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CB Auto Actions does not trigger on joomla_OnUserAfterSave

  • cbrace
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1 year 3 months ago #333595 by cbrace
Hi all,

I have configured an auto action that should trigger when a user is saved. The use case is that I set a field value on the CB profile when that user blocked from Joomla user management. Am using Joomla 3.x for this.

The update works whenever I do a save on the CB user but not on the Joomla user record.

Please assist, kind regards,


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  • krileon
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1 year 3 months ago #333596 by krileon
The trigger needs to be exactly as specified in Joomla prefixed with joomla_. This can sometimes be case sensitive. So the trigger should be exactly as follows.


Next be sure the CB Auto Action Joomla plugin in Extensions > Plugins is public and published as it's responsible for binding to Joomla events. This I suspect is likely where your issue is.

Kyle (Krileon)
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  • cbrace
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1 year 2 months ago #333921 by cbrace
Sorry about the late reply.

Thanks for that, I have set the trigger and checked the plugins. All is the same as yours. When enabling or disabling a user it still doesn't trigger.

I have the following trigger criteria set via the condition tab;

Field: Block
User: Action User
Operator: Equal
Value: 0

This should result in the following update via the action tab;

Field cb_disabled
Operator: Set (field=value)
Value: 0
Translate value: No
Save directly: Yes
User: blank

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  • krileon
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1 year 2 months ago #333924 by krileon
If the user is being saved in CB then CB will override that. Joomla Save > Your Action > CB Save is basically what you're currently doing. I suggest using CBs trigger instead which is as follows.

Backend: onAfterNewUser
Frontend: onAfterUserRegistration

Profile Edit
Backend: onAfterUpdateUser
Frontend: onAfterUserUpdate

I'm not sure why you need cb_disabled though. The users blocked state is available in CB as well. What are you trying to do with cb_disabled that you need the blocked state doubled?

Kyle (Krileon)
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  • cbrace
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1 year 2 months ago #333928 by cbrace
Goal is to see on a profile that a user is blocked. Is there a different approach?

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  • krileon
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1 year 2 months ago #333932 by krileon
Yes, you can just substitute in [block] into a Custom HTML field. You can use IF substitutions to customize it further. Example as follows.
[cb:if block="1"]Blocked[cb:else]Not Blocked[/cb:else][/cb:if]

Kyle (Krileon)
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My role here is to provide guidance and assistance. I cannot provide custom code for each custom requirement. Please do not inquire me about custom development.

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