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CB + Social fields...

11 years 8 months ago - 11 years 8 months ago #210338 by vptechnology
CB + Social fields... was created by vptechnology
Originally posted under my personal account (Kindred) but was required to post this here...

We have community builder installed, and groupJive and CB connect installed as plugins (amongst others)

In the CB profile are fields listed as fb_userid, twitter_userid, google_userid, linkedin_userid and windowslive_userid

(I assume that these are related to the CB Connect plugin.)

If I add a value to the field in the joomla/CB admin, then that field can be displayed on the user's CB profile in the front-end.
However, I can't seem to find any way to allow the USER to set these fields or to connect the existing Joomla Account to one (or more) of the social accounts.
(the system DOES show the two configured social connect options (facebook and twitter) as options during login... but nowhere can I find how to associate an existing Joomla account with the social account)

I have added the social fields to a tab, called "Social Connect"
Those fields with values show up on the user's profile DISPLAY.
When I got to edit my profile on the front end, the social connect tab is empty.

CB 1.8.1
GroupJive 2.5.3
CB Connect 3.3.11

(note: updated to the most recent versions just now, still having issues)

I am getting very frustrated and I am sure it's because I forgot something which is not in an obvious place or setting....
What am I missing?

Last edit: 11 years 8 months ago by vptechnology.

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  • krileon
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11 years 8 months ago - 11 years 8 months ago #210378 by krileon
Replied by krileon on topic Re: CB + Social fields...
You do not set this field. Nor do users set this field. It is set when someone registers or links with their social site account using CB Connect. It's available in backend for management purposes or encase it needs to be cleared if wrong user was linked.

To associate an existing account login normally. Now click the button of your choosing in your CB Login module.

You do not edit social fields. They are display only and are based off a users provided social site ID after registering or linking with CB Connect.

Kyle (Krileon)
Community Builder Team Member
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Last edit: 11 years 8 months ago by krileon.

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