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[#6920] CB Gallery page never finishes loading

  • mboaria
  • mboaria
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6 years 7 months ago #300203 by mboaria
Replied by mboaria on topic CB GALLERY CAUSES SLOW PAGE
You are right, my IT manager have changed the permissions some minutos ago. Please let me tell him to restore the right permissions. I will notify you when this get done.


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  • mboaria
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6 years 7 months ago #300204 by mboaria
Replied by mboaria on topic CB GALLERY CAUSES SLOW PAGE
I have sent you PM with windows login details.


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  • mboaria
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6 years 7 months ago #300216 by mboaria
Replied by mboaria on topic CB GALLERY CAUSES SLOW PAGE
Hi! Could you log in joomla administration? Just to confirm. Thanks

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  • krileon
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6 years 7 months ago #300217 by krileon
Replied by krileon on topic CB GALLERY CAUSES SLOW PAGE
Have reviewed your install. Someone altered the images after they were uploaded and changed their filesizes. This causes the cached filesize to no longer match the filesize of the image. The result is the header returns the wrong content-length causing the page to never finish loading as it's expecting more data than it received.

As the cached values were intended for display purposes only I am implementing a fix for it to stop using cached values for header usage when outputting media. I've already installed the fixed build on your site where everything is now working fine. Bug ticket regarding this issue can be found below.

Kyle (Krileon)
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  • mboaria
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6 years 7 months ago #300232 by mboaria
Replied by mboaria on topic CB GALLERY CAUSES SLOW PAGE
Hi! Perfect now it load faster. We installed some days ago the extension ImageRecycle in order to reduce size images. So that plugin probably causes the problem. Could you recommend us any other plugin to compress and reduce size images?

When you open a photo in CB GALLERY and click on the arrow to the next image it takes some time to load it, is there anyway to speed up it?


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  • mboaria
  • mboaria
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6 years 7 months ago #300234 by mboaria
Replied by mboaria on topic CB GALLERY CAUSES SLOW PAGE
Please tell us more about what causes the problem please, the only thing we did in joomla was installed that plugin . Now it is desactivated, so we can not use it?


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