I am trying to figure out if there is a way to add multiple category ID's to a Menu item type plugin. Plugin being groupjive.
I have tried to use the category as the action and select multiple category ID's to be used but it will only show one. The only other way it seems like to get multiple ID's to show up is by selecting the action of all categories but the only problem with this for what I am trying to do is that I am only trying to select certain ID's. I have been unable to find out how else to add multiple categories to a menu, any suggestions?
Last edit: 8 years 2 months ago by krileon. Reason: Added [#6307] tag to subject
The menu endpoint doesn't support multiple IDs nor does it state it does. When using that menu endpoint it's going directly to that specific category. There is no way to display a page of specified categories.
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Yeah I know it doesnt say it does was just trying to figure out if there was another way to. But I just tied each category to its own menu which doesnt look to bad. Thanks
Will review improving the ID parameter for GJ 4.0.0 to see if I can add support for filtering all categories, all groups, my groups, etc.. to a comma separated list of IDs.
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