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List users depending on articles

  • Dorkyme
  • Dorkyme
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12 years 4 weeks ago #200693 by Dorkyme
List users depending on articles was created by Dorkyme

Using all the latest versions of CB, Groupjive, CBsubs eg.

We would like to list users depending on article title/information.
We have a site containing information about health, and if a viewer reads about our article "Massage" we want to list all our users (in a module or in the article?) that are massagetherapists and so on.

Is this possible?
I have looked at CB Conditional and Auto Actions, but can't get them to work with this.


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  • krileon
  • krileon
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12 years 4 weeks ago #200700 by krileon
Replied by krileon on topic Re: List users depending on articles
You want to list in a module all the users who are currently viewing an article? If I understand what you're wanting correctly, no, no such thing is available that I am aware of. You're welcome to check to see if something exists.

Sounds like it'd require a lot of writing to users sessions everytime they view an article then pull all the sessions active on that article then output the results to a module. It's doable, but again don't know if it exists or not.

Kyle (Krileon)
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  • Dorkyme
  • Dorkyme
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12 years 4 weeks ago #200714 by Dorkyme
Replied by Dorkyme on topic Re: List users depending on articles

No, We want to list all the registered users that practice (eg massage) for massage articles and so on, so that viewers can see the therapists related to the method of treatment and easier find a therapist suiting their needs.

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12 years 4 weeks ago #200726 by TailorMadeSites
Replied by TailorMadeSites on topic Re: List users depending on articles
As I understand he wants something like "users per categories"... which I don't think you can do here...
you can still Search users by "practice" field, and it will be the same result..

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12 years 4 weeks ago - 12 years 4 weeks ago #200743 by pepperstreet
Replied by pepperstreet on topic Re: List users depending on articles
Interesting topic... you are looking for some kind of relation. The problem, the articles may have the important value assigned as a "tag", "keyword" or "category". This "article-info" value has to match the CB field "practice".

Since there is no build-in relation or modules I know of... it could be possible to achieve something with an advanced custom SQLquery. (AutoActions, Query field, 3rdParty SQL-Module etc...)

Not sure how to get the SQL result in a module?! Maybe via CB Content Module
try a 3rdParty extension from the data reports category in JED .
an advanced Form extension like Fabrik , ChronoForms, RSforms could do the trick...

(just loud thinking ;-) )
Last edit: 12 years 4 weeks ago by pepperstreet.

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12 years 4 weeks ago - 12 years 4 weeks ago #200753 by pepperstreet
Replied by pepperstreet on topic List users depending on articles | FJ Related Plus
Just another idea... I guess many users know the excellent FJ Related Articles Plus by Mark Dexter. A very nice person, he was very helpful in the past, and feature suggestions were added very quick! Here is the project page ... not sure if he is interested in CB, or if he has any experiences with it...

Since he is a "master of relation", it might be worth a try to contact him, and ask for CB-users/fields support.
Last edit: 12 years 4 weeks ago by pepperstreet.

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