Open /components/com_comprofiler/comprofiler.php Locate and change line 2265 to: $cbCon->saveConnection( $cid, stripslashes( cbGetParam( $_POST, $cid . 'description', '' ) ), implode( '|*|', $connectionTypes ), cbGetParam( $_POST, $cid . 'order' ) ); Open /components/com_comprofiler/comprofiler.html.php Locate and add the following after line 1907: echo "\n\tid."order\" value=\"".$connection->orderid."\" \>"; Open /components/com_comprofiler/plugin/language/default_language/default_language.php Locade and add the following after line 555: DEFINE('_UE_CONNECTIONORDER','Order'); Open /administrator/components/com_comprofiler/comprofiler.class.php Locate and change line 4245 to: . "\n ORDER BY m.orderid ASC" Locate and change line 4266 to: function saveConnection($connectionid,$desc=null,$contype=null,$order) { Locate and change line 4269 to: $sql="UPDATE #__comprofiler_members SET description='".htmlspecialchars(cbGetEscaped($desc))."', type='".htmlspecialchars(cbGetEscaped($contype))."', orderid='".htmlspecialchars(cbGetEscaped($order))."' WHERE referenceid=".(int) $this->referenceid." AND memberid=".(int) $connectionid; Open /components/com_comprofiler/plugin/user/plug_cbconnections/cb.connections.php Locate and change line 241 to: . "\n ORDER BY m.orderid ASC" !!! IMPORTANT !!! In order for this to function YOU MUST ADD THE FOLLOWING TO YOUR DATABASE. Please do EXACTLY as described. open phpmyadmin Locate jos_comprofiler_members Add 1 new field Field = orderid Type = INT Length/Values = 4 Null = not null Default = 0 ---------------------------------- Once this is all accomplished you will now have completely sortable friends/connections list. This will sort the tab as well as the friends management. Sort Friends/Connections Hack by Krileon - October 2008