
Adds interactive walls where users can share their thoughts and happenings and engage in online discussions through comments. There is also a CB Activity module available to display stream in Joomla module. Combined with CB Auto Actions (separate CB plugin) to automatically push profile updates and forum posts to wall.
Configure workflow related tasks around your community without coding. Send emails, private messages, update field values, change Joomla ACL group, execute database queries and even more actions when a specific event happens. Powerful tool to make awesome things happen in your community.
Image, video, music and file galleries can be added by members in their profiles. Easy and simple with powerful quota system. Media can also be moderated before final publication.
Image, video, music and file galleries can be added by members in their profiles. Easy and simple with powerful quota system. Media can also be moderated before final publication.
A powerful package including Community Builder, CB Activity, CB Gallery, CB GroupJive, and much more configured for a starter social networking site. Includes many basic fields required for a social site like Birthday, Address, Gender, Religion, Work, Education, and much more. Already defined privacy controls for numerous profile features. This package will surely quickstart your social site!
Image, video, music and file galleries can be added by members in their profiles. Easy and simple with powerful quota system. Media can also be moderated before final publication.
Most powerful and flexible file download solution for Joomla. This CB plugin lets you transform your digital files into packages that can only be downloaded by authorized users. Joomla ACL is supported along with built in conditions (based on user CB field values) can be used for download authorization. CB Packager Bot, CBSubs Packager Bot and CB Packager module also available.
Force users to reconfirm email each time they change their CB user profile email address. Users can revert change from their old email address or finalize confirmation from new email address.
Configure workflow related tasks around your community without coding. Send emails, private messages, update field values, change Joomla ACL group, execute database queries and even more actions when a specific event happens. Powerful tool to make awesome things happen in your community.
Image, video, music and file galleries can be added by members in their profiles. Easy and simple with powerful quota system. Media can also be moderated before final publication.
Extensive privacy controls for members and administrators. Applies to any CB field and CB Tab. Strengthen trust by letting your users configure the privacy level of their profile data. Also lets users disable or delete their own accounts.
Image, video, music and file galleries can be added by members in their profiles. Easy and simple with powerful quota system. Media can also be moderated before final publication.
This CB field type plugin lets you create groups of fields that can be repeated by the user as needed. Great way to create lists of phone numbers, email addresses, mailing addresses, golf scores, pet names, certifications and more!
Most powerful and flexible file download solution for Joomla. This CB plugin lets you transform your digital files into packages that can only be downloaded by authorized users. Joomla ACL is supported along with built in conditions (based on user CB field values) can be used for download authorization. CB Packager Bot, CBSubs Packager Bot and CB Packager module also available.
Configure workflow related tasks around your community without coding. Send emails, private messages, update field values, change Joomla ACL group, execute database queries and even more actions when a specific event happens. Powerful tool to make awesome things happen in your community.


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