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[SOLVED] CBSubs CIC Credit Mutuel gateway obsolete soon

  • krileon
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1 year 10 months ago #330799 by krileon
What do you mean something is missing? When testing a purchase what failed exactly? Was there a failed IPN in CBSubs > Notifications? Making purchases seams to still be working in my tests and payment response seams to work with their demo data.

Kyle (Krileon)
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  • agaudin
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1 year 10 months ago - 1 year 9 months ago #330808 by agaudin

sorry, I agree my post wasn't fully clear... I got "missing fields" answer from the bank server. See below for more details.

My difficulty is to test it on my website in production mode : because if I update the CIC gateway and it doesn't work, I have to roll back my website immediatly which is time consumming. The best would be to test with a downloadable clone of the CIC-gateway which I could publish and unpublished along to the old one still working for a while...

This message contains confidential information

Last edit: 1 year 9 months ago by agaudin.

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  • krileon
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1 year 10 months ago #330809 by krileon
I highly recommend switching to a different payment processor. Monetico Paiement is being uncooperative regarding receiving a test account which without one I cannot test the response handling. I'm basically having to guess if it works by manually generating response data using their test kit.

If I cannot get this fixed and they continue to not cooperate we will revert the recent changes, deprecate this payment provider, and it will stop working next month. So I recommend preparing to move to a different payment provider ASAP.

Kyle (Krileon)
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Please note I am available Monday - Friday from 8:00 AM CST to 4:00 PM CST. I am away on weekends (Saturday and Sunday) and if I've missed your post on or before a weekend after business hours please wait for the next following business day (Monday) and will get to your issue as soon as possible, thank you.
My role here is to provide guidance and assistance. I cannot provide custom code for each custom requirement. Please do not inquire me about custom development.

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  • krileon
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1 year 10 months ago #330810 by krileon

sorry, I agree my post wasn't fully clear... I got "missing fields" answer from the bank server. See below for more details.

Their new API requires billing address. Be sure you've set "Invoicing address handling at payment time" in CBSubs > Settings > Display > Invoices to "Mandatory invoicing address".

Kyle (Krileon)
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If you are a Professional, Developer, or CB Paid Subscriptions subscriber and have a support issue please always post in your respective support forums for best results!
If I've missed your support post with a delay of 3 days or greater and are a Professional, Developer, or CBSubs subscriber please send me a private message with your thread and will reply when possible!
Please note I am available Monday - Friday from 8:00 AM CST to 4:00 PM CST. I am away on weekends (Saturday and Sunday) and if I've missed your post on or before a weekend after business hours please wait for the next following business day (Monday) and will get to your issue as soon as possible, thank you.
My role here is to provide guidance and assistance. I cannot provide custom code for each custom requirement. Please do not inquire me about custom development.

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  • agaudin
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1 year 10 months ago - 1 year 10 months ago #330817 by agaudin
Thanks a lot for your answer and your patience. I was able to perform more tests on my live site (which I suspended) and I have some news :
--> You were right (as usual), my problems came from the fact that the billing adress wasn't set. It works half the way but there is two problems remaining which I can describe more precisely :

First problem encoutend : "country" format

In the Billing Adress, the country is awaited in ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 (example : France --> FR). I think your system provides "France" so it is not recognised by their server : so they ask for the State/Province code which is missing because France doesn't go with State/Province (message : Format invalide pour le(s) champ(s) : /contexte_commande/billing/stateOrProvince )
If I choose America and Alaska (as an example), it works !!!! and we can reach their testing paiement system.

I tried to fix it by presetting country with a CBField (an input which always throws the FR code) but the billing adress form of CBSubs keeps displaying with Country list empty.

Second problem encoutend : return behavior

As said, If I choose America and Alaska (as an example), it works !!!! and we can reach their testing paiement system. But once paiement validated, there is no response of CBSubs in my website :
- no paiement registered
- in CBSubs / notification, their is only one IPN : SIGNERROR
- The log shows one error (full text below after image)
Type EvenLog erreursHeure Evènement19/09/22 17:47Message[code]ciccreditmutuel: md5check or transaction does not match with gateway. Please check Secret Key setting: La clé secrète de chiffrement de la signature est incorrecte Veuillez contacter l'administrateur du site pour vérifier les logs d'erreur. Call trace: called in class cbpaidHistory::logError() on line 571 in file cbpaidPayHandler.php called in class cbpaidPayHandler::_setLogErrorMSG() on line 443 in file cbpaidsubscriptions.ciccreditmutuel.php called in class cbpaidciccreditmutueloem::_returnParamsHandler() on line 148 in file cbpaidsubscriptions.ciccreditmutuel.php called in class cbpaidciccreditmutueloem::handleNotification() on line 131 in file cbpaidHostedPagePayHandler.php called in class cbpaidHostedPagePayHandler::resultNotification() on line 679 in file cbpaidControllerCBTab.php called in class cbpaidControllerCBTab::getTabComponent() on line 1155 in file cbpaidsubscriptions.php called in class getcbpaidsubscriptionsTab::getTabComponent() on line 92 in file cbpaidControllerCBComponent.php called in class CBplug_cbpaidsubscriptions::getCBpluginComponent() on line 880 in file cbPluginHandler.php called in class cbPluginHandler::call() on line 1488 in file cbTabs.php called in class cbTabs::_callTabPlugin() on line 1602 in file cbTabs.php called in class cbTabs::tabClassPluginTabs() on line 719 in file comprofiler.php called in function tabClass() on line 274 in file comprofiler.php ...
Table affectésNotificationsTable Clef613Changement Changement Nom d'utilisateurSystèmeNom complet-ID utilisateur0Adresse IP145.226.30.187Log PrioritéErreurId Log18449[/code]

I will now revert my website to previous state with old 3DS V1.
I can perform some tests tomorrow (tuesday) if needed.

Thanx by advance - it is almost done I am sure !!!

Last edit: 1 year 10 months ago by agaudin.

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  • krileon
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1 year 10 months ago - 1 year 10 months ago #330818 by krileon

In the Billing Adress, the country is awaited in ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 (example : France --> FR). I think your system provides "France" so it is not recognised by their server : so they ask for the State/Province code which is missing because France doesn't go with State/Province (message : Format invalide pour le(s) champ(s) : /contexte_commande/billing/stateOrProvince )
If I choose America and Alaska (as an example), it works !!!! and we can reach their testing paiement system.

We send the ISO code at all times for country. Specifically the value of address_country_code of the basket in the _cbsubs_payment_baskets database table. Check any basket failing and verify what that value is set to. For stateOrProvince we send address_state. Will look into this further. stateOrProvince appears to indeed be conditional will review how to handle fixing that.

As said, If I choose America and Alaska (as an example), it works !!!! and we can reach their testing paiement system. But once paiement validated, there is no response of CBSubs in my website :
- no paiement registered
- in CBSubs / notification, their is only one IPN : SIGNERROR

Yeah this was what I was afraid of. I can't test response handling because they won't give me a test account. So I can't make sure the SHA hash check is working. Please PM backend super user login credentials so I can take a look at the data sent by their server.

Kyle (Krileon)
Community Builder Team Member
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If you are a Professional, Developer, or CB Paid Subscriptions subscriber and have a support issue please always post in your respective support forums for best results!
If I've missed your support post with a delay of 3 days or greater and are a Professional, Developer, or CBSubs subscriber please send me a private message with your thread and will reply when possible!
Please note I am available Monday - Friday from 8:00 AM CST to 4:00 PM CST. I am away on weekends (Saturday and Sunday) and if I've missed your post on or before a weekend after business hours please wait for the next following business day (Monday) and will get to your issue as soon as possible, thank you.
My role here is to provide guidance and assistance. I cannot provide custom code for each custom requirement. Please do not inquire me about custom development.
Last edit: 1 year 10 months ago by krileon.

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