Installation Issues w/ 1.6

13 years 2 months ago #156895 by stilton
Installation Issues w/ 1.6 was created by stilton
I've been able to install CB with Joomla 1.5.x previously but just completed a fresh installation using 1.6.0 and cannot get past the "There was an error uploading this file to the server" message.

* I've already verified the max limit size which is set to 10mb and all directory permissions are correct with Joomla showing green across the board. I can install templates and extensions with no problem, but not CB.

* Yes, I've downloaded the latest CB file and unzipped the file and get the error while trying to upload The session isn't timing out either as it gives the error after approximately 10 seconds.

Thanks for any help you can offer!

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13 years 2 months ago - 13 years 2 months ago #156973 by bsolberg
Replied by bsolberg on topic Re: Installation Issues w/ 1.6
I have the same problem.
It is my first attempt at hosting a site at
If it helps
Server info can be found here.

[MOD EDIT]: Removed PHP Info for your safety, please don't post such sensitive content as is at risk to your self.


"What we see depends mainly on what we look for." - John Lubbock

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13 years 2 months ago #156991 by krileon
Replied by krileon on topic Re: Installation Issues w/ 1.6
Please enable debug mode and maximum error reporting within Joomlas site configuration. Once done attempt to install CB 1.4 again and review any on-screen errors. If issue persists then there is likely a permissions problem on your site preventing write access to media/tmp folders not allowing package to upload. Please test with another package such as the login module and confirm if you can install it or not.

Kyle (Krileon)
Community Builder Team Member
Before posting on forums: Read FAQ thoroughly + Read our Documentation + Search the forums
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If you are a Professional, Developer, or CB Paid Subscriptions subscriber and have a support issue please always post in your respective support forums for best results!
If I've missed your support post with a delay of 3 days or greater and are a Professional, Developer, or CBSubs subscriber please send me a private message with your thread and will reply when possible!
Please note I am available Monday - Friday from 8:00 AM CST to 4:00 PM CST. I am away on weekends (Saturday and Sunday) and if I've missed your post on or before a weekend after business hours please wait for the next following business day (Monday) and will get to your issue as soon as possible, thank you.
My role here is to provide guidance and assistance. I cannot provide custom code for each custom requirement. Please do not inquire me about custom development.

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13 years 2 months ago - 13 years 2 months ago #156998 by bsolberg
Replied by bsolberg on topic Re: Installation Issues w/ 1.6
login module installed without issue.

installing com_comprofiler give error message:
"There was an error uploading this file to the server"

debugging shows the following:

**Profile Information**
Application 0.001 seconds (+0.001); 0.54 MB (+0.54) - afterLoad
Application 0.059 seconds (+0.058); 4.97 MB (+4.43) - afterInitialise
Application 0.059 seconds (+0.000); 4.97 MB (+0.00) - afterRoute
Application 0.081 seconds (+0.023); 7.17 MB (+2.20) - afterDispatch
Application 0.125 seconds (+0.044); 8.92 MB (+1.75) - afterRender
**Memory Usage**
8.92 MB (9,355,584 Bytes)
**12 Queries Logged**

1. SELECT `data`
FROM `buah_session`
WHERE `session_id` = '7e5ca71c92e9cb6b67f9a0a23aeb5411'
2. SELECT extension_id AS "id", element AS "option", params, enabled
FROM buah_extensions
WHERE `type` = 'component'
AND `element` = 'com_languages'
3. SELECT folder AS type, element AS name, params
FROM buah_extensions
WHERE enabled >= 1
AND type ='plugin'
AND state >= 0
AND access IN (1,1,2,3)
ORDER BY ordering
4. SELECT template, params
FROM buah_template_styles
WHERE client_id = 1
AND home = 1
5. SELECT extension_id AS "id", element AS "option", params, enabled
FROM buah_extensions
WHERE `type` = 'component'
AND `element` = 'com_installer'
6. SELECT id, title, module, position, content, showtitle, params, mm.menuid
FROM buah_modules AS m
LEFT JOIN buah_modules_menu AS mm
ON mm.moduleid =
WHERE m.published = 1
AND (m.publish_up = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' OR m.publish_up <= '2011-03-11 21:15:16')
AND (m.publish_down = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' OR m.publish_down >= '2011-03-11 21:15:16')
AND m.access IN (1,1,2,3)
AND m.client_id = 1
AND (mm.menuid = 0 OR mm.menuid <= 0)
ORDER BY position, ordering
FROM buah_messages
WHERE state = 0
AND user_id_to = 42
8. SELECT COUNT(session_id)
FROM buah_session
WHERE guest = 0
AND client_id = 1
9. SELECT COUNT(session_id)
FROM buah_session
WHERE guest = 0
AND client_id = 0
10. SELECT a.*, SUM(b.home) AS home
FROM buah_menu_types AS a
LEFT JOIN buah_menu AS b
ON b.menutype = a.menutype
WHERE (b.client_id = 0 OR b.client_id IS NULL)
11. SELECT, m.title, m.alias,, m.parent_id, m.img, e.element
FROM buah_menu AS m
LEFT JOIN buah_extensions AS e
ON m.component_id = e.extension_id
WHERE m.client_id = 1
AND e.enabled = 1
AND > 1
ORDER BY m.lft
12. UPDATE `buah_session`
SET `data` = '__default|a:8:{s:22:\"session.client.browser\";s:90:\"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 6.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/20110303 Firefox/3.6.15\";s:15:\"session.counter\";i:9;s:8:\"registry\";O:9:\"JRegistry\":1:{s:7:\"\0*\0data\";O:8:\"stdClass\":2:{s:11:\"application\";O:8:\"stdClass\":1:{s:4:\"lang\";s:0:\"\";}s:13:\"com_installer\";O:8:\"stdClass\":2:{s:7:\"message\";s:0:\"\";s:17:\"extension_message\";s:0:\"\";}}}s:4:\"user\";O:5:\"JUser\":23:{s:9:\"\0*\0isRoot\";b:1;s:2:\"id\";s:2:\"42\";s:4:\"name\";s:10:\"Super User\";s:8:\"username\";s:7:\"xxxxxxx\";s:5:\"email\";s:24:\"\";s:8:\"password\";s:65:\"2cab07bdf23853c183a1bacf31e8ab1c:lcwhIxnrjzMcOaNM9MW64jo9XNrFO4g3\";s:14:\"password_clear\";s:0:\"\";s:8:\"usertype\";s:10:\"deprecated\";s:5:\"block\";s:1:\"0\";s:9:\"sendEmail\";s:1:\"1\";s:12:\"registerDate\";s:19:\"2011-03-10 18:52:54\";s:13:\"lastvisitDate\";s:19:\"2011-03-11 19:49:34\";s:10:\"activation\";s:0:\"\";s:6:\"params\";s:0:\"\";s:6:\"groups\";a:1:{s:11:\"Super Users\";s:1:\"8\";}s:5:\"guest\";i:0;s:10:\"\0*\0_params\";O:9:\"JRegistry\":1:{s:7:\"\0*\0data\";O:8:\"stdClass\":0:{}}s:14:\"\0*\0_authGroups\";a:2:{i:0;i:1;i:1;i:8;}s:14:\"\0*\0_authLevels\";a:4:{i:0;i:1;i:1;i:1;i:2;i:2;i:3;i:3;}s:15:\"\0*\0_authActions\";N;s:12:\"\0*\0_errorMsg\";N;s:10:\"\0*\0_errors\";a:0:{}s:3:\"aid\";i:0;}s:13:\"session.token\";s:32:\"4f8c5acbd2377d599c8a1a552f1cdceb\";s:19:\"session.timer.start\";i:1299878031;s:18:\"session.timer.last\";i:1299878116;s:17:\"\";i:1299878116;}', `time` = 1299878116
WHERE `session_id` = '7e5ca71c92e9cb6b67f9a0a23aeb5411'

**10 Query Types Logged, Sorted by Occurrences DESC**
**SELECT Tables:**

1. **2 × SELECT COUNT(session_id) FROM buah_session**
2. **2 × SELECT extension_id AS "id", element AS "option", params, enabled FROM buah_extensions**
3. **1 × SELECT a.*, SUM(b.home) AS home FROM buah_menu_types AS a LEFT JOIN buah_menu AS b ON b.menutype = a.menutype**
4. **1 × SELECT, m.title, m.alias,, m.parent_id, m.img, e.element FROM buah_menu AS m LEFT JOIN buah_extensions AS e ON m.component_id = e.extension_id**
5. **1 × SELECT COUNT(*) FROM buah_messages**
6. **1 × SELECT id, title, module, position, content, showtitle, params, mm.menuid FROM buah_modules AS m LEFT JOIN buah_modules_menu AS mm ON mm.moduleid =**
7. **1 × SELECT folder AS type, element AS name, params FROM buah_extensions**
8. **1 × SELECT template, params FROM buah_template_styles**
9. **1 × SELECT `data` FROM `buah_session`**

**OTHER Tables:**

1. **1 × UPDATE `buah_session` SET `data` = '__default|a:8:{s:22:\"session.client.browser\";s:90:\"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 6.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/20110303 Firefox/3.6.15\";s:15:\"session.counter\";i:9;s:8:\"registry\";O:9:\"JRegistry\":1:{s:7:\"\0*\0data\";O:8:\"stdClass\":2:{s:11:\"application\";O:8:\"stdClass\":1:{s:4:\"lang\";s:0:\"\";}s:13:\"com_installer\";O:8:\"stdClass\":2:{s:7:\"message\";s:0:\"\";s:17:\"extension_message\";s:0:\"\";}}}s:4:\"user\";O:5:\"JUser\":23:{s:9:\"\0*\0isRoot\";b:1;s:2:\"id\";s:2:\"42\";s:4:\"name\";s:10:\"Super User\";s:8:\"username\";s:7:\"xxxxxxx\";s:5:\"email\";s:24:\"\";s:8:\"password\";s:65:\"2cab07bdf23853c183a1bacf31e8ab1c:lcwhIxnrjzMcOaNM9MW64jo9XNrFO4g3\";s:14:\"password_clear\";s:0:\"\";s:8:\"usertype\";s:10:\"deprecated\";s:5:\"block\";s:1:\"0\";s:9:\"sendEmail\";s:1:\"1\";s:12:\"registerDate\";s:19:\"2011-03-10 18:52:54\";s:13:\"lastvisitDate\";s:19:\"2011-03-11 19:49:34\";s:10:\"activation\";s:0:\"\";s:6:\"params\";s:0:\"\";s:6:\"groups\";a:1:{s:11:\"Super Users\";s:1:\"8\";}s:5:\"guest\";i:0;s:10:\"\0*\0_params\";O:9:\"JRegistry\":1:{s:7:\"\0*\0data\";O:8:\"stdClass\":0:{}}s:14:\"\0*\0_authGroups\";a:2:{i:0;i:1;i:1;i:8;}s:14:\"\0*\0_authLevels\";a:4:{i:0;i:1;i:1;i:1;i:2;i:2;i:3;i:3;}s:15:\"\0*\0_authActions\";N;s:12:\"\0*\0_errorMsg\";N;s:10:\"\0*\0_errors\";a:0:{}s:3:\"aid\";i:0;}s:13:\"session.token\";s:32:\"4f8c5acbd2377d599c8a1a552f1cdceb\";s:19:\"session.timer.start\";i:1299878031;s:18:\"session.timer.last\";i:1299878116;s:17:\"\";i:1299878116;}', `time` = 1299878116**

**Parsing errors in language files**


**Language Files Loaded**

* /home/buildin5/public_html/administrator/language/en-GB/en-GB.ini 1
* /home/buildin5/public_html/administrator/language/en-GB/en-GB.lib_joomla.ini 1
* /home/buildin5/public_html/administrator/language/en-GB/en-GB.tpl_bluestork.ini 1
* /home/buildin5/public_html/administrator/language/en-GB/en-GB.com_installer.ini 1
* /home/buildin5/public_html/administrator/language/en-GB/en-GB.mod_submenu.ini 1
* /home/buildin5/public_html/administrator/language/en-GB/en-GB.mod_title.ini 1
* /home/buildin5/public_html/administrator/language/en-GB/en-GB.mod_toolbar.ini 1
* /home/buildin5/public_html/administrator/language/en-GB/en-GB.mod_status.ini 1
* /home/buildin5/public_html/administrator/language/en-GB/en-GB.mod_menu.ini 1
* /home/buildin5/public_html/administrator/language/en-GB/en-GB.com_banners.sys.ini 1
* /home/buildin5/public_html/administrator/language/en-GB/en-GB.com_contact.sys.ini 1
* /home/buildin5/public_html/administrator/language/en-GB/en-GB.com_messages.sys.ini 1
* /home/buildin5/public_html/administrator/language/en-GB/en-GB.com_newsfeeds.sys.ini 1
* /home/buildin5/public_html/administrator/language/en-GB/en-GB.com_search.sys.ini 1
* /home/buildin5/public_html/administrator/language/en-GB/en-GB.com_weblinks.sys.ini 1
* /home/buildin5/public_html/administrator/language/en-GB/en-GB.com_redirect.sys.ini 1
* /home/buildin5/public_html/administrator/language/en-GB/en-GB.plg_system_debug.ini 1

**Untranslated Strings**



"What we see depends mainly on what we look for." - John Lubbock

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13 years 2 months ago #157012 by stilton
Replied by stilton on topic Re: Installation Issues w/ 1.6
I was able to upload and install several more extensions without any problems as well. I tried downloading the entire CB file again and installed the login module without error but continue to get an error with the comprofiler...any help is greatly appreciated.

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13 years 2 months ago #157046 by bsolberg
Replied by bsolberg on topic Re: Installation Issues w/ 1.6
Still searching for a solution. I have compared the phpinfo file from two servers, one which joomla & cb have been successfully installed and one which joomla was installed but com_comprofile installation result the server error.
Possibly this information will help.

I am happy to provide access to cpanel if needed.

Here are the differences from one server to the other.
max_execution_time (30not installed) (45 on installed)
max_input_time (-1not installed) (60 on installed)
memory_limit (128not installed) (96 on installed)
output_buffering (0not installed) (no value on installed)
post_max_size (8mnot installed) (32m on installed)
register_argc_argv (On not installed) (off on installed)
safe_mode_exec_dir (/usr/local/php/bin not installed) (no value on installed)
variables_order (EGPCS not installed) (GPCS on installed)


"What we see depends mainly on what we look for." - John Lubbock

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