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Cannot edit user from backend...

  • hmpress
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1 year 6 months ago #332413 by hmpress
Replied by hmpress on topic Cannot edit user from backend...
Thank you! That made some progress!
The call stack for the Edit Profile link, now, is:

Call stack
#    Function    Location
1    ()    JROOT/components/com_comprofiler/plugin/user/plug_cbcore/library/Field/ImageField.php:1348
2    readdir()    JROOT/components/com_comprofiler/plugin/user/plug_cbcore/library/Field/ImageField.php:1348
3    CB\Plugin\Core\Field\ImageField->displayImagesGallery()    JROOT/components/com_comprofiler/plugin/user/plug_cbcore/library/Field/ImageField.php:1209
4    CB\Plugin\Core\Field\ImageField->_htmlEditForm()    JROOT/components/com_comprofiler/plugin/user/plug_cbcore/library/Field/ImageField.php:133
5    CB\Plugin\Core\Field\ImageField->getField()    JROOT/libraries/CBLib/CB/Legacy/cbFieldHandler.php:101
6    cbFieldHandler->getFieldRow()    JROOT/libraries/CBLib/CB/Legacy/cbPluginHandler.php:880
7    cbPluginHandler->call()    JROOT/libraries/CBLib/CB/Legacy/cbPluginHandler.php:1076
8    cbPluginHandler->callField()    JROOT/libraries/CBLib/CB/Legacy/cbTabs.php:1579
9    cbTabs->_getSingleFieldContent()    JROOT/libraries/CBLib/CB/Legacy/cbTabs.php:1494
10    cbTabs->_getFieldsContents()    JROOT/libraries/CBLib/CB/Legacy/cbTabs.php:1256
11    cbTabs->_getEditTabContents()    JROOT/libraries/CBLib/CB/Legacy/cbTabs.php:881
12    cbTabs->getEditTabs()    JROOT/components/com_comprofiler/comprofiler.html.php:192
13    HTML_comprofiler::userEdit()    JROOT/components/com_comprofiler/comprofiler.php:458
14    userEdit()    JROOT/components/com_comprofiler/comprofiler.php:108
15    require_once()    JROOT/libraries/src/Dispatcher/LegacyComponentDispatcher.php:71
16    Joomla\CMS\Dispatcher\LegacyComponentDispatcher::Joomla\CMS\Dispatcher\{closure}()    JROOT/libraries/src/Dispatcher/LegacyComponentDispatcher.php:73
17    Joomla\CMS\Dispatcher\LegacyComponentDispatcher->dispatch()    JROOT/libraries/src/Component/ComponentHelper.php:355
18    Joomla\CMS\Component\ComponentHelper::renderComponent()    JROOT/libraries/src/Application/SiteApplication.php:200
19    Joomla\CMS\Application\SiteApplication->dispatch()    JROOT/libraries/src/Application/SiteApplication.php:241
20    Joomla\CMS\Application\SiteApplication->doExecute()    JROOT/libraries/src/Application/CMSApplication.php:294
21    Joomla\CMS\Application\CMSApplication->execute()    JROOT/includes/app.php:61
22    require_once()    JROOT/index.php:32 

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  • krileon
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1 year 6 months ago #332424 by krileon
Replied by krileon on topic Cannot edit user from backend...
It's the same issue. It's erroring trying to read your image gallery directory. Either the directory doesn't exist or isn't accessible. Edit your image fields then under Parameters > Image Gallery verify Path is either empty or correctly set. If it is set then verify the directory it's set to actually exists. If empty verify /images/comprofiler/gallery exists (this is created on install so you could install CB over itself to recreate it if missing).

Kyle (Krileon)
Community Builder Team Member
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Please note I am available Monday - Friday from 8:00 AM CST to 4:00 PM CST. I am away on weekends (Saturday and Sunday) and if I've missed your post on or before a weekend after business hours please wait for the next following business day (Monday) and will get to your issue as soon as possible, thank you.
My role here is to provide guidance and assistance. I cannot provide custom code for each custom requirement. Please do not inquire me about custom development.

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  • hmpress
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1 year 6 months ago - 1 year 6 months ago #332590 by hmpress
Replied by hmpress on topic Cannot edit user from backend...
Thank you for helping me fix my mess! I finally found and fixed all the image parameters.

However now during registration, all of the CB fields except Username, Name, and Email are unable to save to the comprofiler table in the database. Below is the call stack. Could you, again, point me in the right direction to resolve the issue? 
Call stack#FunctionLocation
1()     JROOT/libraries/vendor/joomla/database/src/Mysqli/MysqliStatement.php:433
2 mysqli_stmt->execute()     JROOT/libraries/vendor/joomla/database/src/Mysqli/MysqliStatement.php:433
3 Joomla\Database\Mysqli\MysqliStatement->execute()     JROOT/libraries/vendor/joomla/database/src/DatabaseDriver.php:675
4 Joomla\Database\DatabaseDriver->execute()     JROOT/libraries/vendor/joomla/database/src/Mysqli/MysqliDriver.php:776
5 Joomla\Database\Mysqli\MysqliDriver->insertObject()     JROOT/libraries/CBLib/CBLib/Database/Driver/CmsDatabaseDriver.php:531
6 CBLib\Database\Driver\CmsDatabaseDriver->insertObject()     JROOT/libraries/CBLib/CB/Database/Table/ComprofilerTable.php:90
7 CB\Database\Table\ComprofilerTable->storeNew()     JROOT/libraries/CBLib/CB/Database/Table/UserTable.php:648
8 CB\Database\Table\UserTable->store()     JROOT/libraries/CBLib/CB/Database/Table/UserTable.php:1116
9 CB\Database\Table\UserTable->saveSafely()     JROOT/components/com_comprofiler/comprofiler.php:1072
10 saveRegistration()JROOT/components/com_comprofiler/comprofiler.php:144
11 require_once()     JROOT/libraries/src/Dispatcher/LegacyComponentDispatcher.php:71
12 Joomla\CMS\Dispatcher\LegacyComponentDispatcher::Joomla\CMS\Dispatcher\{closure}()     JROOT/libraries/src/Dispatcher/LegacyComponentDispatcher.php:73
13 Joomla\CMS\Dispatcher\LegacyComponentDispatcher->dispatch()     JROOT/libraries/src/Component/ComponentHelper.php:355
14 Joomla\CMS\Component\ComponentHelper::renderComponent()     JROOT/libraries/src/Application/SiteApplication.php:200
15 Joomla\CMS\Application\SiteApplication->dispatch()     JROOT/libraries/src/Application/SiteApplication.php:241
16 Joomla\CMS\Application\SiteApplication->doExecute()     JROOT/libraries/src/Application/CMSApplication.php:294
17 Joomla\CMS\Application\CMSApplication->execute()     JROOT/includes/app.php:61
18 require_once()     JROOT/index.php:32
Last edit: 1 year 6 months ago by hmpress. Reason: details

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  • krileon
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1 year 6 months ago #332591 by krileon
Replied by krileon on topic Cannot edit user from backend...

However now during registration, all of the CB fields except Username, Name, and Email are unable to save to the comprofiler table in the database. Below is the call stack. Could you, again, point me in the right direction to resolve the issue? 

Is there an error happening when doing this?

It really seams like SP Transfer quite frankly just mangled your install. None of this should really be a problem. My recommendation is to just upgrade Joomla 3 to Joomla 4 then move the necessary database tables over to your new install and you should have a completely functional migration of user data on a clean Joomla. The tables you'd need to migrate are as follows.


All tables beginning with any of the following.


Kyle (Krileon)
Community Builder Team Member
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If I've missed your support post with a delay of 3 days or greater and are a Professional, Developer, or CBSubs subscriber please send me a private message with your thread and will reply when possible!
Please note I am available Monday - Friday from 8:00 AM CST to 4:00 PM CST. I am away on weekends (Saturday and Sunday) and if I've missed your post on or before a weekend after business hours please wait for the next following business day (Monday) and will get to your issue as soon as possible, thank you.
My role here is to provide guidance and assistance. I cannot provide custom code for each custom requirement. Please do not inquire me about custom development.

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  • hmpress
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1 year 6 months ago - 1 year 6 months ago #332592 by hmpress
Replied by hmpress on topic Cannot edit user from backend...
The only thing that I transferred with SP Transfer were the contents of the database tables, into a clean installation of Community Builder in Joomla 4, so that process should not have been a problem.

I had started getting jquery migrate deprecation notices. By disabling jquery in CB I resolved those. But still, the content of the registration form fields is not writing to the comprofiler table.

Now I am seeing this...
array:2 [ "message" => "Since joomla/database 2.0.0: Joomla\Database\Query\LimitableInterface() is deprecated and will be removed in 3.0, all query objects should implement Joomla\Database\QueryInterface instead. - [ROOT]/libraries/vendor/symfony/deprecation-contracts/function.php - Line 25" "caller" => ":"

I have been successfully using CB for at least 15 years and have never had this many problems. I will keep plugging away at it, but if you have any ideas, please let me know.
Last edit: 1 year 6 months ago by hmpress. Reason: details

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  • krileon
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1 year 6 months ago #332603 by krileon
Replied by krileon on topic Cannot edit user from backend...
Be sure you've the latest CB release installed. Next be sure all your plugins are completely up to date. Now run the database fix tools in CB > Tools to see if there's any database errors.

Migrating CB takes more than a database migration. There's files to be concern about as well like avatars and various other uploads in plugins. Be sure you've also migrated the below folder.


You likely have other extensions that might also have files that need to be moved.

I have been successfully using CB for at least 15 years and have never had this many problems. I will keep plugging away at it, but if you have any ideas, please let me know.

My recommendation is to just upgrade Joomla 3 to Joomla 4. You don't need a tool for this migration. I'm not the developer of that tool. I do not know what it did or did not do to your files or database.

Kyle (Krileon)
Community Builder Team Member
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If you are a Professional, Developer, or CB Paid Subscriptions subscriber and have a support issue please always post in your respective support forums for best results!
If I've missed your support post with a delay of 3 days or greater and are a Professional, Developer, or CBSubs subscriber please send me a private message with your thread and will reply when possible!
Please note I am available Monday - Friday from 8:00 AM CST to 4:00 PM CST. I am away on weekends (Saturday and Sunday) and if I've missed your post on or before a weekend after business hours please wait for the next following business day (Monday) and will get to your issue as soon as possible, thank you.
My role here is to provide guidance and assistance. I cannot provide custom code for each custom requirement. Please do not inquire me about custom development.

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