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Welcome! Sign-up to download and participate! This sign-up is powered by Community Builder and CBSubs Paid Membership Management.

Select this to purchase the FunLite lightning fast template from Joomlapolis for all (unlimited) your sites.

The package includes template versions for Joomla 3.x and for Joomla 2.5.

The template is GPL licensed and you can install it ob all your websites without any limitations.

Please note that this template is also available as part of the Developer membership plan.

12 months for $ 49
After pressing sign-up, you will receive an E-mail with a link to confirm the registration. This will complete your Joomlapolis Citizen Naturalization process. Please check also your webmail spam and trash folders in case you are missing it. If that happens to you, please mark it as not spam and add the email address to your address book.

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