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How can I put Group invite codes in email?

  • cpjl
  • cpjl
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11 years 9 months ago - 11 years 9 months ago #209484 by cpjl

{Using Joomla! 2.5.6 Stable [ Ember ], CB Pro quickstart downloaded yesterday}

I've been searching the forums and the internet, but no solution for the following:

-> How can I make an invite code appear in an invitation email to a new member?

I want the new user to register with an invite code rather than through the url in the email. Forum posts and fields in GroupJive suggest this should be possible, but how?

Things I've done so far:
- set the field invite_code in the CB Field Manager to 'Required' (Profile and Searchable disabled, Registration and Published enabled)
- added [code] and [invite_code] to line 338 in language.php where the text for the invitation email is defined
- paged through all the configuration pages and tabs for Community Builder and GroupJive
- checked Community Builder | Plugin Management | CB Invites | Configuration (foud a header and footer here, but they don't show up in emails either)
- pulled out some more hairs & created a forum post to ask for help.

Is there something I missed in the configuration?

Last edit: 11 years 9 months ago by cpjl. Reason: stupid spelling mistakes

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  • krileon
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11 years 9 months ago - 11 years 9 months ago #209502 by krileon
GJ doesn't have an invite code field. It does generate invite codes, but they're not exactly used how you're wanting (you'd need to manually add the code to a field, you'd need to check that field with CB Auto Actions, etc..). What you're wanting is provided via CB Invites where the "invite_code" field is provided, but it only works with invites sent by CB Invites. Set the "invite_code" field to required and they'd require a valid invite to join (through CB Invites).

Kyle (Krileon)
Community Builder Team Member
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Last edit: 11 years 9 months ago by krileon.

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  • cpjl
  • cpjl
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11 years 9 months ago #209509 by cpjl
Understood - thanks for the quick answer.


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