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[#7558] Billing Address Issue with

  • beat
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4 years 8 months ago #315235 by beat

Proteon wrote: Yes, the state field is working. However, the Company and Phone fields are still blank (even though filled in during the registration, and are properly mapped in CBSubs config). Attached is the email from , where you can see those fields being blank.

File Attachment:

File Name: auth.txt
File Size:1 KB

Company and Phone are not part of the standard fields that are transmitted to a credit-card acquirer and not needed for AVS, as credit-cards are always in a person's name.

Therefore they do not appear on the payment form. And therefore they are not transmitted to the acquirer.

This makes sense for privacy reasons and is conform to privacy regulations ("need to know" / GDPR regulations).

Any reason you need that ?

(sorry for slow reply here)

Beat - Community Builder Team Member

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  • Proteon
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4 years 8 months ago #315266 by Proteon
Well, is supporting "Company" and "Phone" fields. So, why not pass (or make an option in CB so that I can choose to pass if I want to) those fields to ?

Our clients are receiving the email from , and that email message has those fields missing, despite the user entering those information. So, as a vendor, I just can't explain why those fields are missing in the email message despite the users entering them.

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  • beat
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4 years 8 months ago #315269 by beat
The fields that is receiving are related to the credit card for AVS purposes only and correspond to the last form that the user can adapt to correspond to the credit card, if it differs from the invoicing address. It is not the invoicing address or e.g. the delivery address.

Actually, you can, and should, parameter your account to not send emails to your customers, as CBSubs can do that with your own customer data.

Beat - Community Builder Team Member

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  • Proteon
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4 years 8 months ago #315293 by Proteon
That email is actually an email for the owners, and not the users. And the owners want to know those two important information from the email without having to login to Joomla and go to CB.

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  • krileon
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4 years 8 months ago #315295 by krileon
You could use CBSubs Emails to setup your plans to email the owners details directly from CB.

Kyle (Krileon)
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