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[#7877] Editing Privacy on a user's field in admin panel fails

4 years 3 months ago - 4 years 3 months ago #317022 by JagaTelesin
Joomla version: 3.9.15 Stable
CB Core: 2.4.3+build.2020.
Privacy plugin: 6.1.0+build.2019.

Editing a user on the back-end (Joomla admin panel -> Community Builder -> User Management) I can change field values, but when I attempt to change privacy settings on that field, the icon/text on the button goes grey (not black like an accepted setting would be), and never changes to black. If I save (or save & close) the user, then re-open them for editing again, the setting shows the unchanged value. If I am editing the privacy and change it back to it's original value, it stays grey (both icon & text). It appears like any change to a privacy setting is not accepted in the back-end.

This happens when editing any user type on the back-end: Super users, or regular Registered users. The account used to login for editing on the back end is the original Joomla Super User account. I have not blocked back-end access for editing privacy options.

Editing them via the front-end however (using the same Super User login), does work. Changed privacy on any field does not 'go grey', it changes to black and will save appropriately.
Last edit: 4 years 3 months ago by krileon. Reason: Added [#7877] tag to subject

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4 years 3 months ago #317031 by krileon
Not sure what you mean by goes grey. Can you provide a screenshot of the issue? Appears to be working fine in my tests. Are you using a custom backend Joomla template? If so switch back to default Isis backend template and see if issue persists. It's also possible something in one of the tabs is causing a JS error causing the CB Privacy JS to fail. Try unpublishing non-core tabs within CB > Tab Management 1 by 1 until issue resolves to see if it's a conflict from another tab or field on a tab.

Kyle (Krileon)
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4 years 3 months ago - 4 years 3 months ago #317055 by JagaTelesin
Attaching two images of what I'm seeing. The first is right after opening the user's record for edit - the field shows permissions to the right with a black icon, and black text.

The second is after choosing a new privacy setting for the field - it changes color on the icon & text to grey, and the privacy setting is never saved on the back-end.

Changing front-end privacy on any field for any user works fine. I'm using the default Isis template for the Admin panel. I had CacheCleaner (plugin from Regular Labs) installed, but deactivating or uninstalling it doesn't change the symptom. I am using a RocketTheme Gantry 5 template for the front-end, but as indicated privacy changes work fine using it. I have RokBooster installed, but disabling it doesn't resolve the issue.

I see the following error line pop up in the Development console for the browser when attempting to change a privacy setting:

jquery-2.2.4.min.js?v=5eb7f75c6a9b7577:1 POST 401

That makes it look like there's a permissions error with the attempt to edit the privacy field for that data field (a 401 result), but it's just a guess. I am using SSL across the entire site, for all pages (self-signed cert on the server).

I unpublished all non-core CB tabs, with no change in behavior.

If it was a server setting, it should be blocking front-end changes along with back-end changes (both use AJAX), but it isn't. I'm at a loss for why it is happening.
Last edit: 4 years 3 months ago by JagaTelesin.

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4 years 3 months ago #317068 by krileon
It shouldn't be sending an HTTP request at all. Ajax privacy rule saving has no purpose in profile edit and is used for other usecases. I am guessing you enabled ajax globally within CB Privacy > Parameters > Privacy > Display. If so disable it or disable it individually within your fields integration parameters. Privacy rules for user edit are saved at time of user save.

Kyle (Krileon)
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My role here is to provide guidance and assistance. I cannot provide custom code for each custom requirement. Please do not inquire me about custom development.
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4 years 3 months ago #317083 by JagaTelesin
That appears to have fixed it. It's unfortunate that you can't change the privacy field without saving the entire record, but whatever works.

Thank you.

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  • krileon
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4 years 3 months ago #317093 by krileon
The ajax behavior should work. This helps confirm a bug. Have added a bug ticket to investigate why the ajax save is failing for profile edit privacy controls.

Kyle (Krileon)
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