This is just a minor announcement that we officially support Kunena 6 for those testing RC on Joomla 4 in all our products as of now in latest build releases of Community Builder, CB GroupJive Forums, and CB Auto Actions. Please be sure to let us know if you find any further issues with CB interacting with Kunena 6.
CB Progress Field has gained some wonderful new features to better help you customize how progress is displayed and to better assist users in completing their profile. Check out the details below!
A new major release for CB Content Module is here with some amazing new improvements. Timed Content has gotten a massive improvement to its functionality along with the module now being standalone. Check out the details below!
A new release has just landed with some great new improvements to push CB forward further into the future! Check out the details below.
Full disclaimer what follows is just my ideal goals. Nothing is guaranteed and things change, but I this will start the year off with my first goal which is to be even more transparent about what's going on behind the scenes. So I'd like to share with you what I HOPE to accomplish in 2022.
This is just a bit of transparency on our development environment.
CB Auto Actions 9.0.0 has arrived with a complete overhaul of its codebase to modern practices and some great new features! Check out the details below.