It's that time again! I've begun major work on the next plugin on my task list. Currently it's CB Auto Actions. It is undergoing its major rewrite finally as version 7.0.0. A lot of improvements are on the way. From UX improvements, performance improvements, new functionality for actions, and more. Check out some of the details below.
It's finally here! We've officially implemented our own Install From Web directly within Community Builder. This will allow updating and installing any of our downloads directly from within your Community Builder installation. Check out the details below!
Ok, looks like it's time for another update. I think this one everyone will get pretty excited over. The long over do uploading of media directly on an activity or comment stream is coming. Check out a preview below.
The rewrite progress for CB ProfileBook is moving along swiftly. So far all 3 tabs have had their displays redesigned to match today's standards and better fit in with core CB. The blogs tab better displays like a blog and sort of follows the design of our own blogs here. The wall tab behaviors more like the wall found in GJ from the GJ Wall integration. The guestbook tab is and interesting combination of the wall and the rating functionality that was already present. Check out the new designs below!
It's that time again! Swapping to another project. This time it's a complete rewrite of CB ProfileBook from the ground up. Backwards compatibility will be kept as much as possible in regards to functionality. Additionally many features you're accustomed to in other plugins will be made available. Check out the details below.
CB Privacy has been completely rewritten from the ground up with a new API and more optimized usage. Each privacy control can be different from one another. No more "all or nothing" approach. You can override the privacy rules available, the layout, and even the template on a per privacy selector basis! The API has also been redone in a way to be more generalized and eventually will allow controlling privacy of much more content with the help of CB Auto Actions. Check out some of the new features below!
It's time for another update as to what my current active major project is. Currently CB Privacy is being rewritten. This rewrite will improve the API significantly and hopefully be a massive performance boost to its usage to allow a lot more privacy controls on a single page with little to no performance impact. More details below!