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[SOLVED] Uploading Avatar Images

12 years 3 months ago - 12 years 3 months ago #191875 by scottie33t
[SOLVED] Uploading Avatar Images was created by scottie33t
Hi, in most cases the user can upload their own avatar photo at registration, however about 25 percent of the time this process doesn't seem to work for certain users. I believe the problem is some of the images are either too large, they are bitmap files, or there is spaces or dashes in the photos filename. Where can I go to perhaps adjust or add to the settings so filenames with spaces will work for the avatar filenames and perhaps increase the max size of the upload setting? Are bitmap also not support? Is there a way to add this file type as well?

It works for most users, its just about 1 out of 4 experience this issue and these are usually what I see is different with the photos they are trying to use versus others.
Last edit: 12 years 3 months ago by krileon.

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12 years 3 months ago #191915 by krileon
Replied by krileon on topic Re: Uploading Avatar Images
Spaces and such are stripped out so that won't be an issue. There's a bug that prevents image field errors from displaying however, but that's resolved with CB 1.8. I recommend install CB 1.8 RC2 and confirming if issue persists.

Kyle (Krileon)
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12 years 3 months ago #192032 by scottie33t
Replied by scottie33t on topic Re: Uploading Avatar Images
Hi do you know the max file upload size for the profile avatars? Some that didn't go throgh were 2800kb. Is there a way I can change that in a file or somewhere else? Also are bitmap files supported?

On the defualt avatar filenames spaces or dashes I don't think work, are you sure these are also supported for their avatar uploads?

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12 years 3 months ago - 12 years 3 months ago #192044 by krileon
Replied by krileon on topic Re: Uploading Avatar Images

Hi do you know the max file upload size for the profile avatars? Some that didn't go throgh were 2800kb. Is there a way I can change that in a file or somewhere else?

You can change file size limits within CB > Configuration > Images. You can also individually adjust image field limitations by editing the image field within CB > Field Management.

Also are bitmap files supported?

Believe only JPG, GIF, and PNG are supported with no way to add more.

On the defualt avatar filenames spaces or dashes I don't think work, are you sure these are also supported for their avatar uploads?

Alphanumeric characters (a-z and 0-9) as well as underscores (_) are all that's supported. Anyone uploading an image with anything other then such has them stripped out before storage.

Kyle (Krileon)
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Last edit: 12 years 3 months ago by krileon.

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12 years 3 months ago #192306 by scottie33t
Replied by scottie33t on topic Re: Uploading Avatar Images
Okay after troubleshooting why so many are failing I found another issue that I want to know if there is a fix for. When someone is regsitering with a name that is already being used, the system doesn't accept the registration and gives an error. This is problematic, because some names are very common and many times users don't want to use their last name so several could have the same first name. For example everyone that has the name "John", only one with that name can register, all the others fail. Why can't the same name be used? I understand usernames must be different, but I don't understand why others with the same names can't register?

Also Bitmap is such a common filename and Joomla and Kunena support it, why doesn't Community Builder? Is this something that can be added or a fix/patch that I could add somehow?

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  • krileon
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12 years 3 months ago #192317 by krileon
Replied by krileon on topic Re: Uploading Avatar Images
Name doesn't have to be unique. Only Username and Email Address. Name has to be unique if you're not displaying Username on registration because it'll try to use Name as Username. No workaround for this either as it's working as intended and as Joomla requires. If you're having issues with the actual Name field then you may have something installed trying to force name to be unique; often it's a 3rd party Joomla "User" or "System" plugin doing this.

Also Bitmap is such a common filename and Joomla and Kunena support it, why doesn't Community Builder?

I don't know. Has always been this way; long before I joined the team over 3 years ago.

Is this something that can be added or a fix/patch that I could add somehow?

Probably not, but CB 2.0 will certainly support a wider array of extensions. Currently the image library is designed to only process 3 (ones provided in my previous reply).

Kyle (Krileon)
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