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- Category: News
- Hits: 2684
Joomla 4.05 and 3.10.4 are here
Joomla is on fire and pushing forward with new stable releases 4.0.5 and 3.10.4 while working on Joomla 4.1, already available as beta.
Joomla 4.0.5 and Joomla 3.10.4 are considered as bug fixes releases also containing some improvements.
Joomla 4.0.5 addresses several bugs, including:
- PHP 8.1 compatibility patches
- RTL Styling Simplifications
- Tinymce plugin configuration styling improvements
- Fix Joomla Page Cache when System Page Cache plugin is enabled
- Fix SQL Error edge case in the template override update view
Github has a full list of bug fixes for Joomla 4.0.5.
Joomla 3.10.3 addresses several bugs, including:
- PHP 8.1 compatibility patches
- Update cacert.pem as of: Tue Oct 26 03:12:05 2021 GMT
- Fix wrong input filter type for extension names of site and admin languages in the extensions installer
- Fix tinymce issues when resorting happens
Github has a full list of bug fixes for Joomla 3.10.4.
Community Builder 2.6.4 (latest build) and all Joomlapolis add-ons run just fine on both environments.
You can learn more about these new releases by reading the Joomla 4.0.5/3.10.4 announcement.
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- Category: News
- Hits: 1697
CB Paid Subscriptions (CBSubs) 4.5.3 comes with an important compatibility fix for another unexpected Paypal.com API change that happened a few days ago!
In this picture, you can see an example of an order with a staged discount, a markup and time-based sales tax.
CB Paid Subscriptions (CBSubs GPL) 4.5.3 is a compatibility and maintenance release, with some minor but noteworthy improvements. CBSubs 4.5.3 improves massively filters for searching and filtering payments in the payments management in the administration area. It also improves the flexibility of texts in payment method selections, by adding possible conditionality on the auto-recurring status of the basket and of the selected payment method when using radio-type selection.
Finally, CBSubs 4.5.3 is a compatibility release, bringing full compatibility with Joomla 4 and 3.x, with other extensions using same libraries as CBSubs but in different versions, improves API usage with Paypal, Stripe and latest AcyMailing.
CBSubs 4.5.3 also addresses a major API bug of Paypal.com affecting completion of some payments if any payment-related description text is non-ASCII (which can happen when using username substitution in the item description text).
CBSubs 4.5.3 is a highly recommended upgrade for all sites, especially for sites using Paypal (standard), Stripe and/or AcyMailing.
CBSubs 4.5.3 is fully compatible with Joomla 4.0, PHP 8.0 and MySQL 8.0, in addition of Joomla 3.x, PHP 7.x/5.6 and MySQL 5.5-8.0.
CBSubs 4.5.3 is available in our Downloads section and simply requires an active subscription to CBSubs. It is a highly recommended upgrade and requires and works great with latest CB 2.6.4 and Joomla 3.x-4.0.
Please note that the next features release of CBSubs, which will be 4.6, and will require PHP 7.4, like already announced since quite some time for CB 2.7.
Full changelog with the over 10 improvements and 20 bugfixes is available, and CBSubs 4.5.3 is also installed on our demo site.
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- Category: News
- Hits: 2044
Joomla 4.04 and 3.10.3 are here
The Joomla project team has recently released Joomla 4.0.4 and Joomla 3.10.3 - both are considered as bug fixes releases also containing some improvements.
Joomla 4.0.4 addresses several bugs, including:
- Bootstrap Upgrade to 5.1.2
- Major restructure to the updater code base
- Fix TinyMCE templates not loading in certain OS’s (e.g. Alpine Linux)
- Tags created date changed when the server wasn’t in a UTC timezone
Github has a full list of bug fixes for Joomla 4.0.4.
Joomla 3.10.3 addresses several bugs, including:
- Fix an calendar error with IE11
- Update the cacert file
- Improve the loading of tags on the contacts component
Github has a full list of bug fixes for Joomla 3.10.3.
Reminder: Please upgrade any Joomla 3.x installation to 3.10 in preparation of upcoming CB 2.7 release.
Community Builder 2.6.4 (latest build) and all Joomlapolis add-ons should install and run just fine on both environments.
You can learn more about these new releases by reading the Joomla 4.0.4/3.10.3 announcement.
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- Category: News
- Hits: 2727
Community Builder 2.6.4 can be freely downloaded by all registered members
We just released Community Builder 2.6.4, with 8 improvements. CB 2.6.4 is compatible with Joomla 4.0 and Joomla 3.10.
CB 2.6.4 improves privacy in the integrated private messaging system (PMS) and for the IP address logging.
Following feedback from users on the CB 2.6.3 release with newly introduced PMS system message reporting function we have reviewed and improved private messages management in the administration area.
Super-Users can now enable private message management in administration backend (disabled by default) and set Joomla access permissions for situations that require this (restricted by default to Super-Users). All message management accesses are logged using the Joomla log. This cannot be turned off.
The second important privacy improvement is the optional anonymized logging of IP addresses that can be turned on as required.
Details can be found in the full CB 2.6.4 changelog.
Community Builder 2.6.4 is a highly recommended upgrade for all CB sites on Joomla 3.x and 4.0.
Unless you are just upgrading from 2.6.1, 2.6.2 or 2.6.3, as always, you should first test on a cloned environment before upgrading your production site.
Our demo website has already been updated to Community Builder 2.6.4, so you can see it in action along will all our Joomlapolis add-ons.
Keep your hosting and Joomla up to date for next Community Builder 2.7!
Our next planed release, Community Builder 2.7, will be released very soon. As already announced in CB 2.6.0, CB 2.6.1, CB 2.6.2 and CB 2.6.3 news, CB 2.7 will require PHP 7.4+ and MySql 5.6+. The upgrade/install process will check these requirements.
As Joomla 3.10 is now the only maintained 3.x series and a simple one-click backwards compatible upgrade from Joomla 3.9.x, we are revisiting our Joomla requirement for next Community Builder 2.7 to Joomla 3.10 (up from now unmaintained 3.9 series 3.9.0, released 3 years ago).
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- Category: News
- Hits: 1865
Community Builder 2.6.3 can be freely downloaded by all registered members
We just released Community Builder 2.6.3, with two improvements and 9 fixes, mainly for all discovered and known compatibility issues for Joomla 4.0 while keeping Joomla 3.10 compatibility.
CB 2.6.3 contains 7 minor compatibility fixes for Joomla 4.0 and 2 minor bug fixes, and has 2 major improvements to the integrated private messaging system (PMS).
The PMS system now has a message reporting function and an important privacy improvement. Users can now report messages to moderators and Super-administrators can now only see system messages and messages to all users in the Joomla administration.
Details can be found in the full CB 2.6.3 changelog.
Community Builder 2.6.3 is a highly recommended upgrade for all CB sites on Joomla 3.x and 4.0.
Unless you are just upgrading from 2.6.1 or 2.6.2, as always, you should first test on a cloned environment before upgrading your production site.
Our demo website has already been updated to Community Builder 2.6.3, so you can see it in action along will all our Joomlapolis add-ons.
Keep your hosting and Joomla up to date for next Community Builder 2.7!
Our next planed release, Community Builder 2.7, will be released soon. As already announced in CB 2.6.0, CB 2.6.1 and CB 2.6.2 news, CB 2.7 will require PHP 7.4+ and MySql 5.6+. The upgrade/install process will check these requirements.
As Joomla 3.10 is now the only maintained 3.x series and a simple one-click backwards compatible upgrade from Joomla 3.9.x, we are revisiting our Joomla requirement for next Community Builder 2.7 to Joomla 3.10 (up from now unmaintained 3.9 series 3.9.0, released 3 years ago).
- Joomla 4.0.3 and Joomla 3.10.2 are here!
- Joomla 4.0.1/4.0.2 and Joomla 3.10.1 are here!
- Joomla 4 - a CMS with a great future!
- Community Builder 2.6.2 Release!
- Community Builder 2.6.1 Release!
- Get ready for Joomla 4!
- Joomla 4 RC4 and Joomla 3.10 alpha 9 are here!
- Joomla 3.9.28 security and bug fixes release
- Joomla 4 RC3 and Joomla 3.10 alpha 8 are here!
- Joomla 4 RC2 an Joomla 3.10 alpha 7 are here!