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Feature request for Connections plugin

  • jansuhr
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12 years 10 months ago #172010 by jansuhr
Replied by jansuhr on topic Re: Feature request for Connections plugin
Yes, I realized just that after I made the post.

Infact there are a few other places where the Avatar size needs to be adjusted. My setting in the general settings is quite large for the Avatars to look good in my forum. So they need adjustments in other places where they take up to much space. Hope we will see settings for this in CB2.


Jan Suhr
Nyköping, Sweden

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  • jansuhr
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12 years 10 months ago #172021 by jansuhr
Replied by jansuhr on topic Re: Feature request for Connections plugin

Well I had to hack the file anyway because the class connectionBox is also used for the CB Gallery and changing the size of the box made the Gallery go havoc.

Trouble is when updating though since my hacks will go away then. Good to have a copy.

Jan Suhr
Nyköping, Sweden

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12 years 10 months ago - 12 years 10 months ago #172023 by pepperstreet
Replied by pepperstreet on topic Re: Feature request for Connections plugin
:-) Yes, I realized just that after I made the post.
We are doing the same stuff again ;-)

Each tab has its own ID e.g. cbtab45
Just add it to your style definition.

PS: Would be nice to add custom CSS classes to CBtabs in the backend, like we do it for J! module class suffixes.
Last edit: 12 years 10 months ago by pepperstreet.

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  • krileon
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12 years 10 months ago #172189 by krileon
Replied by krileon on topic Re: Feature request for Connections plugin
CB 2.0 will be removing tabs all together. We'll be migrating to a "fields only" style, which are much more customizable. Tabs won't be gone entirely however as a "fields container" field will be available to produce the appearance of a tab, but full features of a field. At any rate much is planned and better styling is one of those plans.

Regarding connections however this is really a fault of the connections plugin. We plan to rewrite the connections system all together with CB 2.0 however. Currently we're holding off major feature implementations to afford time to work on 2.0.

As pepperstreet has shown it can be done and each tab does have its own unique selector, which can be used to accomplish your needs. Please also note CSS3 is quite readily available as all modern browsers support it. CSS3 comes with a host of extremely useful selectors.

Kyle (Krileon)
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12 years 10 months ago #172214 by pepperstreet
Replied by pepperstreet on topic Re: Feature request for Connections plugin

krileon wrote: CB 2.0 will be removing tabs all together. We'll be migrating to a "fields only" style, which are much more customizable. Tabs won't be gone entirely however as a "fields container" field will be available to produce the appearance of a tab, but full features of a field. At any rate much is planned and better styling is one of those plans...

sorry for getting off-topic, but your reply contained too exciting news ;-)

I remember (my) a feature request to improve the field management in backend. The idea was to sort/filter by tabs. This "little change" would improve the overview and speed in fields-manager dramaticly. Is this feature still possible for CB < 2.0 ?!
How would this be done, when you don´t have an assigned tab per field? Is there any other categorization like category/tag ?

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  • krileon
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12 years 10 months ago - 12 years 10 months ago #172239 by krileon
Replied by krileon on topic Re: Feature request for Connections plugin

I remember (my) a feature request to improve the field management in backend. The idea was to sort/filter by tabs. This "little change" would improve the overview and speed in fields-manager dramaticly. Is this feature still possible for CB < 2.0 ?!

Yes, sorting, filtering, searching APIs will be better designed in CB 2.0 so any backend usage can feature them. Along with APIs for copy and export/import type features. These are all "ideas" we've down on paper and preparations for implementation (CBSubs is a huge preview of what is to come to CBs core, same for GJ 2.x). I can't guarantee any of this of course as they're ideas, but we're pretty set strong on implementing them.

How would this be done, when you don´t have an assigned tab per field? Is there any other categorization like category/tag ?

Don't fully understand the question. The idea is we'd have several field types, container types, media types. Example you could create a container field for a tab that's called "Galleries" you could create a media field for Images and essentially have a custom built image gallery. It's really vague on the details as again we're still in design process, but at this point am interested in hearing user feedback in this regard. What would YOU like it to do?

Kyle (Krileon)
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My role here is to provide guidance and assistance. I cannot provide custom code for each custom requirement. Please do not inquire me about custom development.
Last edit: 12 years 10 months ago by krileon.

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