

If you already have an account, please login first. Otherwise you need to register using this form. We suggest subscribing to following subscriptions:

Join us!

Welcome! Sign-up to download and participate! This sign-up is powered by Community Builder and CBSubs Paid Membership Management.

Let us install and do a basic configuration for you according to your specification (maximum 1 page).

Of course, the site and hosting that you provide access to in your installation ticket must:

  • already be running fine, and
  • meet prerequisites, and
  • you have a full backup of your site (files and database) just before we start.
  • And, just to be on the safe side: although we will do our best to keep your site running fine, there is no liability accepted for this service, beyond the price paid for this service.
What would you wish us to install ?

Please make your choice of what you wish us to install for you:

Choose options to see price
After pressing sign-up, you will receive an E-mail with a link to confirm the registration. This will complete your Joomlapolis Citizen Naturalization process. Please check also your webmail spam and trash folders in case you are missing it. If that happens to you, please mark it as not spam and add the email address to your address book.

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