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Activity video won't play on apple/android smartphone

9 years 4 days ago #267902 by gianlucalog
Yes, I tried with 2 different Youtube videos, same problem.

No, using the sample page and not have the same problem. the preview of the videos are ok

I also tried to change so activity.php by:
$ Return. = '<Video width = "640" height = "360" style = "width: 100%; height: 100%;" src = "'. htmlspecialchars ($ link [' average '] [' url ']).'" type = "'. htmlspecialchars ($ link [' average '] [' mimetype ']).'" class = "streamItemVideo "> </ video> ';
$ Return. = '<Video width = "640" height = "360" style = "width: 100%; height: 100%;" preload = "none" class = "streamItemVideo"> <Source type = "video / youtube" src = "'. Htmlspecialchars ($ link [' average '] [' url ']).'" Type = "'. Htmlspecialchars ($ link [' average '] [' mimetype ' ]). '"/> </ video>';
but nothing changes.
I do not know really what

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  • krileon
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9 years 3 days ago - 9 years 3 days ago #267933 by krileon
The demo usage is no different than the CB Activity usage except for medialementjs version. The only DOM difference is CB Activity is all one line, which doesn't matter. I've also had no other reports of this issue on mobile devices. I do not have a means to test this at this time so I can only assume it's a mediaelementjs issue in our current release, which will be updated for a later CB release. Aside from that I don't have anything further to suggest as I don't have the devices to test this.

If you've CB Gallery installed please try and see if video playback works in it.

Kyle (Krileon)
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Last edit: 9 years 3 days ago by krileon.

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9 years 3 days ago #267955 by gianlucalog
Hi krileon,
I confirm that using cbGallery videos yt linked seen successfully. I'm supposed too that can be a problem of library version mediaelementjs. Looking in the issue of mediaelementjs closed, I find some bugs on playing video solved from version 2.16.2

thank you

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  • krileon
  • krileon
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9 years 3 days ago #267975 by krileon
So CB Gallery videos display fine and it's only CB Activity that don't? That's a bit strange as they're basically the exact same code (both using medialementjs). At any rate there's nothing more I can do as I have no device to test this on to confirm, find, and fix the issue. I've added a bug ticket to investigate for later release.

I'll have to see if the issue can be confirmed in emulation. If not I have no way of fixing this, sorry.

Kyle (Krileon)
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