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[SOLVED] PostAffiliate PRO (latest version) configuration - not working?

10 years 3 weeks ago - 10 years 2 weeks ago #245264 by HowardTheDuck
Hello Guys,
we have just purchased PostAffiliatePro and installed on our own server. It is the very latest software release (

We have created activated the integration pluging in Cbsubs and (I think) configured properly.
In particular we did non change anything in plans configuration to let the system use the default configuration in PAP.

Basically we have 4 merchandise and 1 donate plans. And we want to grant different commissions to our partners and our users. So if a partner bring a customer he gets a certain commission and if a user brings another user he gets a different commission.

Any suggestion? I am enclosing here two screenshot of my configuration on the test site.

Thank you
Last edit: 10 years 2 weeks ago by krileon.

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10 years 3 weeks ago #245273 by krileon
For the cookie check to work you need to click an affiliate tracking link to your site then refresh the page. It should then show you've a PAP cookie present unless latest release changed the cookie names for some reason. We've users actively using PAP now so I'm pretty confident it still works fine. Please note "PostAfPro URL Path" must link to the folder that PAP is installed in as it's used to load and execute PAP API. Please also be sure to review your CBSubs documentation for exact configuration instructions as you'll need to ensure PAP is setup properly to review the commissions.

Kyle (Krileon)
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10 years 3 weeks ago #245285 by HowardTheDuck

krileon wrote: For the cookie check to work you need to click an affiliate tracking link to your site then refresh the page. It should then show you've a PAP cookie present unless latest release changed the cookie names for some reason. We've users actively using PAP now so I'm pretty confident it still works fine. Please note "PostAfPro URL Path" must link to the folder that PAP is installed in as it's used to load and execute PAP API. Please also be sure to review your CBSubs documentation for exact configuration instructions as you'll need to ensure PAP is setup properly to review the commissions.

so far I only have PAPVisitorID (Sales Tracking) active in the Settings.

One thing I was concerned is that the plugin has a PAN account ID that I don't think I have. My copy of the software is not hosted on their server but on mine. But when I tried a link with the referral code I noticed in the event log this two messages:

1) Account from visit with accountId= is not valid! For now, set default account: default1
2) Affiliate Id or Affiliate Id Parameter is missing
3) No click was recognized (normal, anchor or short anchor) - this might be a problem...(referrer url: )

but for the last I guess it is due to click tracking that I am not using. Only sales leads.

I tried a purchase of a merchandise plan (with offline method and not via Paypal).

I checked the manual and for what I understand I followed all steps correctly...


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10 years 3 weeks ago #245287 by krileon
It's designed to work with click tracking. It can also try matching a coupon code to an affiliate, but you need to create matching codes in PAP for that to work. Without one of the two there's no way for it to possibly determine who the affiliate is so it's impossible to distribute commissions. If you're just doing sales tracking you're probably better off using Google Analytics.

Kyle (Krileon)
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10 years 3 weeks ago #245292 by HowardTheDuck

krileon wrote: It's designed to work with click tracking. It can also try matching a coupon code to an affiliate, but you need to create matching codes in PAP for that to work. Without one of the two there's no way for it to possibly determine who the affiliate is so it's impossible to distribute commissions. If you're just doing sales tracking you're probably better off using Google Analytics.

Ops...we bought PAP because CBSUBS is supposed to be integrated with that. If you say the plugin can only use one method (click) you should state that clearly in the documentation.

For what you say I guess we cannot use that although we wanted to...did I understand correctly?

Quite disappointing...


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10 years 3 weeks ago #245297 by krileon
It can work with 3 different forms of PAP tracking. Click tracking, coupon code tracking, and hardcoded affiliate ids. I'm not sure what you're wanting it to do.

Kyle (Krileon)
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