('_UE_RESULTS','Wyniki'); DEFINE ('_UE_OF_TOTAL','ze wszystkich'); DEFINE ('_UE_NO_RESULTS','Brak wyników'); DEFINE ('_UE_FIRST_PAGE','Start'); DEFINE ('_UE_PREV_PAGE','Poprzednia'); DEFINE ('_UE_NEXT_PAGE','Następna'); DEFINE ('_UE_END_PAGE','Koniec'); DEFINE('_UE_CONTACT','Kontakt'); DEFINE('_UE_INSTANT_MESSAGE','Instant Message'); DEFINE('_UE_IMAGEAVAILABLE','Zdjęcie'); DEFINE('_UE_INFO','Info'); DEFINE('_UE_PROFILE','Profil'); DEFINE('_UE_PRIVATE_MESSAGE','PM'); DEFINE('_UE_ADDITIONAL','Dodatkowe Info'); DEFINE('_UE_NO_DATA','Not Supplied'); DEFINE('_UE_CLICKTOVIEW','Kliknij na'); DEFINE('_UE_CLICKTOSORTBY','Kliknij aby posortować %s'); // %s replaced by sorting name DEFINE('_UE_UL_USERNAME_NAME','Login (Nazwisko)'); //mod_userextraslogin DEFINE('_UE_NO_ACCOUNT','Nie masz konta jeszcze?'); DEFINE('_UE_CREATE_ACCOUNT','Stwórz jedno'); DEFINE('_UE_REGISTER','Rejestruj'); DEFINE('_UE_FORGOT_PASSWORD','Zapomniałeś Hasła?'); DEFINE('_LOGIN_NOT_CONFIRMED','Your registration process is not yet complete! Please check again your email for further instructions that have just been resent. If you don\'t find the email, check your spam-box. Make sure that your email account options are not set to immediately delete spam. If that was the case, just try logging in again to receive a new instructions email.'); DEFINE('_LOGIN_NOT_APPROVED','Your account has not yet been approved!'); DEFINE('_UE_USER_CONFIRMED','Twoje konto jest już aktywne. Możesz się zalogować!'); DEFINE('_UE_USER_NOTCONFIRMED','Your account is not yet active. Please check your email and follow the instructions to complete the registration process. If you don\'t find the email, check your spam-box. Make sure that your email account options are not set to immediately delete spam. If that was the case, just try logging in to receive a new instructions email.'); //Avatar DEFINE('_UE_UPLOAD_UPLOAD','Wgraj'); DEFINE('_UE_UPLOAD_SUBMIT','Zatwierdź nowe zdjęcie do wgrania'); DEFINE('_UE_UPLOAD_SELECT_FILE','Wybierz plik'); DEFINE('_UE_UPLOAD_ERROR_TYPE','Please use only JPEG, JPG or PNG images'); DEFINE('_UE_UPLOAD_ERROR_EMPTY','Please select a file before uploading'); DEFINE('_UE_UPLOAD_ERROR_NAME','The image file must only contain alphanumeric characters and no spaces please.'); DEFINE('_UE_UPLOAD_ERROR_SIZE','The image file size exceeds the maximum the Administrator has set.'); DEFINE('_UE_UPLOAD_ERROR_WIDTHHEIGHT','The image height or width exceeds the maximum the Administrator has set.'); DEFINE('_UE_UPLOAD_ERROR_WIDTH','The image file width exceeds the maximum the Administrator has set.'); DEFINE('_UE_UPLOAD_ERROR_HEIGHT','The image file height exceeds the maximum the Administrator has set.'); DEFINE('_UE_UPLOAD_ERROR_CHOOSE','You didn\'t choose an image from the gallery.'); DEFINE('_UE_UPLOAD_UPLOADED','Twoje zdjęcie zostało wgrane.'); DEFINE('_UE_UPLOAD_GALLERY','Wybierz jedno z galerii obrazków'); DEFINE('_UE_UPLOAD_CHOOSE','Potwierdź wybór'); DEFINE('_UE_UPLOAD_UPDATED','Twoje zdjęcie zostałało ustawione.'); DEFINE('_UE_USER_PROFILE_NOT','Your profile could not be updated.'); DEFINE('_UE_USER_PROFILE_UPDATED','Your profile is updated.'); DEFINE('_UE_USER_RETURN_A','If you are not taken back to your profile in a few moments '); DEFINE('_UE_USER_RETURN_B','kliknij tutaj'); //DEFINE('_UPDATE','UPDATE'); //Moderator DEFINE('_UE_USERPROFILEBANNED','This profile has been banned by a moderator.'); DEFINE('_UE_REQUESTUNBANPROFILE','Submit Unban Request'); DEFINE('_UE_REPORTUSER','Report User'); DEFINE('_UE_BANPROFILE','Ban Profile'); DEFINE('_UE_UNBANPROFILE','Unban Profile'); DEFINE('_UE_REPORTUSER_TITLE','Report User'); DEFINE('_UE_USERREASON','Reason for User Report'); DEFINE('_UE_BANREASON','Reason for Ban'); DEFINE('_UE_SUBMITFORM','Submit'); DEFINE('_UE_NOUNBANREQUESTS','No Unban Requests to Process'); DEFINE('_UE_IMAGE_MODERATE','Moderate Images'); DEFINE('_UE_APPROVE_IMAGE','Approve Image'); DEFINE('_UE_REJECT_IMAGE','Reject Image'); DEFINE('_UE_MODERATE_TITLE','Moderator'); DEFINE('_UE_NOIMAGESTOAPPROVE','No Images to Process'); DEFINE('_UE_USERREPORT_MODERATE','Moderate User Reports'); DEFINE('_UE_REPORT','Report'); DEFINE('_UE_REPORTEDONDATE','Report Date'); DEFINE('_UE_REPORTEDUSER','Reported User'); DEFINE('_UE_REPORTEDBY','Reported By'); DEFINE('_UE_PROCESSUSERREPORT','Process'); DEFINE('_UE_NONEWUSERREPORTS','No New User Reports'); DEFINE('_UE_USERUNBAN_SUCCESSFUL','Users profile unbanned successfully.'); DEFINE('_UE_REPORTUSERSACTIVITY','Describe User Activity'); DEFINE('_UE_USERREPORT_SUCCESSFUL','User report submitted successfully.'); DEFINE('_UE_USERBAN_SUCCESSFUL','User Profile Ban Successful.'); DEFINE('_UE_FUNCTIONALITY_DISABLED','This functionality is currently disabled.'); DEFINE('_UE_UPLOAD_PEND_APPROVAL','Your image is now pending moderator approval.'); DEFINE('_UE_UPLOAD_SUCCESSFUL','Your image was successfully uploaded.'); DEFINE('_UE_UNBANREQUEST','Unban Profile Request'); DEFINE('_UE_USERUNBANREQUEST_SUCCESSFUL','Your unban profile request was successfully submitted.'); DEFINE('_UE_USERREPORT','User Report'); DEFINE('_UE_VIEWUSERREPORTS','View User Reports'); DEFINE('_UE_USERREQUESTRESPONSE','View User Reports'); DEFINE('_UE_MODERATORREQUESTRESPONSE','View User Reports'); DEFINE('_UE_REPORTBAN_TITLE','Ban Report'); DEFINE('_UE_REPORTUNBAN_TITLE','Ban Report'); DEFINE('_UE_UNBANREQUIREACTION',' Unban request(s)'); DEFINE('_UE_USERREPORTSREQUIREACTION','User report(s)'); DEFINE('_UE_IMAGESREQUIREACTION','Image(s)'); DEFINE('_UE_NOACTIONREQUIRED','No Pending Actions'); DEFINE('_UE_UNBAN_MODERATE','Unban Profile Requests'); DEFINE('_UE_BANNEDUSER','Banned User'); DEFINE('_UE_BANNEDREASON','Banned Reason'); DEFINE('_UE_BANNEDON','Banned Date'); DEFINE('_UE_BANNEDBY','Banned By'); DEFINE('_UE_MODERATORBANRESPONSE','Moderator Response'); DEFINE('_UE_USERBANRESPONSE','User Response'); DEFINE('_UE_IMAGE_ADMIN_SUB','Image Pending Approval'); DEFINE('_UE_IMAGE_ADMIN_MSG','A user has submitted an image for approval. Please log in and take the appropriate action.'); DEFINE('_UE_USERREPORT_SUB','User Report Pending Review'); DEFINE('_UE_USERREPORT_MSG','A user has submitted a report regarding a user that requires your review. Please log in and take the appropriate action.'); DEFINE('_UE_IMAGEAPPROVED_SUB','Image Approved'); DEFINE('_UE_IMAGEAPPROVED_MSG','Your image has been approved by a moderator.'); DEFINE('_UE_IMAGEREJECTED_SUB','Image Rejected'); DEFINE('_UE_IMAGEREJECTED_MSG','Your image has been rejected by a moderator. Please log in and submit a new image.'); DEFINE('_UE_BANUSER_SUB','User Profile Banned.'); DEFINE('_UE_BANUSER_MSG','Your user profile was banned by an administrator. Please log in and review why it was banned.'); DEFINE('_UE_UNBANUSER_SUB','User Profile Unbanned'); DEFINE('_UE_UNBANUSER_MSG','Your user profile was unbanned by an administrator. Your profile is now visible to all users again.'); DEFINE('_UE_UNBANUSERREQUEST_SUB','Unban Request Pending Review'); DEFINE('_UE_UNBANUSERREQUEST_MSG','A user has submitted a request to unban their profile. Please log in and take the appropriate action.'); //Alpha 3 Build DEFINE('_UE_IMAGE','Zdjęcie profilu'); DEFINE('_UE_FORMATNAME','Imię i Nazwisko'); //Alpha 4 Build DEFINE('_UE_ADMINREQUIREDFIELDS','Fields validation in Admin'); DEFINE('_UE_ADMINREQUIREDFIELDS_DESC','Set to "Yes" to make the User Management section in the administrator use field validation settngs (required, size, etc.) and set to "No" to ignore the field validation in the admin user management.'); DEFINE('_UE_CANCEL','Anuluj'); DEFINE('_UE_NA','N/A'); DEFINE('_UE_MODERATOREMAIL','Send Moderators Email'); DEFINE('_UE_MODERATOREMAIL_DESC','If "Yes" moderators will receive emails when actions happen that require their attention.'); //Beta 1 Build DEFINE('_UE_UPDATE','Aktualizuj'); //Beta 2 Build DEFINE('_UE_FIELDONPROFILE','To pole będzie widoczne w profilu'); DEFINE('_UE_FIELDNOPROFILE','To pole będzie niewidoczne w profilu'); DEFINE('_UE_FIELDREQUIRED','To pole jest wymagane'); DEFINE('_UE_NOT_AUTHORIZED','Nie jesteś uprawniony do oglądania tej strony!'); DEFINE('_UE_ALLOW_LISTVIEWBY','Zezwól na dostęp do:'); DEFINE('_UE_ALLOW_LISTVIEWBY_DESC','Pick the group that you want to be able to view the list. All users of that level and above will have access.'); DEFINE('_UE_ALLOW_PROFILEVIEWBY','Zezwól na dostęp do:'); DEFINE('_UE_ALLOW_PROFILEVIEWBY_DESC','Pick the group that you want to be able to view the profiles. All users of that level and above will have access. IMPORTANT: the CB Profile menu item must also have a corresponding access level (e.g. public if everybody should have access to user profiles).'); //Beta 3 Build DEFINE('_UE_NOLISTFOUND','Brak list użytkowników!'); DEFINE('_UE_ALLOW_PROFILELINK','Zezwól na link do profilu'); DEFINE('_UE_ALLOW_PROFILELINK_DESC','Select "Yes" to allow each row to link to the related users profile and "No" to prevent profile links on lists.'); DEFINE('_UE_REGISTERFORPROFILE','Please log in or register to view or modify your profile.'); DEFINE('_UE_UPLOAD_ERROR_GDNOTINSTALLED','The GD2 Image Library is either not installed or not compiled with PHP! Please notify your systems administrator to disable Auto Image Resize.'); DEFINE('_UE_UPLOAD_ERROR_UPLOADFAILED','An error occurred uploading/processing the image!'); DEFINE('_UE_TOC','Accept Terms and Conditions'); DEFINE('_UE_TOC_REQUIRED','You must accept the Terms and Conditions before registering!'); DEFINE('_UE_REG_TOC_MSG','Enable Terms & Conditions'); DEFINE('_UE_REG_TOC_DESC','Set to "Yes" to require users to accept your terms and conditions before registering!'); DEFINE('_UE_REG_TOC_URL_MSG','URL to Terms & Conditions'); DEFINE('_UE_REG_TOC_URL_DESC','Enter the URL to your terms & conditions.'); DEFINE('_UE_LASTUPDATEDON','Ostatnia zmiana'); //Beta 4 Build DEFINE('_UE_EMAILFORMWARNING','IMPORTANT:
    ' .'
  1. Your email address on your profile is: %s.
  2. ' .'
  3. Make sure that it is accurate and check your spam filter before sending, because the receiver will use it for his reply.
  4. ' .'
  5. Please be aware that emails may not be received by the intended users due to their email settings and spam filter.
  6. ' .'
'); DEFINE('_UE_EMAILFORMSUBJECT','Temat:'); DEFINE('_UE_EMAILFORMMESSAGE','Wiadomość:'); DEFINE('_UE_EMAILFORMTITLE','Wyślij wiadomość przez Email do %s'); DEFINE('_UE_GENERAL','General'); DEFINE('_UE_SENDEMAILNOTICE',"------- This is a message from %s at %s ( %s ) to you: -------\r\n\r\n"); DEFINE('_UE_SENDEMAILNOTICE_REPLYTO',"\r\n\r\nWhen replying, please check carefully that the email address of %s is %s."); DEFINE('_UE_SENDEMAILNOTICE_DISCLAIMER',"\r\n\r\n------ NOTES: ------\r\n\r\nThis user did not see your email address. If you reply the recipient will have your email address.\r\n\r\n%s owners cannot accept any responsibility for the contents of the email and of user email addresses."); DEFINE('_UE_SENDEMAILNOTICE_MESSAGEHEADER',"\r\n\r\n\r\n------ Message from %s to you: ------\r\n\r\n"); DEFINE('_UE_SENDPMSNOTICE','NOTE: This is a message generated automatically by the Connections system. It has the connecting user\'s address, so you can conveniently reply if you wish to.'); DEFINE('_UE_SENDEMAIL','Wyślij Email'); DEFINE('_UE_SENTEMAILSUCCESS','Twój Email został poprawnie wysłany!'); DEFINE('_UE_SENTEMAILFAILED','Twój Email nie został poprawnie wysłany. Spróbuj ponownie!'); DEFINE('_UE_ALLOW_EMAIL_DISPLAY','Email Handling'); DEFINE('_UE_REGISTERDATE','Data Rejestracji'); DEFINE('_UE_ACTION','Akcja'); DEFINE('_UE_USER','Użytkownik'); DEFINE('_UE_USERAPPROVAL_MODERATE','User Approval/Rejection'); DEFINE('_UE_USERPENDAPPRACTION',' Użytkownik(cy)'); DEFINE('_UE_APPROVEUSER','Process User(s)'); DEFINE('_UE_REG_REJECT_SUB','Your registration has been rejected!'); DEFINE('_UE_USERREJECT_MSG',"Your registration at %s has been rejected for the following reason:\n%s"); DEFINE('_UE_COMMENT','Reject Comment'); DEFINE('_UE_APPROVE','Approve'); DEFINE('_UE_REJECT','Reject'); DEFINE('_UE_USERREJECT_SUCCESSFUL','The user(s) have been successfully rejected!'); DEFINE('_UE_USERAPPROVE_SUCCESSFUL','The user(s) have been successfully approved!'); DEFINE('_LOGIN_REJECTED','Your request for registration was rejected!'); DEFINE('_UE_EMAILFOOTER','NOTE: This email was automatically generated from %s (%s).'); DEFINE('_UE_MODERATORUSERAPPOVAL','Moderator Approve Users'); DEFINE('_UE_MODERATORUSERAPPOVAL_DESC','This configuration allows Moderators to approve users pending approval via the front end of the Web site.'); DEFINE('_UE_REG_COMPLETE_NOAPPR_CONF','
Registration Complete!
' .'

Your registration requires email confirmation and approval. Please follow the confirmation steps sent to you in email. Once approved you will be sent an acceptance notice to the e-mail address you entered.

' .'

When you receive approval then you will be able to log in.

Registration Complete!
' .'

Your registration requires email confirmation and approval. Please follow the confirmation steps sent to you in email.

' .'

When you receive approval a password will be emailed to you and you will then be able to log in.

'); DEFINE('_UE_NAME_STYLE','Name Style'); DEFINE('_UE_NAME_STYLE_DESC','The name style details how you what to capture the name field in Joomla/Mambo.'); DEFINE('_UE_USER_CONFIRMED_NEEDAPPR','Thank you for confirming your Email Address. Your account requires approval by a moderator. You will receive an email with the outcome of the review.'); DEFINE('_UE_YOUR_FNAME','Imię'); DEFINE('_UE_YOUR_MNAME','Drugir Imię'); DEFINE('_UE_YOUR_LNAME','Nazwisko'); //RC 1 Build DEFINE('_UE_NOSELFEMAIL','You are not allowed to send an email to yourself!'); DEFINE('_UE_PROFILETAB','Profil'); DEFINE('_UE_AUTHORTAB','Artykuły'); DEFINE('_UE_FORUMTAB','Forum'); DEFINE('_UE_BLOGTAB','Blog'); DEFINE('_UE_ARTICLEDATE','Data'); DEFINE('_UE_ARTICLETITLE','Tytuł'); DEFINE('_UE_ARTICLERATING','Ocena'); DEFINE('_UE_ARTICLEHITS','Trafień'); DEFINE('_UE_NESTTABS','Nest Tabs'); DEFINE('_UE_NESTTABS_DESC','Nest all tabs under a single profile panel. This is very helpful when there are large amounts of tabs.'); DEFINE('_UE_MENUFORMATBAR','Menu bar'); DEFINE('_UE_MENUFORMATLIST','Menu list'); DEFINE('_UE_MENUFORMAT','Menu presentation'); DEFINE('_UE_MENUFORMAT_DESC','Select a way to represent menus used throughout community builder.'); DEFINE('_UE_TEMPLATEDIR','Community Builder Template'); DEFINE('_UE_TEMPLATEDIR_DESC','Select a template to apply to the tabs, tooltips, pannels and menus used throughout community builder.' .' You can add your own or other ones using the Community Builder Plug-in management.'); DEFINE('_UE_MINHITSINTV','Minimum hits-interval (minutes)'); DEFINE('_UE_MINHITSINTV_DESC','Set a minimum interval between views and hits count of a given user profile by a given user. Default is 60 minutes (one hour).'); DEFINE('_UE_XHTMLCOMPLY','W3C XHTML 1.0 Trans. compliance'); DEFINE('_UE_XHTMLCOMPLY_DESC','As some Joomla/Mambo templates do not include the necessary statement ( <?php mosShowHead(); ?> ),' .' this setting is optional. You can check the index.php file of your template or just turn this on and see if the user profile tabs display.' .' In the current release, we made progress towards W3C XHTML compliance, but only a few pages are fully compliant yet.' .' Of course, you need to use a compliant Joomla/Mambo template as well to be compliant.'); DEFINE('_UE_MAMBLOGNOTINSTALLED','Mamblog blogger component is not installed. Please contact your site administrator.'); DEFINE('_UE_BLOGDATE','Data'); DEFINE('_UE_BLOGTITLE','Tytuł'); DEFINE('_UE_BLOGHITS','Trafień'); DEFINE('_UE_NOBLOGS','This user has no published blog entries.'); DEFINE('_UE_NOARTICLES','This user has no published articles.'); DEFINE('_UE_IMPATH','Path to ImageMagick'); DEFINE('_UE_IMPATH_DESC','Directory path to ImageMagick ending with a / . Or leave "auto" for auto-detection for most current Linux installation directories.'); DEFINE('_UE_NETPBMPATH','Path to NetPBM'); DEFINE('_UE_NETPBMPATH_DESC','Directory Path to NetPBM ending with a / . Or leave "auto" for auto-detection for most current Linux installation directories.'); DEFINE('_UE_AUTODET','Auto-detected'); DEFINE('_UE_ERROR_NOTINSTALLED','Not installed'); DEFINE('_UE_CONVERSIONTYPE','Image Software'); DEFINE('_UE_NEWPASS_FAILED','Password Reset Failed!'); DEFINE('_UE_USER_SUBSCRIPTIONS','Your Subscriptions'); DEFINE('_UE_THREAD_UNSUBSCRIBE',':: unsubscribe ::'); DEFINE('_UE_USER_NOSUBSCRIPTIONS','No subscriptions found for you'); DEFINE('_UE_GEN_BY','przez'); DEFINE('_UE_USER_UNSUBSCRIBE_ALL','Unsubscribe from all'); DEFINE('_UE_USERREPORTMODERATED_SUCCESSFUL','User Report Successfully Moderated!'); DEFINE('_UE_USERIMAGEMODERATED_SUCCESSFUL','User Image Successfully Moderated!'); DEFINE('_UE_NOREPORTSTOPROCESS','No User Reports to Process'); DEFINE('_UE_NOUSERSPENDING','No Users Pending Approval'); DEFINE('_UE_BLANK',''); DEFINE('_UE_REG_FIRST_VISIT_URL_MSG','URL for first login visit'); DEFINE('_UE_REG_FIRST_VISIT_URL_DESC','Enter the URL to display on the very first login after registration. This page may contain your welcome message to new members and/or special instructions, or redirect the user to complete his profile. Leave blank for normal login also the first time. url for showing user\' profile is index.php?option=com_comprofiler&Itemid=1 (replace Itemid=1 by the same Itemid as your profile menu).'); DEFINE('_UE_NOSUCHPROFILE','This profile does not exist or is no longer available'); //RC 2 DEFINE('_UE_REG_INTRO_MSG','Introduction text for registration'); DEFINE('_UE_REG_INTRO_DESC','Enter the text/html to display on the top of the ' .'registration page or a language dependent constant like _UE_WELCOME_DESC. ' .'This field may contain a motivation message for new members ' .'to register and/or special instructions. Leave blank for not displaying any message.'); DEFINE('_UE_REG_CONCLUSION_MSG','Concluding text for registration'); DEFINE('_UE_REG_CONCLUSION_DESC','Enter the text/html to display on the bottom of the ' .'registration page or a language dependent constant like _UE_WELCOME_DESC. ' .'This field may contain a thank you and/or special instructions. ' .'Leave blank for not displaying any message.'); DEFINE('_UE_USER_NOT_APPROVED','This user has not yet been approved by a moderator!'); DEFINE('_UE_USER_NOT_CONFIRMED','This user has not yet confirmed his email address and account!'); //Connections DEFINE('_UE_ADDCONNECTION','Add Connection'); DEFINE('_UE_REMOVECONNECTION','Remove Connection'); DEFINE('_UE_CONNECTION','Connections'); DEFINE('_UE_CONNECTIONACCEPTSUCCESSFULL','Connection Successfully Accepted!'); DEFINE('_UE_CONNECTIONREMOVESUCCESSFULL','Connection Successfully Removed!'); DEFINE('_UE_CONNECTIONADDSUCCESSFULL','Connection Successfully Added!'); DEFINE('_UE_CONNECTIONPENDINGACCEPTANCE','Connection Pending Acceptance!'); DEFINE('_UE_DIRECTCONNECTIONPENDINGACCEPTANCE','The direct connection with %s is Pending Acceptance!'); DEFINE('_UE_NOCONNECTIONS','This user has no current connections.'); DEFINE('_UE_NODIRECTCONNECTION','There is no direct connection.'); DEFINE('_UE_ACCEPTCONNECTION','Accept Connection'); DEFINE('_UE_CONNECTIONPENDING','Connection Pending'); DEFINE('_UE_CONNECTEDSINCE','Connected Since'); DEFINE('_UE_CONNECTEDCOMMENT','Comment'); DEFINE('_UE_CONNECTEDDETAIL','Connection Details'); DEFINE('_UE_CONNECTIONREQUESTDETAIL','Connection Request Details'); DEFINE('_UE_CONNECTIONREQUIREDON','Connection Required on'); DEFINE('_UE_DECLINECONNECTION','Decline Connection'); DEFINE('_UE_FIELDDESCRIPTION','Field description: Move mouse over icon'); DEFINE('_UE_WEBURL','Address of Site'); DEFINE('_UE_WEBTEXT','Name of Site'); DEFINE('_UE_CONNECTIONTYPE','Type'); DEFINE('_UE_CONNECTIONCOMMENT','Comment'); DEFINE('_UE_CONNECTIONSUPDATEDSUCCESSFULL','Your connections are successfully updated!'); DEFINE('_UE_MANAGECONNECTIONS','Manage Connections'); DEFINE('_UE_MANAGEACTIONS','Manage Actions'); DEFINE('_UE_CONNECTIONACTIONSSUCCESSFULL','Connection actions successful!'); DEFINE('_UE_ALLOWCONNECTIONS','Enable Connections'); DEFINE('_UE_ALLOWCONNECTIONS_DESC','Enabling this feature will allow your users to connect with one another. This is often also referred to as a buddy or friend system.'); DEFINE('_UE_USEMUTUALCONNECTIONACCEPTANCE','Mutual Consent'); DEFINE('_UE_USEMUTUALCONNECTIONACCEPTANCE_DESC','Enabling this feature will require that both parties agree to the initiated connection before an official connection is established.'); DEFINE('_UE_CONNECTOINNOTIFYTYPE','Notification Method'); DEFINE('_UE_CONNECTOINNOTIFYTYPE_DESC','Choose whether you want connection notifications and which method you would like you users to received notifications related to connections workflow.'); DEFINE('_UE_AUTOADDCONNECTIONS','Cross Connections'); DEFINE('_UE_AUTOADDCONNECTIONS_DESC','Enabling this feature will make a connection for both parties instead of just the requesting party.'); DEFINE('_UE_CONNECTIONCATEGORIES','Connection Types'); DEFINE('_UE_CONNECTIONCATEGORIES_DESC','Enter a list of types to allow your users to further categorize there connections. Press enter after each type.'); DEFINE('_UE_CONNECTIONMADESUB','%s has connected with you!'); DEFINE('_UE_CONNECTIONMADEMSG','%s has established a connection with you.'); DEFINE('_UE_CONNECTIONMSGPREFIX'," %s included the following personal message:\n\n%s"); DEFINE('_UE_CONNECTIONMESSAGE',"Personal message included"); DEFINE('_UE_CONNECTIONPENDSUB','You have a pending connection from %s!'); DEFINE('_UE_CONNECTIONPENDMSG','%s is requesting to connect with you and requires your approval. Please accept or deny the connection request accordingly.'); DEFINE('_UE_CONNECTTO','Connect to %s'); DEFINE('_UE_CONNECTEDWITH','Manage Connections With Me'); DEFINE('_UE_NOCONNECTEDWITH','There are currently no users connected with you.'); DEFINE('_UE_CONNECTIONDENIED_SUB','Connection Request Declined!'); DEFINE('_UE_CONNECTIONDENIED_MSG','Your request to connect with %s was declined!'); DEFINE('_UE_CONNECTIONREMOVED_SUB','Connection Removed!'); DEFINE('_UE_CONNECTIONREMOVED_MSG','%s has removed your connection!'); DEFINE('_UE_CONNECTIONACCEPTED_SUB','Connection Request Accepted!'); DEFINE('_UE_CONNECTIONACCEPTED_MSG','Your request to connect with %s was accepted!'); DEFINE('_UE_CONNECTIONDENYSUCCESSFULL','Connection Successfully Denied!'); DEFINE('_UE_TOC_LINK','Accept %sTerms and Conditions%s'); // to link only the "Terms and Conditions", first %s will be replaced by . // RC2 Newsletters Support DEFINE('_UE_NEWSLETTER_HEADER','Newsletters'); DEFINE('_UE_NEWSLETTER','Newsletter subscription'); DEFINE('_UE_NEWSLETTER_USER_EDIT_TITLE','Edit your newsletter subscriptions'); DEFINE('_UE_NEWSLETTER_USER_EDIT_DESC','In the overview below you see our newsletters available to you. ' .'The checkbox in front of each newsletter indicates whether you are subscribed or not. ' .'You can change this and press update to change subscriptions to our newsletters.'); DEFINE('_UE_NEWSLETTER_USER_EDIT_DESC_EMAIL','If you have added subscriptions, you will have to confirm this, to be sure ' .'that you will receive the newsletters. Please check your email for further details.'); DEFINE('_UE_NEWSLETTER_INTRODCUTION',"
\n" ."
\n"); // nothing to translate here! DEFINE('_UE_NEWSLETTER_NAME','Newsletter'); DEFINE('_UE_NEWSLETTER_DESCRIPTION','Description'); DEFINE('_UE_NEWSLETTER_NAME_REG','Newsletter'); DEFINE('_UE_NEWSLETTER_DESCRIPTION_REG','Description'); DEFINE('_UE_NEWSLETTER_FORMAT_TITLE','Select newsletters format'); DEFINE('_UE_NEWSLETTER_FORMAT_FIELD','Receive newsletters:'); DEFINE('_UE_NEWSLETTER_HTML','as emails formatted in HTML'); DEFINE('_UE_NEWSLETTER_TEXT','as plain text emails'); DEFINE('_UE_NEWSLETTER_DESC','Set to "No" if you do not have a Newsletter component installed. Otherwise pick which version you want to integrate with.'); DEFINE('_UE_NEWSLETTER_DESC2','At this time, only YaNC 1.4 is supported and will propose subscription to public newsletters at the end of registration page.'); DEFINE('_UE_NEWSLETTERSREGLIST','Newsletters selection proposal'); DEFINE('_UE_NEWSLETTERSREGLIST_DESC','Lists to be proposed on the registration page (if newsletters integration enabled). If Newsletters integration is selected and no newsletters are selected, all publicly available newsletters will be proposed. Use CTRL (Mac: COMMAND) to select multiple, or click on selected to unselect any or all.'); DEFINE('_UE_NEWSLETTERSREGLIST_DESC2','Multi-Select with ctrl(PC) or command(Mac) to add/remove Newsletter.'); DEFINE('_UE_NEWSLETTER_SUBSCRIBE','Subscribe to:'); DEFINE('_UE_NEWSLETTERNOTINSTALLED','Newsletter component is not installed. Please contact your site administrator.'); DEFINE('_UE_NONEWSLETTERS','No newsletters to subscribe.'); DEFINE('_UE_PUBLIC','Public'); DEFINE('_UE_PRIVATE','Private'); DEFINE('_UE_CONNECTIONDISPLAY','Display Type'); DEFINE('_UE_CONNECTIONDISPLAY_DESC','Choose whether to make the display of each users connections public or private'); DEFINE('_UE_CONNECTIONPATH','Display Connection Path'); DEFINE('_UE_CONNECTIONPATH_DESC','Choose whether to display the connection path between a user and the profile he/she visits'); DEFINE('_UE_DIRECTCONNECTION','You are directly connected with '); DEFINE('_UE_NOESTABLISHEDCONNECTION','There is no established connection between you and '); DEFINE('_UE_CONNECTIONPATH1','Your connection path to '); DEFINE('_UE_CONNECTIONPATH2',' degrees ):
'); DEFINE('_UE_DETAILSABOUT',' Details About '); DEFINE('_UE_CONNECTIONINVITATIONMSG','Personalize your invitation to connect by adding a message that will be included with your connection.'); DEFINE('_UE_MESSAGE','Message:'); DEFINE('_UE_SENDCONNECTIONREQUEST','Submit'); DEFINE('_UE_CANCELCONNECTIONREQUEST','Cancel'); DEFINE('_UE_CONFIRMREMOVECONNECTION','Are you sure you want to remove this connection?'); DEFINE('_UE_CONNECTIONREQUIREACTION','Connection Request(s)'); DEFINE('_UE_NOZOOMIMGS','This user has no images!'); DEFINE('_UE_ZOOMNOTINSTALLED','Zoom image component is not installed. Please contact your site administrator.'); DEFINE('_UE_ZOOMGALLERY','See Gallery'); DEFINE('_UE_ZOOMTABTITLE','Image Gallery'); DEFINE('_UE_FORUM_FORUMRANKING','Forum Ranking'); DEFINE('_UE_FORUM_TOTALPOSTS','Total Posts'); DEFINE('_UE_FORUM_KARMA','Karma'); DEFINE('_UE_NEWSLETTER_NOT_CONFIRMED','Not confirmed'); DEFINE('_UE_NOTIFICATIONSAT','Notifications at'); DEFINE('_UE_YOUR_VERSION','Your version'); DEFINE('_UE_LATEST_VERSION','Latest version'); DEFINE('_UE_ACTIONSMENU','Actions Menu'); DEFINE('_UE_CONNECT_ACTIONREQUIRED','Below you see users proposing to connect with you. You have the choice to accept or decline their request. ' .'Select the green checkmark to accept or the red cross to decline their request. Then click on the UPDATE button. ' .'Move and keep your mouse over the images and over the icons to see a short explanation of the details and their meaning.'); DEFINE('_UE_CONNECT_MANAGECONNECTIONS','Below you see users to whom you are connected directly. ' .'You can add a personal Comment and choose multiple Types of connection from the list by CTRL (PC) or CMD (Mac) clicking on items. ' .'Then click on the UPDATE button. ' .'Move and keep your mouse over the icons to see a short explanation of their meaning and actions and over the images to see connection details.'); // PMS: //Administrator Integration Tab DEFINE('_UE_PMSTAB','Quick Message'); DEFINE('_UE_PMS_NOTINSTALLED','The selected PMS System is not installed.'); // PMS integration definitions DEFINE('_UE_PM_SENTSUCCESS','Your private message was sent successfully!'); DEFINE('_UE_PM_NOTSENT','Your private message could not be sent!'); DEFINE('_UE_PMS_TYPE_UNSUPPORTED','This private message type is not supported by the selected PMS system!'); DEFINE('_UE_PM_EMPTYMESSAGE','Empty message.'); DEFINE('_UE_SESSIONTIMEOUT','Session timed out.'); DEFINE('_UE_TRYAGAIN','Please try again.'); DEFINE('_UE_PM_SENDMESSAGE','Send Message'); DEFINE('_UE_PM_PROFILEMSG','Message from your profile view'); DEFINE('_UE_PM_MESSAGES_HAVE' , 'You have'); DEFINE('_UE_PM_NEW_MESSAGE' , 'new private message'); DEFINE('_UE_PM_NEW_MESSAGES' , 'new private messages'); DEFINE('_UE_PM_NO_MESSAGES' , 'You have no new private messages'); // PMS Menus: DEFINE('_UE_PM','PM'); DEFINE('_UE_PM_USER','Send Private Message'); DEFINE('_UE_MENU_PM_USER_DESC','Send a Private Message to this user'); DEFINE('_UE_PM_INBOX','Show Private Inbox'); DEFINE('_UE_MENU_PM_INBOX_DESC','Show Received Private Messages'); DEFINE('_UE_PM_OUTBOX','Show Private Outbox'); DEFINE('_UE_MENU_PM_OUTBOX_DESC','Show Sent/Pending Private Messages'); DEFINE('_UE_PM_TRASHBOX','Show Private Trashbox'); DEFINE('_UE_MENU_PM_TRASHBOX_DESC','Show Trashed Private Messages'); DEFINE('_UE_PM_OPTIONS','Edit PMS Options'); DEFINE('_UE_MENU_PM_OPTIONS_DESC','Edit Private Messaging System Options'); // Menus DEFINE('_UE_MENU', 'Menu'); DEFINE('_UE_USER_STATUS', 'User Status'); DEFINE('_UE_MENU_CB', 'Community'); DEFINE('_UE_MENU_ABOUT_CB', 'About Community Builder...'); DEFINE('_UE_SITE_POWEREDBY', 'This site\'s community features are powered by Joomla/Mambo Community Builder'); DEFINE('_UE_MENU_EDIT', 'Edytuj'); DEFINE('_UE_MENU_VIEW', 'Zobacz'); DEFINE('_UE_MENU_MESSAGES', 'Messages'); DEFINE('_UE_MENU_CONNECTIONS', 'Connections'); //DEFINE('_UE_MENU_UPDATEPROFILE', 'Aktualizuj swoje zdjęcie'); DEFINE('_UE_MENU_UPDATEPROFILE_DESC', 'Zmień ustawienia swojego profilu'); //DEFINE('_UE_MENU_UPDATEAVATAR', 'Aktualizuj swoje zdjęcie'); DEFINE('_UE_MENU_UPDATEAVATAR_DESC', 'Wybierz zdjęcie swojego pofilu'); //DEFINE('_UE_MENU_DELETE_AVATAR', 'Skasuj zdjęcie'); DEFINE('_UE_MENU_DELETE_AVATAR_DESC', 'Skasuj zdjęcie z Profilu'); DEFINE('_UE_MENU_VIEWMYPROFILE', 'Zobacz Swój Profil'); DEFINE('_UE_MENU_VIEWMYPROFILE_DESC', 'Przejrzyj swój Profil'); DEFINE('_UE_MENU_SENDUSEREMAIL','Send Email to User'); DEFINE('_UE_MENU_SENDUSEREMAIL_DESC','Send an Email to this user'); DEFINE('_UE_MENU_USEREMAIL_DESC','Email address of this user'); DEFINE('_UE_ADDCONNECTION_DESC','Add a Connection to that user'); DEFINE('_UE_ADDCONNECTIONREQUEST','Request Connection'); DEFINE('_UE_ADDCONNECTIONREQUEST_DESC','Request a Connection to that user'); DEFINE('_UE_REMOVECONNECTION_DESC','Remove Connection to that user'); DEFINE('_UE_REVOKECONNECTIONREQUEST','Revoke Connection Request'); DEFINE('_UE_REVOKECONNECTIONREQUEST_DESC','Cancel the Connection Request to that user'); DEFINE('_UE_MENU_MANAGEMYCONNECTIONS','Manage Your Connections'); DEFINE('_UE_MENU_MANAGEMYCONNECTIONS_DESC','Manage your existing connections and pending connections actions'); DEFINE('_UE_MENU_MODERATE', 'Moderation'); //DEFINE('_UE_MENU_REQUESTUNBANPROFILE','Submit Unban Request'); DEFINE('_UE_MENU_REQUESTUNBANPROFILE_DESC', 'Submit a request to the site moderator to unban your profile'); //DEFINE('_UE_MENU_BANPROFILE','Ban Profile'); DEFINE('_UE_MENU_BANPROFILE_DESC', 'As Site Moderator: Ban this profile, making it invisible to other users'); //DEFINE('_UE_MENU_UNBANPROFILE','Unban Profile'); DEFINE('_UE_MENU_UNBANPROFILE_DESC', 'As Site Moderator: Unban this profile, making it visible to other users'); //DEFINE('_UE_MENU_REPORTUSER','Report User'); DEFINE('_UE_MENU_REPORTUSER_DESC', 'Report this user to the site moderator so that he can take appropriate action'); //DEFINE('_UE_MENU_VIEWUSERREPORTS','View User Reports'); DEFINE('_UE_MENU_VIEWUSERREPORTS_DESC','As Site Moderator: View User Reports for this user'); DEFINE('_UE_UNBAN_MODERATE_DESC','Click on the Banned Username to view the corresponding user profile. ' .'Then choose Moderate/Unban user from the user profile menu if you wish to unban this user.'); DEFINE('_UE_MENU_APPROVE_IMAGE_DESC', 'As Site Moderator: Approve the image submitted by this user for this profile, making it visible to other users'); DEFINE('_UE_MENU_REJECT_IMAGE_DESC', 'As Site Moderator: Reject the image of the user for this profile'); DEFINE('_UE_HITS_DESC','Number of Views of this user profile'); DEFINE('_UE_ONLINESTATUS_DESC','This User\'s current Online Status'); DEFINE('_UE_MEMBERSINCE_DESC','This user is Member Since'); DEFINE('_UE_LASTONLINE_DESC','This user was Last Online on'); DEFINE('_UE_LASTUPDATEDON_DESC','This user has Updated his profile last time on'); DEFINE('_UE_LENGTH_ERROR','This field\'s maximum length has been exceeded by'); DEFINE('_UE_CHARACTERS','characters'); DEFINE('_UE_NEVER','Never'); DEFINE('_UE_NOFORUMPOSTSFOUND','No matching forum posts found.'); DEFINE('_UE_PORTRAIT','Portret'); DEFINE('_UE_CONNECTIONPATHS','Connection Paths'); DEFINE('_UE_PROFILE_PAGE_TITLE','Tytuł strony Profilu'); DEFINE('_UE_PROFILE_TITLE_TEXT','Strona Profilu: %s'); DEFINE('_UE_SEARCH_INPUT','Search…'); // … = "..." DEFINE('_UE_POS_CB_MAIN','Main area (below left/middle/right)'); DEFINE('_UE_POS_CB_HEAD','Header (above left/middle/right)'); DEFINE('_UE_POS_CB_MIDDLE','Middle area'); DEFINE('_UE_POS_CB_LEFT','Left side (of middle area)'); DEFINE('_UE_POS_CB_RIGHT','Right side (of middle area)'); DEFINE('_UE_POS_CB_BOTTOM','Bottom area (below main area)'); DEFINE('_UE_DISPLAY_TAB','Tabbed pane'); DEFINE('_UE_DISPLAY_DIV','Div with title'); DEFINE('_UE_DISPLAY_HTML','Raw display without title'); DEFINE('_UE_DISPLAY_OVERLIB','Overlay moving with mouse'); DEFINE('_UE_DISPLAY_OVERLIBFIX','Fixed overlay closing on mouseout'); DEFINE('_UE_DISPLAY_OVERLIBSTICKY','Button with Sticky overlay'); DEFINE('_UE_CLOSE_OVERLIB','ZAMKNIJ'); //SB Integration Support DEFINE('_UE_SB_TABTITLE','Forum settings'); DEFINE('_UE_SB_TABDESC','These are your forum settings'); DEFINE('_UE_SB_VIEWTYPE_TITLE','Preferred viewtype'); DEFINE('_UE_SB_VIEWTYPE_FLAT','Flat'); DEFINE('_UE_SB_VIEWTYPE_THREADED','Threaded'); DEFINE('_UE_SB_ORDERING_TITLE','Preferred message ordering'); DEFINE('_UE_SB_ORDERING_OLDEST','Oldest post first'); DEFINE('_UE_SB_ORDERING_LATEST','Latest post first'); DEFINE('_UE_SB_SIGNATURE','Signature'); //added for SB 1.5 during 1.0 RC 1 DEFINE('_UE_SB_POSTSPERPAGE','Posts per page'); DEFINE('_UE_SB_USERTIMEOFFSET','Local time offset from server'); DEFINE('_UE_SB_CONFIRMUNSUBSCRIBEALL','Are you sure you want to unsubscribe from all your forum subscriptions ?'); DEFINE('_UE_FORUMDATE','Data'); DEFINE('_UE_FORUMCATEGORY','Kategoria'); DEFINE('_UE_FORUMSUBJECT','Temat'); DEFINE('_UE_FORUMHITS','Trafień'); DEFINE('_UE_FORUM_POSTS','Forum Posts'); DEFINE('_UE_FORUM_LASTPOSTS','Last %s Forum Posts'); DEFINE('_UE_FORUM_FOUNDPOSTS','Found %s Forum Posts'); DEFINE('_UE_FORUM_STATS','Forum Statistics'); if (!defined('_RANK_MODERATOR')) DEFINE('_RANK_MODERATOR','Moderator'); if (!defined('_RANK_ADMINISTRATOR')) DEFINE('_RANK_ADMINISTRATOR','Administrator'); DEFINE('_UE_SBNOTINSTALLED','The forum component is not installed. Please contact your site administrator.'); DEFINE('_UE_NOFORUMPOSTS','This user has no forum posts.'); DEFINE("_UE_USERPARAMS","User Parameters"); //Mamblog search: DEFINE('_UE_BLOG_LASTENTRIES','Last %d Blog Entries'); DEFINE('_UE_BLOG_FOUNDENTRIES','Found %d Blog Entries'); DEFINE('_UE_BLOG_ENTRIES','Blog Entries'); // 1.0 stable: DEFINE('_UE_NO_USERS_IN_LIST','Brak użytkowników w tej liście'); DEFINE('_UE_LIST_DOES_NOT_EXIST','Ta lista nie istnieje'); DEFINE('_UE_VISIBLE_ONLY_MODERATOR','This entry is visible only to moderators'); DEFINE('_UE_AUTOMATIC','Automatycznie'); DEFINE('_UE_MANUAL','Ręcznie'); DEFINE('_UE_NOVERSIONCHECK','Version checking on Configuration'); DEFINE('_UE_NOVERSIONCHECK_DESC','Choose whether you want the version to be checked automatically each time you go to Community Builder general configuration (highly recommended, so you see immediately a message in case of a critical security release) or manually, when you click on the link (not recommended). Your installed Community Builder does not disclose any information during this version check (except the current installed version and standard http parameters). There is no automatic update service.'); // 1.0 stable cblogin module: DEFINE('_UE_SHOW_POFILE_OF','Pokaż Profil '); //Not yet used within application but are needed to translate default images for profile. DEFINE('_UE_IMG_NOIMG','Brak Zdjęcia'); DEFINE('_UE_IMG_PENDIMG','Pending Approval'); // CB 1.0.2 optional string: DEFINE('_UE_MAXEMAILSLIMIT','You exceeded the maximum limit of %d emails per %d hours. Please try again later.'); DEFINE('_UE_INPUT_VALUE_NOT_ALLOWED','This input value is not authorized.'); //Needed for Joomla 1.5 and Mambo 4.6 language independance: Translators: please take strings from joomla 1.0.11's language file /** registration.php */ if (!defined('_ERROR_PASS')) DEFINE('_ERROR_PASS','Sorry, no corresponding user was found'); if (!defined('_NEWPASS_SENT')) DEFINE('_NEWPASS_SENT','New User Password created and sent!'); if (!defined('_REGWARN_NAME')) DEFINE('_REGWARN_NAME','Please enter your name.'); if (!defined('_REGWARN_UNAME')) DEFINE('_REGWARN_UNAME','Please enter a username.'); if (!defined('_REGWARN_MAIL')) DEFINE('_REGWARN_MAIL','Please enter a valid e-mail address.'); if (!defined('_REGWARN_VPASS2')) DEFINE('_REGWARN_VPASS2','Password and verification do not match, please try again.'); if (!defined('_REGWARN_INUSE')) DEFINE('_REGWARN_INUSE','This username is already in use. Please try another.'); if (!defined('_REGWARN_EMAIL_INUSE')) DEFINE('_REGWARN_EMAIL_INUSE', 'This e-mail is already registered. If you forgot the password click on "Lost your Password ?" or on "Password Reminder" and new password will be sent to you.'); if (!defined('_VALID_AZ09')) DEFINE('_VALID_AZ09',"Please enter a valid %s. No spaces, more than %d characters and contain 0-9,a-z,A-Z"); /** classes/html/registration.php */ if (!defined('_PROMPT_PASSWORD')) DEFINE('_PROMPT_PASSWORD','Lost your Password?'); if (!defined('_NEW_PASS_DESC')) DEFINE('_NEW_PASS_DESC','Please enter your Username and e-mail address then click on the Send Password button.
' .'You will receive a new password shortly. Use this new password to access the site.'); if (!defined('_PROMPT_UNAME')) DEFINE('_PROMPT_UNAME','Username:'); if (!defined('_PROMPT_EMAIL')) DEFINE('_PROMPT_EMAIL','E-mail Address:'); if (!defined('_BUTTON_SEND_PASS')) DEFINE('_BUTTON_SEND_PASS','Send Password'); if (!defined('_REGISTER_TITLE')) DEFINE('_REGISTER_TITLE','Stwórz nowe konto w serwisie'); if (!defined('_REGISTER_NAME')) DEFINE('_REGISTER_NAME','Name:'); if (!defined('_REGISTER_UNAME')) DEFINE('_REGISTER_UNAME','Username:'); if (!defined('_REGISTER_EMAIL')) DEFINE('_REGISTER_EMAIL','E-mail:'); if (!defined('_REGISTER_PASS')) DEFINE('_REGISTER_PASS','Password:'); if (!defined('_REGISTER_VPASS')) DEFINE('_REGISTER_VPASS','Verify Password:'); if (!defined('_BUTTON_SEND_REG')) DEFINE('_BUTTON_SEND_REG','Send Registration'); if (!defined('_SENDING_PASSWORD')) DEFINE('_SENDING_PASSWORD','Your password will be sent to the above e-mail address.
Once you have received your' .' new password you can log in in and change it.'); if (!defined('_LOGIN_SUCCESS')) DEFINE('_LOGIN_SUCCESS','You have successfully logged in'); if (!defined('_LOGOUT_SUCCESS')) DEFINE('_LOGOUT_SUCCESS','You have successfully logged out'); if (!defined('_LOGIN_BLOCKED')) DEFINE('_LOGIN_BLOCKED','Your login is blocked.'); if (!defined('_CMN_YES')) DEFINE('_CMN_YES','Yes'); if (!defined('_CMN_NO')) DEFINE('_CMN_NO','No'); if (!defined('_CMN_SHOW')) DEFINE('_CMN_SHOW','Show'); if (!defined('_CMN_HIDE')) DEFINE('_CMN_HIDE','Hide'); if (!defined('_LOGIN_INCOMPLETE')) DEFINE('_LOGIN_INCOMPLETE','Please complete the username and password fields.'); if (!defined('_LOGIN_INCORRECT')) DEFINE('_LOGIN_INCORRECT','Incorrect username or password. Please try again.'); if (!defined('_USER_DETAILS_SAVE')) DEFINE('_USER_DETAILS_SAVE','Your settings have been saved.'); // 1.1: DEFINE('_UE_MENU_STATUS', 'Status'); DEFINE('_UE_YOURCONNECTIONS','Your connections'); DEFINE('_UE_USERSNCONNECTIONS','%s\'s connections'); DEFINE('_UE_SEEALLNCONNECTIONS','See all %s connections'); DEFINE('_UE_SEEALLOFUSERSNCONNECTIONS','See all of %s\'s %s connections'); DEFINE('_UE_YOU_ARE_ALREADY_REGISTERED','You are already registered with this username and password.'); DEFINE('_UE_SESSION_EXPIRED','Session expired or cookies are not enabled in your browser. Please press "reload page" in your browser, and enable cookies in your browser.'); DEFINE('_UE_PLEASE_REFRESH','Please refresh/reload page before filling-in.'); DEFINE('_UE_REGISTERFORPROFILEVIEW','Please log in or register to view user profiles.'); DEFINE('_UE_INFORMATION_FOR_FIELD','Information for: %s : %s'); DEFINE('_UE_ALLOWMODERATORSUSEREDIT_DESC','Allows moderators to edit a users profile and to add, change or delete users avatars. Moderators cannot edit same or higher-level moderators'); DEFINE('_UE_ALLOWMODERATORSUSEREDIT','Allow Moderators to Edit User Profiles'); DEFINE('_UE_USERPROFILEBLOCKED','This profile is no longer available.'); DEFINE('_UE_EDIT_OTHER_USER_TITLE','Edit %s\'s Details'); DEFINE('_UE_MOD_MENU_UPDATEPROFILE', 'Update user profile'); DEFINE('_UE_MOD_MENU_UPDATEPROFILE_DESC', 'Change profile settings of this user profile'); DEFINE('_UE_MOD_MENU_UPDATEAVATAR', 'Update user image'); DEFINE('_UE_MOD_MENU_UPDATEAVATAR_DESC', 'Choose the image of this user profile'); DEFINE('_UE_MOD_MENU_DELETE_AVATAR', 'Remove user image'); DEFINE('_UE_MOD_MENU_DELETE_AVATAR_DESC', 'Remove the image from this user profile'); DEFINE('_UE_MOD_MENU_VIEWOLDUSERREPORTS','View processed user reports'); DEFINE('_UE_MOD_MENU_VIEWOLDUSERREPORTS_DESC','As site moderator: View processed user reports for this user'); DEFINE('_UE_REPORTSTATUS','Report status'); DEFINE('_UE_REPORTSTATUS_OPEN','Open'); DEFINE('_UE_REPORTSTATUS_PROCESSED','Processed'); DEFINE('_UE_UNBANUSER','User profile unbanned'); DEFINE('_UE_UNBANNEDON','Unbanned Date'); DEFINE('_UE_UNBANNEDBY','Unbanned By'); DEFINE('_UE_MENU_BANPROFILE_HISTORY','Ban history'); DEFINE('_UE_MENU_BANPROFILE_HISTORY_DESC', 'As Site Moderator: See ban history of this profile'); DEFINE('_UE_BANSTATUS','Ban status'); DEFINE('_UE_BANSTATUS_BANNED','Banned'); DEFINE('_UE_BANSTATUS_UNBAN_REQUEST_PENDING','Unban request pending'); DEFINE('_UE_BANSTATUS_PROCESSED','Processed'); DEFINE('_UE_UNNAMED_USER','Unnamed user'); DEFINE('_UE_REG_CB_ALLOW','Allow User Registration'); DEFINE('_UE_REG_CB_ALLOW_DESC','Whether to allow user registration as configured in global site configuration, or through CB anyway.
Recommened setting: only through CB : set : "Yes" here and "No" in global site setting.'); DEFINE('_UE_REG_PROFILE_2COLS','2 columns layout: widths:'); DEFINE('_UE_REG_PROFILE_2COLS_RIGHT_REST','Right: the rest!'); DEFINE('_UE_REG_PROFILE_2COLS_DESC','Layout widths in % for 2 columns profiles'); DEFINE('_UE_REG_PROFILE_3COLS','3 columns layout: widths:'); DEFINE('_UE_REG_PROFILE_3COLS_RIGHT_REST','Right: the rest!'); DEFINE('_UE_REG_PROFILE_3COLS_DESC','Layout widths in % for 3 columns profiles. Middle column: the rest!'); DEFINE('_UE_REG_FILTER_ALLOWED_TAGS','Do not filter following tags on editor area fields:'); DEFINE('_UE_REG_FILTER_ALLOWED_TAGS_DESC','Type-in tags that you would like to not be filtered, separated by single spaces, for example: `applet body bgsound embed`.
WARNING: this is at your own risk, as users could insert malware code. The default filtering avoids this: following tags are filtered by default and can be removed from filtering by typing them in:'); DEFINE('_UE_REG_FURTHER_SETTINGS','Further settings:'); DEFINE('_UE_REG_FURTHER_SETTINGS_MORE','see plugins and tabs parameters.'); DEFINE('_UE_REG_FURTHER_SETTINGS_DESC','More settings are available in menu: Components / Community Builder / Plugin Management and / Tab Management. Each plugin and each tab can be edited and have its own parameters. Plugins and tabs must be published to be active.'); // 1.1: backend global config: DEFINE('_UE_REG_CONFIGURATION_MANAGER','Configuration Manager'); DEFINE('_UE_REG_ALLOWREG_SAME_AS_GLOBAL','same as global `allow registration` site setting'); DEFINE('_UE_REG_ALLOWREG_YES','yes, independently of global site setting'); DEFINE('_UE_NONE','None'); DEFINE('_UE_REG_NAMEFORMAT_NAME_ONLY','Name Only'); DEFINE('_UE_REG_NAMEFORMAT_NAME_USERNAME','Name (username)'); DEFINE('_UE_REG_NAMEFORMAT_USERNAME_ONLY','Username Only'); DEFINE('_UE_REG_NAMEFORMAT_USERNAME_NAME','Username (Name)'); DEFINE('_UE_REG_NAMEFORMAT_SINGLE_FIELD','Single Name Field'); DEFINE('_UE_REG_NAMEFORMAT_TWO_FIELDS','First and Last Name Field'); DEFINE('_UE_REG_NAMEFORMAT_THREE_FIELDS','First, Middle, and Last Name Field'); DEFINE('_UE_REG_EMAILDISPLAY_EMAIL_ONLY','Display Email Only'); DEFINE('_UE_REG_EMAILDISPLAY_EMAIL_W_MAILTO','Display Email w/ MailTo link'); DEFINE('_UE_REG_EMAILDISPLAY_EMAIL_W_FORM','Display Link to Email Form'); DEFINE('_UE_REG_EMAILDISPLAY_EMAIL_NO','Do Not Display Email'); DEFINE('_UE_GROUPS_EVERYBODY','Everybody'); DEFINE('_UE_GROUPS_ALL_REG_USERS','All Registered Users'); DEFINE('_UE_WARNING','Warning'); DEFINE('_UE_YOUR_CONFIG_FILE','Your config file'); DEFINE('_UE_IS_NOT_WRITABLE','is not writable'); DEFINE('_UE_NEED_TO_CHMOD_CONFIG','You need to chmod this to 766 in order for the config to be updated'); DEFINE('_UE_FILE_UNWRITABLE',''); DEFINE('_UE_LEFT','Left'); DEFINE('_UE_RIGHT','Right'); DEFINE('_UE_CENTER','Center'); DEFINE('_UE_UP','Up'); DEFINE('_UE_DOWN','Down'); DEFINE('_UE_TOP','Top'); DEFINE('_UE_BOTTOM','Bottom'); DEFINE('_UE_MODERATORS_AND_ABOVE','CB Moderators and levels above'); DEFINE('_UE_SUPERADMINS_ONLY','Super-Administrators only'); DEFINE('_UE_ADMINS_AND_SUPERADMINS_ONLY','Administrators and Super-administrators only'); DEFINE('_UE_NO_PARAMS','There are no parameters for this item'); DEFINE('_UE_CALENDAR_TYPE','Calendar Type'); DEFINE('_UE_CALENDAR_TYPE_DESC','Choose which calendar you would like to use for dates selection.'); DEFINE('_UE_CALENDAR_TYPE_DROPDOWN_POPUP','Drop-down (+popup) calendar'); DEFINE('_UE_CALENDAR_TYPE_POPUP','Popup calendar (old)'); DEFINE('_UE_REG_USERNAMECHECKER','Ajax Username checker'); DEFINE('_UE_REG_USERNAMECHECKER_DESC','Allow to check if a username is available during registration. You need to be aware that even though this feature is protected, under some circumstances, it could be used for username guessing, making password guessing easier. This is an experimental feature, not yet optimized for large sites: test first !'); // 1.1: frontend: DEFINE('_UE_BUTTON_LOGIN','Zaloguj'); DEFINE('_UE_BUTTON_LOGOUT','Wyloguj'); DEFINE('_UE_DO_LOGIN','Musisz się zalogować.'); DEFINE('_UE_DO_LOGOUT','Musisz się wylogować.'); define('_UE_CHECK_USERNAME_AVAILABILITY',"Sprawdznie dostępności nazwy"); define('_UE_USERNAME_ALREADY_EXISTS',"Login '%s' jest już zajęty: proszę wybierz inną nazwę."); define('_UE_USERNAME_DOESNT_EXISTS',"Login '%s' jest wolny: możesz kontynuować."); define('_UE_CHECKING',"Sprawdzanie..."); define('_UE_SORRY_CANT_CHECK',"Przepraszamy błąd sprawdznia."); DEFINE('_UE_PLEAE_CHECK_PROFILE','Proszę sprawdź swój Profil'); DEFINE('_UE_BANNED_CHANGE_PROFILE','Your Profile is banned. Only you and moderators can see it.
Please follow the request of the moderator, then choose moderation / unban to submit a request for unbanning your profile.'); DEFINE('_UE_WARNING_EDIT_OTHER_USER_PROFILE','WARNING: This is not your profile. As a moderator, you are editing the profile of user: %s.'); DEFINE('_UE_BACK_TO_YOUR_PROFILE','Wróć do swojego profilu'); // CB captcha plugin strings in core since cb 1.1: DEFINE('_UE_CAPTCHA_Label','Kod bezpieczeństwa'); DEFINE('_UE_CAPTCHA_Enter_Label','Wpisz kod bezpieczeństwa'); DEFINE('_UE_CAPTCHA_Desc','Enter Security Code from image. If no image is present then try disabling your advertisement blocker and then refresh this page. Otherwise please contact the website administrator for assistance.'); DEFINE('_UE_CAPTCHA_NOT_VALID','Błędny kod bezpieczeństwa'); DEFINE('_UE_CAPTCHA_ALT_IMAGE','Image with security code embedded in it'); DEFINE('_UE_CAPTCHA_AUDIO','click here to hear the letters'); DEFINE('_UE_CAPTCHA_AUDIO_POPUP_TITLE','CB Captcha Audio Playback'); DEFINE('_UE_CAPTCHA_AUDIO_POPUP_DESCRIPTION','Listen to audio playback of captcha image'); DEFINE('_UE_CAPTCHA_AUDIO_DOWNLOAD','Click to externally play or download audio file'); DEFINE('_UE_CAPTCHA_AUDIO_CLICK2DOWNLOAD','(right-click or control-click)'); DEFINE('_UE_CAPTCHA_AUDIO_POPUP_CLOSEWINDOW','Click to close window'); // 1.2 Frontend: DEFINE('_UE_ERROR_USER_NOT_SYNCHRONIZED','User not existing or not synchronized with CB'); DEFINE('_LOGIN_TITLE','Login'); DEFINE('_LOGIN_REGISTER_TITLE','Witamy! Prosimy się zalogować lub zarejestrować:'); DEFINE('_UE_UPLOAD_DIMENSIONS_AVATAR','Your image will be resized if needed to a maximum dimension of %s pixels width x %s height automatically, but your image file should not exceed %s KB.'); DEFINE('_UE_LOGIN_BLOCKED','Twój login jest zablokowany.'); DEFINE('_UE_REMEMBER_ME', 'Pamiętaj mnie'); DEFINE('_UE_PASSWORD_REMINDER','Przypomnij Hasło'); DEFINE('_UE_USERNAME_PASSWORD_REMINDER','Przypomnij Login'); DEFINE('_UE_REMINDER_NEEDED_FOR','Proszę o przypomnienie'); DEFINE('_UE_LOST__USERNAME','Zgubiony Login'); DEFINE('_UE_LOST__PASSWORD','Zgubione Hasło'); DEFINE('_UE_LOST_PASSWORD','Zapomniałeś hasła?'); DEFINE('_UE_USERNAMEREMINDER_SUB','Username reminder for %s'); DEFINE('_UE_USERNAMEREMINDER_MSG','Hello,\n' .'A username reminder has been requested for your %s account.\n\n' .'Your username is: %s\n\n' .'To log in to your account, click on the link below:\n' .'%s\n\n' .'Thank you.\n'); DEFINE('_UE_NEWPASS_SUB','New password for: %s'); DEFINE('_UE_NEWPASS_MSG','The user account %s has this email associated with it.\n' .'A web user from %s has just requested that a new password be sent.\n\n' .'Your New Password is: %s\n\n' .'If you didn\'t ask for this, don\'t worry.' .' You are seeing this message, not them. If this was an error just log in with your' .' new password and then change your password to what you would like it to be.'); DEFINE('_UE_ALREADY_LOGGED_IN','Już jesteś zalogowany'); DEFINE('_UE_EMAIL_COULD_NOT_CHECK','Could not check this email: Please double-check: Needed for confirmation.'); DEFINE('_UE_EMAIL_COULD_NOT_CHECK_NEEDED','Could not check this email: Please double-check.'); DEFINE('_UE_EMAIL_INCORRECT_CHECK','This email does not accept email: Please check.'); DEFINE('_UE_EMAIL_INCORRECT_CHECK_NEEDED','This address does not accept email: Needed for confirmation.'); DEFINE('_UE_EMAIL_VERIFIED','Ten adres Email wygląda poprawnie.'); DEFINE('_UE_EMAIL_NOVALID','To nie jest poprawny adres Email.'); DEFINE('_UE_EMAIL_ALREADY_REGISTERED','Ten adres Email jest już zarejestrowany, może przez Ciebie.'); DEFINE('_UE_FIELDONPROFILE_SHORT','Pole widoczne w profilu'); DEFINE('_UE_FIELDNOPROFILE_SHORT','Pole niewidoczne w profilu'); DEFINE('_UE_FIELDREQUIRED_SHORT','Pole wymagane'); DEFINE('_UE_FIELDDESCRIPTION_SHORT','Informacja: Najedź kursorem myszy'); DEFINE('_UE_AVATAR_UPLOAD_DISCLAIMER','By clicking "Upload", you certify that you have the right to distribute this photo.'); DEFINE('_UE_AVATAR_UPLOAD_DISCLAIMER_TERMS','By clicking "Upload", you certify that you have the right to distribute this photo and that it does not violate the %s.'); DEFINE('_UE_AVATAR_TOC_LINK','Terms and Conditions'); DEFINE('_UE_USER_EMAIL_CONFIRMED','Adres Email jest już zatwierdzony'); DEFINE('_UE_LOST_USERNAME_PASSWORD','Zapomniałeś?'); DEFINE('_UE_LOST_USERNAME_OR_PASSWORD','Zapomniałeś swjego Loginu lub Hasła ?'); DEFINE('_UE_LOST_USERNAME_DESC','If you lost your username, please enter your E-mail Address, leaving Username field empty, then click the Send Username button, and your username will be sent to your email address.'); DEFINE('_UE_LOST_USERNAME_ONLY_DESC','If you lost your username, please enter your E-mail Address, then click the Send Username button, and your username will be sent to your email address.'); DEFINE('_UE_LOST_PASSWORD_DESC','If you lost your password but know your username, please enter your Username and your E-mail Address, press the Send Password button, and you will receive a new password shortly. Use this new password to access the site.'); DEFINE('_UE_LOST_USERNAME_PASSWORD_DESC','If you forgot both your username and your password, please recover the username first, then the password. To recover your username, please enter your E-mail Address, leaving Username field empty, then click the Send Username button, and your username will be sent to your email address. From there you can use this same form to recover your password.'); DEFINE('_UE_BUTTON_SEND','Wyślij'); DEFINE('_UE_BUTTON_SEND_USERNAME','Wyślij Login'); DEFINE('_UE_BUTTON_SEND_PASS','Wyślij Hasło'); DEFINE('_UE_BUTTON_SEND_USERNAME_PASS','Wyślij Login/Hasło'); define('_UE_USERNAME_EXISTS_ON_SITE',"Login '%s' już istnieje w naszym serwisie."); define('_UE_USERNAME_DOES_NOT_EXISTS_ON_SITE',"Login '%s' nie istnieje w naszym serwisie."); define('_UE_USERNAME_FREE_OK_TO_PROCEED',"Login '%s' jest wolny: możesz kontynuować."); define('_UE_THIS_IS_YOUR_USERNAME',"This is your current username on this site."); define('_UE_THIS_IS_USERS_USERNAME',"This is the user's current username on this site."); define('_UE_EMAIL_EXISTS_ON_SITE',"Email '%s' istnieje w naszym serwisie."); define('_UE_EMAIL_DOES_NOT_EXISTS_ON_SITE',"Email '%s' nie istnieje w naszym serwisie."); define('_UE_SEARCH_ERROR','Błąd wyszukiwania'); define('_UE_EMAIL_SENDING_ERROR','Błąd wysyłania Maila'); DEFINE('_UE_USERNAME_REMINDER_SENT','Username reminder sent to your email address %s. Please check your email (and if needed your spambox too)!'); DEFINE('_UE_NEWPASS_SENT','New User Password created and sent to your email address %s. Please check your email (and if needed your spambox too)!'); DEFINE('_UE_VALID_UNAME','Please enter a valid username. No spaces, at least 3 characters and contain 0-9,a-z,A-Z'); DEFINE('_UE_VALID_UNAME_CHARS','Please enter a valid %s. No spaces, at least %s characters and contain 0-9,a-z,A-Z'); DEFINE('_UE_VALID_PASS','Please enter a valid password. No spaces, at least 6 characters and contain lower and upper-case letters, numbers and special signs'); DEFINE('_UE_VALID_PASS_CHARS','Please enter a valid %s. No spaces, at least %s characters and contain lower and upper-case letters, numbers and special signs'); DEFINE('_UE_VALID_MIN_LENGTH','Please enter a valid %s: at least %s characters: you entered %s characters.'); DEFINE('_UE_VALID_MAX_LENGTH','Please enter a valid %s: maximum %s characters: you entered %s characters.'); DEFINE('_UE_REGWARN_NAME','Please enter your real full name.'); DEFINE('_UE_REGWARN_FNAME','Please enter your real first name.'); DEFINE('_UE_REGWARN_MNAME','Please enter your real middle name.'); DEFINE('_UE_REGWARN_LNAME','Please enter your real last name.'); DEFINE('_UE_REGWARN_MAIL','Please enter a valid e-mail address. A confirmation email will be sent to this address upon registration.'); DEFINE('_UE_REGWARN_VPASS2','Password and verification do not match, please try again.'); DEFINE('_UE_VERIFY_SOMETHING','Ponownie %s'); DEFINE('_UE_NO_PREFERENCE','Brak preferencji'); DEFINE('_UE_NO_INDICATION','No indication'); DEFINE('_UE_SEARCH_CRITERIA','Kryteria wyszukiwania'); DEFINE('_UE_SEARCH_RESULTS','Wynik wyszukiwania'); DEFINE ('_UE_SEARCH_USERS','Szukaj Użytkowników'); DEFINE ('_UE_FIND_USERS','Wyszukaj'); DEFINE ('_UE_SEARCH_FROM','Między'); DEFINE ('_UE_SEARCH_TO','a datą'); DEFINE ('_UE_MATCH_IS','jest'); DEFINE ('_UE_MATCH_IS_NOT','nie jest'); DEFINE ('_UE_MATCH_IS_EXACTLY','jest dokładnie'); DEFINE ('_UE_MATCH_IS_EXACTLY_NOT','nie jest dokładnie'); DEFINE ('_UE_MATCH_ARE_EXACTLY','są dokładnie'); DEFINE ('_UE_MATCH_ARE_EXACTLY_NOT','nie są dokładnie'); DEFINE ('_UE_MATCH_IS_ONE_OF','jest jednym z'); DEFINE ('_UE_MATCH_IS_NOT_ONE_OF','nie jest jednym z'); DEFINE ('_UE_MATCH_PHRASE','contains phrase'); DEFINE ('_UE_MATCH_PHRASE_NOT','doesn\'t contain phrase'); DEFINE ('_UE_MATCH_ALL','contains all of'); DEFINE ('_UE_MATCH_ALL_NOT','doesn\'t contain all of'); DEFINE ('_UE_MATCH_ANY','contains any of'); DEFINE ('_UE_MATCH_ANY_NOT','doesn\'t contain any of'); DEFINE ('_UE_MATCH_INCLUDE_ALL_OF','include all of'); DEFINE ('_UE_MATCH_INCLUDE_ALL_OF_NOT','don\'t include all of'); DEFINE ('_UE_MATCH_INCLUDE_ANY_OF','include any of'); DEFINE ('_UE_MATCH_INCLUDE_ANY_OF_NOT','don\'t include any of'); DEFINE ('_UE_MATCH_EXCLUSIONS','Exclusions'); DEFINE ('_UE_AVATAR_NONE','No profile image'); DEFINE ('_UE_AVATAR_NO_CHANGE','Nie zmieniaj zdjecia'); DEFINE ('_UE_AVATAR_UPLOAD','Wgraj zdjecie profilu'); DEFINE ('_UE_AVATAR_UPLOAD_NEW','Wgaj nowe zdjecie profilu'); DEFINE ('_UE_AVATAR_SELECT','Wybierz zdjecie z naszej galerii'); DEFINE ('_UE_HAS_PROFILE_IMAGE','Ma zdjecie profilu'); DEFINE ('_UE_HAS_NO_PROFILE_IMAGE','Nie ma zdjecia profilu'); DEFINE ('_UE_AGE_YEARS','%s lat'); DEFINE ('_UE_YEARS','lat'); DEFINE ('_UE_HI_NAME','Witaj, %s'); // 1.2 Backend: DEFINE('_UE_TOP_AND_BOTTOM','Top and Bottom'); DEFINE('_UE_REG_SHOW_ICONS_EXPLAIN','Show explanation for icons'); DEFINE('_UE_REG_SHOW_ICONS_EXPLAIN_DESC','Whether the explanations of the icons should be shown at top and/or bottom of registration page (default is top and bottom)'); DEFINE('_UE_ICONS_DISPLAY','Show icons on fields'); DEFINE('_UE_ICONS_DISPLAY_DESC','Whether the icons and icons explanations should be shown at registration and user-edit screens. The info icons are always shown if field descriptions are present.'); DEFINE('_UE_REG_SHOW_LOGIN_ON_PAGE','Show login on registration page'); DEFINE('_UE_REG_SHOW_LOGIN_ON_PAGE_DESC','Whether the login module content should be shown side by side on registration page. IMPORTANT: CB login module must be installed for this to work.'); DEFINE('_UE_REQUIRED_ONLY','Only the Required icon'); DEFINE('_UE_PROFILE_ONLY','Only the Profile / No Profile icons'); DEFINE('_UE_REQUIRED_AND_PROFILE_ONLY','Only the Required and profile icons'); DEFINE('_UE_INFO_ONLY','Only info icon explanation'); DEFINE('_UE_REQUIRED_AND_INFO_ONLY','Required and info explanation icons'); DEFINE('_UE_PROFILE_AND_INFO_ONLY','Profile icon and info explanation icons'); DEFINE('_UE_REQUIRED_PROFILE_AND_INFO','All icons: required, profile and info explanation'); DEFINE('_UE_ALWAYSRESAMPLEUPLOADS','Always resample avatar uploads'); DEFINE('_UE_ALWAYSRESAMPLEUPLOADS_DESC','Resampling avatar uploads adds security for the users browsing the website, but only ImageMagic will keep animated GIFs animated.'); DEFINE('_UE_FRONTENDUSERPARAMS','Allow user to edit his CMS parameters in frontend'); DEFINE('_UE_FRONTENDUSERPARAMS_DESC','Shows user parameters and allows the user to change them in the user\'s own edit profile page.'); DEFINE('_UE_REG_CB_EMAILPASS','Autogenerate random registration password'); DEFINE('_UE_REG_CB_EMAILPASS_DESC','Whether the password is autogenerated and emailed to the user ("Yes" setting) or if it is asked to the user on the registration page ("No" setting, default, recommended).'); DEFINE('_UE_REG_EMAILCHECKER','Ajax Email checker'); DEFINE('_UE_REG_EMAILCHECKER_WARNING','WARNING: your PHP system doesn\'t have function "getmxrr()" installed and enabled. As this is a Linux-only function, this is normal on Windows servers, and email DNS and SMTP checking will not be possible, unless this PHP function is enabled.'); DEFINE('_UE_REG_EMAILCHECKER_DESC','Allow to check if an email is valid during registration, checking exact email format, existing MX DNS records, and that the corresponding email servers accept incomming emails to this address by SMTP. You can also check for the email to not be already registered. WARNING: this additional email-already-registered-check might raise a PRIVACY ISSUE on your website and/or in your country, as on registration, anybody could check if a given email address is registered ! Please enable only after checking your local regulations applicable to your site. For SMTP check, your server must have a fixed IP address, the site\'s email address must be valid, and this server be listed in its authorized originators (SPF record) for this feature to work properly with most email addresses. Finally your server should be able to send DNS requests and send SMTP packets (outgoing firewall must allow that). You need to be aware that even though this feature is protected, under some circumstances, it could be misused. This is an experimental feature, not yet optimized for large sites: test first !'); DEFINE('_UE_REG_EMAILCHECKER_VALID_EMAIL_ONLY','Yes, Check only for email server accepting email'); DEFINE('_UE_REG_EMAILCHECKER_NOT_REGISTERED_AND_VALID_EMAIL','Yes, Check for email not registered and for server (!!! privacy ! see warning)'); DEFINE('_UE_REG_UNIQUEEMAIL','Require Unique E-mail'); DEFINE('_UE_REG_UNIQUEEMAIL_DESC','If "yes", users cannot share the same email address. This is a CMS global setting for the site, or a CMS feature. CB adapts automatically to this setting/feature.'); // 1.2 FIREBOARD support - these strings are actually used in a CB tab and fields that are added by FB backend DEFINE('_UE_FB_TABTITLE', 'Forum Settings' ); DEFINE('_UE_FB_ORDERING_OLDEST', 'Oldest post first' ); DEFINE('_UE_FB_ORDERING_LATEST', 'Newest post first' ); DEFINE('_UE_FB_ORDERING_TITLE', 'Message Ordering' ); DEFINE('_UE_FB_SIGNATURE', 'Your board signature' ); DEFINE('_UE_FB_VIEWTYPE_FLAT', 'View flat' ); DEFINE('_UE_FB_VIEWTYPE_THREADED', 'View threaded' ); DEFINE('_UE_FB_VIEWTYPE_TITLE', 'Prefered Viewtype' ); DEFINE('_UE_FB_TABDESC', 'General profile options' ); // 1.2 Extended forum strings for FIREBOARD favorites support in CB plugin (this is why they have _FB_ instead of _FORUM) DEFINE('_UE_FB_FAVORITES','Your favorite threads'); DEFINE('_UE_FB_REMOVE_FAVORITE_THREAD',':: Remove favorite ::'); DEFINE('_UE_FB_NO_FAVORITES_FOUND','No favorites found for you'); DEFINE('_UE_FB_REMOVE_FAVORITES_ALL','Remove all your favorites'); DEFINE('_UE_FB_CONFIRMUNFAVORITEALL','Are you sure you want to remove all your favorite threads ?'); // 1.2 CB Team extensions DEFINE('_UE_PROFILE_GALLERY','Profile Gallery'); DEFINE('_UE_PROFILE_GALLERY_DESC','This tab contains a basic no-frills image Gallery for CB profiles'); DEFINE('_UE_PROFILE_GALLERY_MODERATION','Gallery Moderation'); DEFINE('_UE_PROFILE_GALLERY_MODERATION_DESC','This tab contains all pending autorization gallery items'); DEFINE('_UE_PROFILE_BOOK','Profile Book'); DEFINE('_UE_PROFILE_BOOK_DESC','Profile Book Description'); // 1.2 CB beta 8+9+10: DEFINE('_UE_AVATAR_DISCLAIMER','Kliknij "%s", aby wgrać wybrane zdjęcie do swojego profilu.'); DEFINE('_UE_AVATAR_DISCLAIMER_TERMS','By clicking "%s", you certify that you have the right to distribute this photo and that it does not violate the %s.'); DEFINE('_UE_AGE','Wiek'); DEFINE('_UE_CLOAKED','This e-mail address is protected from spam bots, you must enable JavaScript in your web browser to view it'); DEFINE ('_UE_YEAR','lat'); DEFINE ('_UE_MONTHS','miesięcy'); DEFINE ('_UE_MONTH','miesiąc'); DEFINE ('_UE_DAYS','dni'); DEFINE ('_UE_DAY','dzień'); DEFINE ('_UE_HOURS','godzin'); DEFINE ('_UE_HOUR','godzina'); DEFINE ('_UE_MINUTES','minut'); DEFINE ('_UE_MINUTE','minuta'); DEFINE ('_UE_SECONDS','sekund'); DEFINE ('_UE_SECOND','sekunda'); DEFINE ('_UE_ANYTHING_AGO','%s temu'); DEFINE ('_UE_NOW','Teraz'); DEFINE ('_UE_YEAR_NOT_IN_RANGE','Lata %s nie są pomiędzy %s a %s'); DEFINE ('_UE_ADD_IMAGE','Add image'); DEFINE ('_UE_LINE','Linia'); DEFINE ('_UE_COLUMN','Kolumna'); DEFINE ('_UE_MONTHS_1','Styczeń'); DEFINE ('_UE_MONTHS_2','Luty'); DEFINE ('_UE_MONTHS_3','Marzec'); DEFINE ('_UE_MONTHS_4','Kwiecień'); DEFINE ('_UE_MONTHS_5','Maj'); DEFINE ('_UE_MONTHS_6','Czerwiec'); DEFINE ('_UE_MONTHS_7','Lipiec'); DEFINE ('_UE_MONTHS_8','Sierpień'); DEFINE ('_UE_MONTHS_9','Wrzesień'); DEFINE ('_UE_MONTHS_10','Październik'); DEFINE ('_UE_MONTHS_11','Listopad'); DEFINE ('_UE_MONTHS_12','Grudzień'); DEFINE ('_UE_NO_ANSWER','No answer'); DEFINE ('_UE_ANY','Dowolny'); DEFINE ('_UE_TODAY','dzisiaj'); // 1.2 CB beta 8+9+10 backend: DEFINE ('_UE_SHOWEMPTYTABS','Show empty tabs'); DEFINE ('_UE_SHOWEMPTYTABS_DESC','Show all tabs, also if a tab has no content, or only show tabs with content'); DEFINE ('_UE_SHOWEMPTYFIELDS','Show empty fields'); DEFINE ('_UE_SHOWEMPTYFIELDS_DESC','Show all fields, also if a field has no content, or only show fields with content'); DEFINE ('_UE_EMPTYFIELDSTEXT','Text to display for empty fields'); DEFINE ('_UE_EMPTYFIELDSTEXT_DESC','Text that is displayed for empty fields. Language strings and field substitutions work too. The language string _UE_NO_ANSWER displays "No answer".'); // 1.2 CB RC 2 beta 2: DEFINE('_UE_USERNAME_OR_EMAIL','Login lub email'); // 1.2 CB RC 2 beta 2 backend: DEFINE('_UE_SAVE','Zapisz'); DEFINE('_UE_LOGIN_TYPE','Login field type'); DEFINE('_UE_LOGIN_TYPE_DESC','Login can be by username + password, username or email + password, or email + password. The CB login module also adapts accordingly.'); DEFINE('_UE_INCORRECT_EMAIL_OR_PASSWORD','Incorrect email or password. Please try again.'); // 1.2 CB RC 4 frontend: DEFINE('_UE_ERROR_IN_QUERY_TURN_SITE_DEBUG_ON_TO_VIEW','There is an error in the database query. Site admin can turn site debug to on to view and fix the query.'); // 1.2 CB RC 4 backend: DEFINE('_UE_USERNAME_OR_AUTH','Username, email or enabled CMS authentication plugins'); // 1.2 Stable: // IMPORTANT WARNING: The closing tag, "?" and ">" has been intentionally omitted - CB works fine without it. // This was done to avoid errors caused by custom strings being added after the closing tag. ] // With such tags, always watchout to NOT add any line or space or anything after the "?" and the ">".