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[#5118] Redirect Users After Login from Invite Group

9 years 5 months ago - 9 years 5 months ago #259330 by playerocity

I am having trouble figuring out how to bring an invited user to a group to a page that aks them to accept the invite. In the default email that is generated to the new invite person it has three links to click (the name of the group, the name of the category, and a link to join the group). Each one of these works perfectly if the user is already logged into cb, it takes them to the right page with a green button to accept the invite. However, if the user is not logged in, and they log in, they are taken to a generic page which does not have in the invite accept button. THey wouldn't really know where to go from this point.

I have looked at auto-actions which I am confident is the solution, but can't figure out how to configure it to work. I see a REDIRECT type, and I see where there are conditions to enter. However, I don't know what condition to insert for the filter. This user is not logged in, and when they login I want them to be taken instead of the generic page to the group page where they can accept the invite. There are URL querystrings in the links of the email and maybe that is the condition that needs to be inserted, but I don't know how format wise to do that. I don't want every user who logs into to be taken to a group page for accepting of invite. I only want those that click on the link in the email to accept the invite to be taken to this page after they login.

It works fine if they do not have an account and then create one. It's just those users who already have an account, get the invite and click to accept the invite from the email and have to login and then are redirected to a page without the accept button.

Can you please help me to figure out the way of redirecting appropriately this invited user?

CB: 2.0.5
GJ: 2.7
Auto-Actions: 6.2.2

Last edit: 9 years 5 months ago by krileon.

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9 years 5 months ago #259430 by krileon
Replied by krileon on topic Redirect Users After Login from Invite Group
GJ doesn't send a return URL with its redirect. I can't see CB Auto Actions helping with this as it doesn't have the functions to grab the URL and encode it as the CB Login module expects. The only solution is to manually modify GJ and change its login page redirect to include a return URL. I've added a bug ticket to fix this for next GJ release, but for now there's no easy solution.

Kyle (Krileon)
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