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- Category: News
- Hits: 12763
We are very proud and excited to release version 1.0 of the new CB Bootstrap template.
This marks a very crucial CB 2.0 milestone that enhances the look and feel of Community Builder as we know it.
The CB Bootstrap template is currently available to all Developer members and once sufficient feedback is given it will become part of the Professional membership and it wil be included in the CB Quickstart PRO package.
You can see this new CB template in action on our CB Quickstart PRO demo site and see what a huge difference a nice clean template can make.
This new CB Template runs on CB 1.8.1 and integrates seamlessly with existing CB Team plugins including CB GroupJive and CBSubs.
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- Category: News
- Hits: 16023
We are very excited to release the first Community Builder Quickstart PRO package that can be downloaded and installed as a single Joomla 2.5 extension.
This single download will socially kickstart your new Communiity Builder website. The package will install CB 1.8.1 (component and modules) and selected add-ons and will automatically configure them for you!
CB configuration settings, Joomla settings, module publishing, CB plugin and tabs, Joomla menus - everything is preconfigured for you and ready for your final touches based on your existing template and menu structure.
It will even adjust Joomla configuration for you to disable direct registration and Joomla login module, and replace them by the CB registration and CB login module.
The following items are included in CB Quickstart PRO:
- Latest CB (component and modules) with basic configuration done and member user list created
- Joomla CB Core redirect plugin
- Joomla CB search plugin
- Joomla CB Authorbot plugin
- CB Content bot
- Profilebook plugin and module
- Profile Gallery plugin and module
- CB Activity plugin
- CB Last views
- CB Invites
- CB Captcha
- CB Facebook Connect (needs to be configured on Facebook side)
- CB Twitter Connect (needs to be configured on Twitter side)
- Video, Rating and Ajax file field plugins (enabled and waiting for you to create new fields)
- GroupJive plugins and module
- CB Content module (not enabled)
- CB Admin Navigation module
Everything is pre-configured for you and all menu items are created in a new Community Builder menu module. All you need is to adjust items to fit in with your existing template and website structure.
All Professional members can download the CB QuickstRT PRO package from the Professional download area.
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- Category: News
- Hits: 10548
Joomla 2.5.6 with the CB Team proposed patch can now support Joomla article author name linking back to CB user profile of author.
CB Author bot is a Joomla 2.5.6+ compatible content plugin that when installed (as a Joomla extension) and enabled (from Joomla extension plugin manager) will replace the Joomla article author name display to the CB formatted name style and link this back to the CB user profile of the author.
This Joomla content plugin is freely available to all Joomlapolitans from the Free Download area.
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- Category: News
- Hits: 13821
The CB Team has just released the brand new CB Activity plugin for Professional and Developer members.
Promote and encourage your membership participation with realtime activity streaming on your website.
This add-on will bring new life to your website by showcasing your membership activities in a prominent and stylish fashion.
Activity events that can be configured are:
- new member announcements (registration event)
- sign-in alerts (login event)
- sign-offs (logout event)
- new friendships (connection events)
- profile changes (profile update events)
- image changes (profile image updates)
- guestbook entries (profilebook guestbook tab)
- blog tab entries (profilebook blog tab)
- wall tab entries (profilebook wall tab)
- gallery entries (profilegallery tab items)
- blog entries (CB Blog publications)
- group activities (all GroupJive events)
- forum posts (Kunena forum integration)
Users will be able to see their latest activities and the activities of their connections on their user profile Activity tab. When viewing another user's Activity tab they will be able to see the activities of that user and of his/her connections.
The entire activity of your community (respecting members' privacy settings) is also available in a component-type view using a Joomla menu item type.
The CB Activity plugin is also available from the Packager Installer and it will be further enhanced and integrated in Community Builder 2.0.
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- Category: News
- Hits: 9052
The recent back to back releases of Joomla 2.5.5 and Joomla 2.5.6 and the internal rush to push a CB 1.8.1 quality release out to the general public reminded me of my AT&T Bell Labs days back in the late 1980's.
It was a period that was inspired by quality metrics and improvement discussions. Phrases like "improve quality by a factor of X in Y years" were common in almost every single presentation or discussion.
In fact we were instructed by our supervisor to make sure we mentioned something about quality in all our talks back then.
I was preparing a talk about a new telecommunications service and how our internal newtwork design tool could support it when I realized that I had not said anything at all about the big Q word. So I prepared an extra single slide to start off my presentation and get the Q stuff over with so I could continue with the real (in my mind back then) important content.
- New Package Installer for our 101 add-ons!
- JAB12 aftermath and the bright future
- We're off to see the wizards
- CBSubs 2.0 is here with new powerful features!
- J and Beyond 2012 - Simply the best!
- CB GroupJive 2.5 is here!
- Community Builder 1.8 is here!
- CBSubs 1.3 RC + Mailer + 8 new Gateways + more
- CBSubs 1.3 Pre-announcement
- Joomla 2.5 and life-cycle guide