fatal error when submitting registration form

16 years 9 months ago #41801 by Blasphemy
Whenever I try to create a new user and submit the registration form, it takes me to an error page:

Warning: saveregistration(D:/hshome/cleanmyw/netguidedog.com/administrator/components/com_virtuemart_search/lib.virtuemart_search.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in D:\hshome\cleanmyw\netguidedog.com\components\com_comprofiler\comprofiler.php on line 1327

Fatal error: saveregistration(): Failed opening required 'D:/hshome/cleanmyw/netguidedog.com/administrator/components/com_virtuemart_search/lib.virtuemart_search.php' (include_path='.;c:\php4\pear') in D:\hshome\cleanmyw\netguidedog.com\components\com_comprofiler\comprofiler.php on line 1327

The account is created, but it's just not good practice to have a big error page splashed across the screen! I had a virtuemart plugin in there that caused the virtuemart registration fields to be appended to the bottom of the new user registration form. I have unpublished that plugin at the moment. Anyone know what I can do to fix this?

Thank you,
David Henderson

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16 years 9 months ago #41850 by Blasphemy
Replied by Blasphemy on topic Re:fatal error when submitting registration form
Ok, I did a bit more digging, and I found where in the code the line from the error is. Here is the area causing the error:

[code:1] ###############
#added by Synchronize_CB_Users component
global $mosConfig_absolute_path;
require_once( $mosConfig_absolute_path . '/administrator/components/com_virtuemart_search/lib.virtuemart_search.php' );

$query = "SELECT * from #__comprofiler WHERE user_id = ".$row->id;
$database->setQuery( $query );
$snc_cb_users_sync = $database->loadObjectList();

$query = "SHOW COLUMNS FROM #__comprofiler";
$database->setQuery( $query );
$snc_cb_struct_sync = $database->loadObjectList();

$query = "SELECT * from #__comprofiler_tabs";// WHERE title not like '_UE_%' and tabid > 22";
// try to USE OTHER CONDITIONS !!!!!!!!!! in 'where' section
$database->setQuery( $query );
$snc_cb_tabs_sync = $database->loadObjectList();

$query = "SELECT cf.* FROM #__comprofiler_fields cf WHERE cf.name <> 'NA' and cf.type <> 'predefined' ORDER BY cf.fieldid";
$database->setQuery( $query );
$snc_cb_tbl_fields_sync = $database->loadObjectList();

$query = "SELECT cfv.* FROM #__comprofiler_field_values cfv ORDER BY cfv.fieldid, cfv.fieldvalueid";
$database->setQuery( $query );
$snc_cb_tbl_fieldvalues_sync = $database->loadObjectList();

$snc_query = "SELECT * from #__sync_cb_users_params WHERE published = 1";
$database->setQuery( $snc_query );
$snc_params = $database->loadObjectList();
$snc_old_group_id = $acl->get_group_id( 'Registered', 'ARO' );
$query2 = "SELECT name from #__core_acl_aro_groups WHERE group_id = '".$snc_old_group_id."'";
$database->setQuery( $query2 );
$snc_group_name = $database->LoadResult();
foreach( $snc_params as $snc_param) {
$snc_connecthost = stripslashes($snc_param->sync_host);
$snc_connectuser = $snc_param->sync_user;
$snc_connecttable = $snc_param->sync_table;
$snc_connect_cb_table = $snc_param->sync_cbtable;
$snc_connectpass = base64_decode(stripslashes($snc_param->sync_pass));
$snc_connectdb = $snc_param->sync_db;
$database->database( $snc_connecthost, $snc_connectuser, $snc_connectpass, $snc_connectdb, '', false);
if ($database->_resource) {
if ($snc_connecttable == ""«») { $snc_table_name = SNC_GetUsersTable($snc_connectdb); }
else { $snc_table_name = $snc_connecttable; }
if ($snc_connect_cb_table == ""«») { $snc_cb_table_name = SNC_GetCBTable($snc_connectdb); }
else { $snc_cb_table_name = $snc_connect_cb_table; }
if (($snc_table_name != ""«») && ($snc_cb_table_name != ""«»)) { //if both tables exists
$query2 = "SELECT count(*) from ".$snc_table_name." WHERE username = '".$row->username."' OR email = '".$row->email."'";
$database->setQuery( $query2 );
$snc_count = $database->loadResult();
if ($snc_count == 0) {
$query2 = "SELECT group_id from ".SNC_GetPrefixByUsersTable($snc_table_name)."core_acl_aro_groups WHERE name = '".$snc_group_name."'";
$database->setQuery( $query2 );
$snc_new_gid = $database->LoadResult();
$query2 = "INSERT INTO ".$snc_table_name." (name, username, email, password, usertype, block, sendEmail, gid, registerDate, lastvisitDate, activation, params)"
." VALUES('".$row->name."', '".$row->username."', '".$row->email."', '".$snc_pass."', '".$snc_group_name."',"
." '".$row->block."', '".$row->sendEmail."', '".$snc_new_gid."', '".$row->registerDate."', '".$row->lastvisitDate."', '".$row->activation."', '".$row->params."')";
$database->setQuery( $query2 );
if ($database->query()) {
$query2 = "SELECT id from ".$snc_table_name." WHERE name = '".$row->name."' and username = '".$row->username."' and email = '".$row->email."' and password = '".$snc_pass."'";
$database->setQuery( $query2 );
$snc_new_userid = $database->LoadResult();
if ($snc_new_userid) {
//sync comprofiler user data
$i = -1;
foreach ($snc_cb_users_sync as $snc_cb_user_row) {
if ($snc_cb_user_row->user_id == $row->id) { //user to synchronize
$snc_cb_user_row->user_id = $snc_new_userid;
$snc_cb_user_row->id = $snc_new_userid;
//NO AVATAR support
if (!$database->insertObject($snc_cb_table_name, $snc_cb_user_row)) { //!!!!structure of tables must be identical !!!!!!!!
//$synchronize_log .= " (Error during added user to CB«»)";
echo $database->getErrorMsg()."<br>";
//else { $synchronize_log .= " (User added to CB«»)";}
#$snc_cb_user_row->user_id = -100; //TEST THIS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
#$snc_cb_users_sync[$i]->user_id = -100;
#$snc_cb_users_sync[$i]->id = -100;
$query2 = "INSERT INTO ".SNC_GetPrefixByUsersTable($snc_table_name)."core_acl_aro ( section_value, value, order_value, name, hidden)"
." VALUES ('users', '".$snc_new_userid."', '0', '".$row->name."', '0')";
$database->setQuery( $query2 );
if ($database->query()) {
$query2 = "SELECT aro_id from ".SNC_GetPrefixByUsersTable($snc_table_name)."core_acl_aro WHERE value = '".$snc_new_userid."' and name = '".$row->name."'";
$database->setQuery( $query2 );
$snc_new_aroid = $database->LoadResult();
if ($snc_new_aroid) {
$query = "INSERT INTO ".SNC_GetPrefixByUsersTable($snc_table_name)."core_acl_groups_aro_map (group_id, aro_id)"
." VALUES('".$snc_new_gid."', '".$snc_new_aroid."')";
$database->setQuery( $query );
if (count($snc_params) > 0) {
global $mosConfig_host;
global $mosConfig_user;
global $mosConfig_password;
global $mosConfig_db;
global $mosConfig_dbprefix;
$database->database( $mosConfig_host, $mosConfig_user, $mosConfig_password, $mosConfig_db, $mosConfig_dbprefix );
# end of SynchronizeUsers

Now, it would seem that the problem is arising because there is no lib.virtuemart_search.php file for it to find on my server. Heck, there isn't even a com_virtuemart_search folder in the administrator/components folder on my server. So my question is, how can I fix this? Do I need to correct where it is looking because the code is needed to properly synchronize users, or can I just remove that area to fix it without causing the synchronize users function to break? Any help on this matter would be greatly appreciated!

Thank you,
David Henderson

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