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[#3873] GJ Subgroups not listed in "Mothergroup" if assigned to different category than mothergroup

  • djacouma
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12 years 3 weeks ago - 12 years 3 weeks ago #219061 by djacouma
Hi --

This is relates in part to the issue that I posted earlier here in terms of solution seeking, but is technically different.

GJ Subgroups are no longer listed in their "Mothergroup" if assigned to different category than the one to which the "Mothergroup" belongs.

I need to be able to assign subgroups to categories to then generate menus that are group level relevent (don't want to mix mothers with children so to speak in the same listing.

However, losing the "Groups" tab in a "mothergroup" in which children subgroups would normally be shown is confusing to an already perplexed audience (groups concept not intuitive to non-techies... for some reason).

Many thanks - dj
Last edit: 12 years 3 weeks ago by krileon.

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  • krileon
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12 years 3 weeks ago #219066 by krileon
I don't understand the issue. Nested groups don't show in a Group anymore? Did you disable Nested groups? Please be more specific and always include versions with your support post (Joomla version, CB version, GJ version..).

Kyle (Krileon)
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  • djacouma
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12 years 3 weeks ago #219099 by djacouma
Sorry for lack of detail. Let me try again:

Joomla 3.02
CB 1.9 latest
GJ 2.6.1`
Module 2.6.2

To replicate:

Scenario 1: Working behavior
Make a group "Mother" and assign it to Category "Cat1"
Make subgroup under "Mother" named "Child" and assign it to Category "Cat1"
A group tab appears under group "Mother" and you can see subgroup "Child" listed in it

Scenario 2: Not Working behavior
Make a group "Mother" and assign it to Category "Cat1"
Make subgroup under "Mother" named "Child" and assign it to Category "Cat2"
No group tab appears under group "Mother" so you can't see subgroup "Child" listed there.

Cat2 being a subcategory of Cat1 changes nothing.

And yes, nested behavior is enabled and working, since in Scenario 1, I see my group tab just fine with the "child" (nested group) in it.

The problem is that GJ doesn't like the child (nested) belonging to a different category than it's mother.

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  • krileon
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12 years 3 weeks ago #219103 by krileon

The problem is that GJ doesn't like the child (nested) belonging to a different category than it's mother.

Of course it doesn't. You can't do that, which is why it doesn't show up or even function. Need to add an error though so it rejects the save. Have created the following bug ticket to fix for next release as it should error out on you.

Kyle (Krileon)
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  • djacouma
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12 years 3 weeks ago - 12 years 3 weeks ago #219114 by djacouma
That's a shame. I can see how you might not want to allow sister category group allocation, but it seems to me that from a data management / structures standpoint, it would be really nice to slice downwards and allow nested groups from nested categories of the mother group's category.

MotherGroup -> DaughterGroup -> GranddaughterGroup
MotherCategory > DaughterCategory -> GranddaughterCategory

MotherGroup assigned to MotherCategory
DaughterGroup assigned to DaughterCategory
GranddaughterGroup assigned to GranddaughterCategory

... should be fine.

Having to list as "Item Exclude" an entire mother group's nested lineage (daughters and their daughters and so on) item by item in the GJ module is pretty tough on devs both in terms of getting it right and also in terms of maintenance and scaleability. Every-time a user creates a new group, you have to exclude it by group number before you publish it... instead of just taking the next category layer down (nested level).

Additionally, if you want to create a GJ menu item to take just the children of a given branch, how to do I do that unless they are assigned to a category?

From the back end site management perspective as well, would sure be nice to be able to filter groups by level.

Sorry if I'm not making sense to you -- a lot going on and new to CB/GJ. Do you see how this could be advantageous in terms of rapid data structure queries for groups?

Thanks for your time and consideration -- very much appreciated.

Cheers, dj
Last edit: 12 years 3 weeks ago by djacouma.

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  • krileon
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12 years 3 weeks ago - 12 years 3 weeks ago #219153 by krileon
A group always must have a Category, no exceptions. A Nested Group will always assume the category of its Parent, no exceptions. Nested Groups and Categories are children of their parent. The only way they can be seen is by navigating to that parent. Not sure what you're trying to use them for or how you're trying to access them.

Additionally, if you want to create a GJ menu item to take just the children of a given branch, how to do I do that unless they are assigned to a category?

You want to link to just the Nested Groups of a Group? You can't. You can link to them individually, but as far as the list display you'd need to simply just link to their Parent and uses can browse them from the Groups tab of that Group.

Example tree as follows.

Category 1 > Group 1 > Nested Group 1
Category 2 > Nested Category 2 > Group 2 > Nested Group 2

Unlimited depth is supported so this could go on forever.

From the back end site management perspective as well, would sure be nice to be able to filter groups by level.

You already can, there's a Category and Parent filter for Groups and a Parent field for Categories.

Kyle (Krileon)
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Last edit: 12 years 3 weeks ago by krileon.

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