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Activity video won't play on apple/android smartphone

9 years 6 months ago #267763 by gianlucalog
Hi krileon,
I have a little big problem with a linked video/youtube when i use a browser of any smartphone Apple or Android. I can't see a video preview that when i use a desktop browser.. When just tap on play appears an error message in the preview.

See a screenshot of my iPhone device..
I tried width Safari and Chrone.

link to see a cbActivity in action in my site

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9 years 6 months ago #267766 by krileon
I've no idea what that error says. Please translate it to English. Please note it uses mediaelementjs for the video and audio players. There's nothing I can do to help in regards to device compatibility. Some will work and some won't. You need to have Flash for youtube videos to play properly. Also keep in mind some youtube videos do not allow external sources (up to the uploader).

Kyle (Krileon)
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9 years 6 months ago #267772 by gianlucalog
hi, the error simply says "There was an error, please try later"

It could be an incompatibility between MediaElement js and the framework used by the mobile template? I try to create a snapshot of the site and on the copy disable mobile template ..

stay tuned, will update soon ;)

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9 years 6 months ago #267784 by krileon
It looks like an error coming from YouTube's video stream. Errors in mediaelementjs are solid black with a link directly to the video. Could also be an issue with flash on your mobile device. Will do a jQuery update for various CB jQuery plugins for next CB release to see if that could fix it, but aside from that I don't know. Maybe try a different video? Does it do this for all YouTube videos?

Kyle (Krileon)
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9 years 6 months ago #267849 by gianlucalog
Hi, I tried to create a snapshot of the site, enabling the template protostar (joomla standard installation) but I always have the same problem on the preview of the video. Have you by any chance a demo site with joomla 3.4.1, 2.0.10 and cb cbAction can try with my smartphone? The problem I have with all the videos and that is with Android IPhone

I tried also from my iPhone to surf the site demo CBPro where is published cbAction (old version) and the video shows correctly.

Thank you, bye


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  • krileon
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9 years 6 months ago #267868 by krileon
No, we don't have an update demo site ready yet. It's something we'll be working on after we launch our new website.

Do you have the same issue using MediaElementjs YouTube demo page below?

Have you tried other YouTube videos? Are all of them doing this?

Kyle (Krileon)
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My role here is to provide guidance and assistance. I cannot provide custom code for each custom requirement. Please do not inquire me about custom development.

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