Pricing Options



CBSubsTM Pricing 

The CBSubsΤΜ solution is provided on a single website license basis. There are a number of different license options to accommodate different websites based on the number of website users.

Each license purchase provides:

  • Perpetual website license for one website (one additional localhost or test-only server is allowed)
  • 12 month maintenance is included (this gives you free updates during this period)
  • After the 12 months initial maintenance, your license will continue to be valid whatever you choose to do with the maintenance renewal for the extra-year maintenance.


CBSubsΤΜ Pricing Model

Package Name

Maximum users1 per site
License Purchase Price
Extra Year Maintenance2,3
95 €
19 €
145 €
29 €
195 € 39 €
245 €
49 €
no limit
295 €
59 €

Lifetime maintenance support is also available at the cost of your original License purchase price.


  1. Number of users is calculated by the number of rows in the CMS user table
  2. Initial license purchase includes first year maintenance support, the price for Extra Year Maintenance will boost your maintenance to 2 full years, renewable of course.
  3. Expired maintenance agreements must pay full license purchase for upgrade version
  4. To upgrade to higher license you need to pay the initial difference (e.g., Starter to Beginner upgrade is 145 - 95 = 50 €)

For pricing related questions please post in our presales support area forum.



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